The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Tinker Bell (2005, bronze) by Diarmuid Byron O'Connor Sean got home that night late but sober, more or less. Certainly the beers took the edge off but the enormity of dangers, dangers created by NORTHCO, to the area was...

    Not So Fast, Joe diGenova/Victoria Toensing/Joe Arpaio/Andrew Thomas!; Oops, Republicans Already Drained Public Pool Advancing Political, Religious Causes!

    Two weeks ago, we were buzzing about "TV-lawyers-cum-DC-GOP-Power Couple" Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing dropping into Cactus Country to help outta-control Sheriff Joe Arpaio and cohort/County Attorney Andrew Thomas push forward their hasty arrest-before-indictment of County Supervisor Don Stapley.  (Zach...

    'Health Care in Black & White' Part 1 redux

    Since only eight of the vaunted "millions" of TPM users rec'd the original post and no one (huh?) commented, I'm reposting this. Lots of people who saw the trailer said they wanted to see the movie and I don't know...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Being An Ostrich Is Pretty Cool Until People Start Eating Them...

    I was born of and raised by ostriches. Then I married an ostrich, and gave birth to and raised more ostriches. Therefore it has been difficult to pull my head out of the sand and pay attention to what is...
    Ramona's picture

    No More Wind Energy Drying Devices for You!

    Homeowner's Associations across the country are warning residents that clotheslines and all the attendant paraphernalia, like clothespins and clothespin bags and laundry baskets and actual laundry will not be tolerated in plain sight of other humans.
    Richard Day's picture


    The following was discovered at HuffPo this Morning: The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the legal guidance before it is issued. "This is a major step forward," said Bruce Mirken, communications...
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Colin Powell: "Could you help a brother out?"

    We are not alone who watch in horror as Prez morphs into Lyndon Johnson. Somewhere, Colin Powell weeps. Quiet as it is kept, if Alma had the stones of Michelle, the first black president would have been a Republican. The...
    Richard Day's picture


    Flying and glowing Photinus pyralis, a firefly. Female of Lampyris noctiluca, the Common Glowworm. My Dad, he worked in a quandary in Northern Minnesota for thirty five goddamn years and never smiled except when he had the Three Stooges...

    'Health Care in Black & White' Part 1 NOW SHOWING ON YOUTUBE

    Don't press "Play" just yet.Quick promises are the least fulfilled. In previous posts I declared that the premiere of my little movie would occur within x days, and that certainly seemed likely to me at the time. Forgive my wild...
    Richard Day's picture

    Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Liar and so is Joe Scarborough

    Rush that magic slab of bacon fat is a very evil man. He gets to lie, propagandize, distort and preach hate every day for three hours and then get the MSM to quote him and replay his pontification. This week...
    Barth's picture


    The forums created by modern technology allowing for the expressions of pain that some of us feel so often to be heard by those willing to listen provide for sort of an inexpensive therapy, and there is always the chance...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Inviting Our "Bastard Brothers" to a Political Showdown

    As reported yesterday on TPM, Democracy Corps released a report that outlines a case to be made that the GOP base is "being motivated by a fundamentally different worldview than folks in the middle or on the Dem side."This report...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO TRE: The Munchkins

    Wednesday came and there were still no signs of Frank. Sean had to take the shuttle to work from the project--as they like to call it. He told Bernice in accounting that the damn car was in for repairs.I...
    oleeb's picture

    Obama SEC Appoints Fox To Guard Chicken Coop: Average American To Get Screwed Like Always

    I just saw a AP news item here on TPM announcing with the following headline:  "Goldman Exec Named First COO of SEC Enforcement."  You can find the article here: For those of you who didn't realize how rotten the...
    Barth's picture

    Filibusters (a special midweek post)

    The link here is to the Official Explanation of why, in the current view, the mere threat of a filibuster, is the same as an actual filibuster and why it takes sixty votes to pass a bill in the Senate and not...
    Richard Day's picture


    This is certainly the age of superheroes. I say this as I pay close attention to Hellboy (Heracles) cutting off the arms (heads) of the monster (hydra).  You see these 'creatures' are not created ex nihilo.Superman, Xmen, Spiderman, Batman,...
    stillidealistic's picture

    My Hair Is On Fire, Too...

    Well, I just got back in after seeing "Capitalism: A Love Story" and like FlowerChild, my hair is on fire.In the space of 2 hours and forty minutes I went from the "baby steps" I was encouraging earlier today to...
    Richard Day's picture


    Ocellaris Clownfish Scientific classificationFrank awoke in a sweat. Something was not right.There it was again. The noise is what woke him. He gathered himself and quietly exited the bed, moving quietly to the bureau and opening the lowest drawer...
    jollyroger's picture

    DISCO BISCUITS, BAD LUCK 4 SMITH & UMASS KIDS. Promoter squeezed 2 pay cops; No SALES busts--possession only! (late update)Details) This is your police in the war on drugs , update.

    The parties with the most profound interest in continuing the socially destructive, financially ruinous, politically corrupting and constitutionally unjustifiable prohibition on the use by otherwise autonomous individuals of exogenous neurotransmission modifiers are the franchisors and franchisees of the current distribution...
    Richard Day's picture


    Tony Perkins I was channel surfing about a month ago and there was Pat Robertson pontificating on the importance of off shore corporations and attacking the Obama Administration for attempting to enforce corporate tax laws at the same time as...
    oleeb's picture

    The Response If Big Insurance Kills HCR? MEDICARE FOR ALL!

    Is it really all that big a surprise that its own greed got the best of the insurance industry causing them to agressively criticize the Baucus Caucus Insurance Subsidy bill?  Despite being handed tens of millions of new customers and...
    Ramona's picture

    Americans At War over the Peace Prize: Go Figure

    We've been looking for a way to salvage our history, our heritage, our worldview and, maybe especially, our dignity. We may just have found it in the Nobel Peace Prize. So can we please let's work at keeping the shine on that medal?
    jollyroger's picture

    "HEY, HOT GIRLS!" (Jews' balls 2 small?++) Vigilantes track jewish girls & wild 'rab goy boys, Oy!

    The unfortunate return to prime ministerial power of Benjamin Netanyahu renders freshly disturbing his 2004 remarks anticipating eventual copulatory defeat for his co-religionists. Evidently unconsoled by a five to one head start, Bibi seems convinced that in the long run,...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Just Another DLC Failure on Health Care Reform

    Like many in this country, I truly thought that in choosing Obama as our President, we had at last elected a credible leader capable of pursuing legitimate change in the way business is taken care of in Washington. The dire...
    MrSmith1's picture

    The day I showed Lou Dobbs a box of Breakfast cereal ...

    I was wandering the aisles of my local Acme supermarket, the other day, wondering if I'd spot Wyle E. Coyote, when I saw Lou Dobbs.  Well, I couldn't restrain myself.  I approached him.  He was there with an assistant, whose...
