The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    "I'm A Democrat" And "I'm A Republican"

    This is the best, most succinct argument I've seen for doing the right thing on healthcare.  It's far more honest than any of the garbage coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill.  It isn't long and it's the truth. ...
    Richard Day's picture


    Al Capone All righty then. The House of Representatives has passed a health care act that is 2000 pages long, and we all wish to know what happens now.Please take time to at least check out Ducky's take on...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-XIII: The Mange

    Our detective was hard at work in his office, trying to sort things out. Now we have three more murders outside of Pierre and just outside of a giant stag.We are all just poor players on the stag.Jeeeeeeeeez I...
    Richard Day's picture


       On a more important note:   There was a monumental, historical step taken yesterday in the People's House. There were sooooo many issues involved that we could do three hundred blogs (not that we could not find three hundred...
    stillidealistic's picture


    There is a lot of hopelessness in America right now, just one year after the most hopeful time I can remember. So much has happened (or not happened, depending on your viewpoint.)We have gone from the tears of joy at...
    Richard Day's picture


    Representative Shadegg:   I wish this was my granddaughter," Shadegg said. "This is Maddie. Maddie believes in freedom. Maddie likes America because we have freedom here. And Maddie believes in patient choice health care. She asked to come here...
    Barth's picture

    Missing President Bush but trying to learn lessons anyway

    Do we miss him yet? Republicans surely don't, but maybe the rest of us, motivated by the daily mess created and exacerbated by the least competent person to serve as president since either Andrew Johnson or James Buchanan, do. It...
    Richard Day's picture


    Theseus and the Minotaur on 6th-century black-figure pottery F.decorate(_ge('photo_notes'),History Channel has gone Greek today. Not in the sense of Gay Spartans, but from an ancient religious perspective.You might recall that King Minos ruled Crete, the great island of the...
    quinn esq's picture

    Fort Hood - Let The Sunshine In

    A year or so ago, I ran into a song by Mike Doughty, called "Fort Hood." Interesting guy, Doughty. Son of a Vietnam vet, he grew up on military bases. Later on, he became the lead singer & moving force behind Soul...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCOXII-Secret Agent Man

      Frank awoke. Where...oh god the hospital again.  Fear almost paralyzed him but he could move his fingers and toes. It was just a dream; a dream of previous torture.He looked around, recognized his situation, and began to rise....
    Richard Day's picture


    Max Blumenthall has me laughing today. In the wake of defeat, some of Hoffman's enthusiastic backers attempted to spin his loss as a heroic moral victory. They included Erick Erickson, a popular blogger at the heavily trafficked right-wing blog,...

    3rd November 2009, another day in which the United States of America House of Representatives revealed itself to be an adjunct of Israel's Knesset, and a sock puppet for AIPAC. TITLE: Calling on the President and the Secretary of State to oppose unequivocally any endorsement or further consideration of the "Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict" in multilateral foraFINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL...


    Have you ever seen such furious derrieres!!?!!The night is young and I could be wrong. I'm writing this with only 18% of the vote from New Jersey counted and less from the Virginia governor's race and NY-23.My guess is the...
    Richard Day's picture


    Well here is a new one. I watched Rush Limbaugh during his soft ball interview with baby boy Wallace and heard him accuse our President of being a man-child:...
    Barth's picture

    One year later

    President Kennedy's inauguration on January 20, 1961 is the first Great National Event which I can actually recall. The flights of Alan B. Shepherd and John Glenn, leading to the actual exploration of another celestial body in 1969 also come...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-XI: What's It All About Algie?

    The room was white; white as a new blanket of South Dakota snow; before the car tracks, before the animal tracks and before the other inevitable pollution by nature or man.  Virgin is the appropriate word here.And it was...
    Ramona's picture

    Islands of Good in a Sea of Hate

    The Coral Ridge Hour is the brainchild of Dr D. James Kennedy, a "minister" in name only. Dr. Kennedy has been dead for more than two years, but you wouldn't know if from his website or telecasts. The faithful are carrying on his message of hate and intolerance in a fashion that would make their founder proud. It was enough to make me sick.
    Richard Day's picture

    There She Blows, Miss America!!!

    I just caught something at the Baltimore Sun. It is kind of a rehash of Rush Limbaugh by two of the reporters from But it is short and hilarious.The point of the article is that Rush is going...

    Why the Left is Impotent

    Can you hear that giant sucking sound? That's the sound of your hopes and dreams going south.List the issues where the Left has engaged and you'll arrive at about the number of issues where the Left has been powerless to...
    Richard Day's picture

    How I Know I Am Not A Good American

    In order to decide whether or not you are part of a community, part of a culture, part of a nation; you must examine your values. I mean if all those around you worship something that you despise, you...
    Barth's picture


    I came late to the bash Lieberman party. Orthodoxy, or knee jerkism has never much appealed to me and I do not expect or even want politicians to agree with me on every issue. I voted for Presidents Carter and...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Viral Demagoguery Informs CNN "News" Story About Gitmo Vaccines

    It seems CNN and Anderson Cooper's AC360 are in the tank and falling further behind in the ratings wars. It further seems that this has presented reason for the "Cable News Network" to emulate Fox News in a desire to manufacture...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-X: Invasion of the UFO's

    Sean got to the Castle Bar with the full intent of making the shuttle a designated driver. The word was that Frank was awake, like nothing had happened. But they were keeping him in the hospital for observation.He looked...
    CVille Dem's picture

    My Recent Bill for Lab Work

    I just got a bill today for labwork.                 CBC:   $37Metabolic Panel:     46       Lipid Panel:     93                 TSH:     94    ...
    Richard Day's picture

    PROFESSIONAL DISTANCE: A Discussion of Health Care Reform

    On April 13, 1919 there was a massacre at a place known as the Jallianwala Bagh (Garden) in the northern Indian city of Amritsar. Thousands of people gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh (garden) near the Golden Temple in Amritsar, on...
