The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Bushwhacked by the Insurance Industry Lobbyists? Oh, The Horror!

    What a buzz kill!Actually, we can't quite say we couldn't see THIS coming.At the very start of this latest effort to reform our health care system, the Obama Team made it very clear that the number one priority was to make certain...
    we are stardust's picture

    Marcy Kaptur and Simon Johnson on Moyers: The Window May Be Closing on Financial Reform. Let's Press the Alarm Bell!

    This week on Bill Moyers Journal Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), who is on the House Budget and Oversight, Appropriations, and Government Reform Committees, and Simon Johnson, a former Chief Economist of the IMF were  on to talk about the lack of...
    Richard Day's picture


    Hey Frank, you want another beer.In a bit Sean.It's Friday Frank. Hell you are Friday Frank.Yeah yeah...All right. The others are not even here yet.  So what is the matter? Just you and me. I...I... Ah come on. Ale...
    Richard Day's picture


    Bobby Darin   Gideon's Trumpet is a wonderful flick with Henry Fonda, Based upon a true story. From his prison cell at Florida State Prison, making use of the prison library and writing in pencil on prison stationery, Gideon...
    Barth's picture


    I know.  These pages are meant for the weighty issues of our time, but I have written my diary of the week about such things and now find it is time to contemplate the winter....
    oleeb's picture

    All The King's Horses And All The King's Men Cannot Put Afghanistan Back Together Again

    While the media is doing a full court press to aid and abet the Military Industrial Complex's demand for escalating the war in Afghanistan it is increasingly clear that what they are demanding is an excercise in futility.  Instead of...
    Richard Day's picture


    Little Caesar original poster (1930) What if an attorney wrote a letter/memo to a client explaining how she did not have to withhold taxes on her employee's wages.  What if a lawyer wrote a memo telling the President of...
    Barth's picture

    Why are we in Afghanistan?

    I do not know what to do about Afghanistan. Though I was in high school when this question arose about another war, I did not know what to do about Vietnam either, but I did learn a few things watching...

    A Thought on How Deeds Might Yet Pull Out the Virginia Gov Race

    By most of the recent polls, the Democratic nominee for Virginia's next Governor, state senator Creigh Deeds, is trailing in the polls by around 7 points to his Republican challenger, Bob McDonnell. When I watch the TV ads for...
    jollyroger's picture

    Prize 4 Prez! (+) Reactionaries playing checkers; Prez playing chess; Committee playing Go

    “a stunning surprise” hardly begins to encompass the enormity!… But the back and forth over endeavor vs. success has blinded us to the brilliance of the prize committee’s work….. Update:(h/t Garrett Utley); That seismic rumble, barely audible beneath the hubub...

    Bill Moyers on Banking (updated)

    This is pretty much a duplicate of a post by Arianna Huffington highlighting tonight's topic on Bill Moyers' show - big banks and how they are screwing us all. The whole issue makes me both mad and heartsick. Here's Arianna's...
    Richard Day's picture

    A Clio Award for Bush

    Clio Award Clio Awards Okie dokie then....Our President receives a Nobel Peace Prize without any lobbying effort on his part and even appears a little embarrassed in his short speech acknowledging that he will accept it.  Only 9 months in...
    oleeb's picture

    Olbermann Donates $50K to Free Clinics, Will You Donate Too?

    Following up on his one hour Special Comment on Wednesday evening, Keith Olbermann announced on Thursday's edition of Countdown that he will donate $50,000.00 of his own money to the National Association of Free Clinics.  An impressive examply of putting one's...
    amike's picture

    Nobel Peace Prize To Obama: A nice way to greet the day

    The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee...
    Richard Day's picture


    Miguel Cabrera DOkay. It is the bottom of the third inning. The game is tied at one run each. The lead batter hits a line drive to the third basemen. The third baseman, attempting to look cool for the...
    we are stardust's picture

    American Lobbying Efforts for Micheletti in Honduras : Former ties to Hillary Clinton and John McCain. (Oops.)

    The New York Times is reporting that lobbyists have been paid at least $400,000 so far to lobby Congress on behalf of the defacto Micheletti government after Manuel Zelaya was deposed.  Cold War warriors Otto Reich, Roger Noriega, and Daniel...
    oleeb's picture

    Olbermann's Hour Long Special Comment

    Last night Keith Olbermann used the entire hour of his show Countdown for a special comment on Healthcare.  It was an extraordinary thing to do in a number of respects.  It was a bit risky and it could easily have...
    we are stardust's picture

    Senate Loosens Ban on Offshore Companies with Federal Contracts: (or) Please Piss Us Off Some More, You Bastards

    Language in the 2002 Homeland Security Act prohibited federal contracts for companies that put most of their operations offshore to limit their tax liabilities.  You may remember that the Obama White House has been trying to find some of those...
    Richard Day's picture


    David King of all Israel King David by Pedro Berruguete I was reading my friend Icky's blog today, and thought I would follow up on the new biblical reclamation project.   I reread the little article in HuffPo: Lo...

    Forgive me father for I have sinned. I believe Bush's actions were right and Obamas' wrong.

    To placate the Chinese government, President Obama's meeting this week with his holiness the Dalai Lama, was canceled.  In 2007, against China's wishes, Bush became the first US President in office to meet in public with the Dalai Lama.  At...

    NRA Pres. and His Telemarketers: I'll Give You The Truth When You Pry It From My Cold, Dead Lips

    In Phoenix this year, NRA (Natl Rifle Association) Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre quoted Mark Twain and told us that there were three kinds of lies ("plain old lies... damned lies... and statistics.")*  His set of damned lies that he wanted...

    George Will Back to His Old Nonsense

    There have been times, as when he recently raised questions about the wisdom of continuing the fighting in Afghanistan/Pakistan, when George Will seems to rise above his past, arch, too-clever-by-half partisan efforts to take Democrats and liberals down a peg. ...
    Richard Day's picture


    THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE Beaver Fossil range: Late Miocene - Recent American Beaver (Castor canadensis) There is a wonderful movie with Robert Young of all people. Young and Dorothy McGuire are misshapen and scarred people who somehow find love in...
    oleeb's picture

    White House Says: US Never Leaving Afghanistan Despite Lack Of War Aims, Obama Looking For Bipartisan Cover For Escalation

    This afternoon the AP reports that leaving the war we have already lost in Afghanistan is "not an option" according to the headline.  Really?  Leaving Afghanistan is not an option?  Says who?  Why?  In real terms then, what does this mean...
    Ramona's picture

    This Wretched, Reckless Approach to Health Care: It's Killing Us

    What matters is this: We, the citizens and taxpayers, may win a skirmish or two, but in the end Big Business will win the battle. They owned us yesterday, they own us today, and unless we finally get wise and get tough, they'll own us tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
