The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    MJS's picture

    Nine Out of Ten Taliban Agree: Dead Animals Do Not Belong in Polo

    At least the Taliban and I can agree on something.

    During their regime in Afghanistan, the Taliban banned the popular Central Asian sport, Buzkashi. This, uh, sport consists of horseback men riding around and trying to drag a dead calf into a ring in the sand.

    If you find this objectionable for some odd reason, don’t worry – a goat can also be used.

    Richard Day's picture


    No not that Sessions you idiots; that's Jeff Sessions and he is in the Senate of the United States of Amerika doing all the same good things his namesake does in the House of Representatives. There, that is better....
    Barth's picture

    Do We Feel Better Now?

    Our daddy has spoken to us.  He cannot tell us everything will be all right---since nobody can and unlike his predecessor he has decided that pretending to have the ability to cloud men's minds (or whatever other fictional character...
    we are stardust's picture

    The NAME THE DECADE CONTEST! (prize update)

    Lots of modern decades have been named, as in: The Roaring '20s, The Fabulous '50s, The '60s, The '80s ME decade, The Dotcom '90s...  Time Magazine is calling the almost-past one: The Decade from Hell....

    In case of thread deletion...

    ... here is the comment I posted on Resistance's "I, RESISTANCE, APOLOGIZE..." thread.   Resistance, as one who has debated/discussed - or, tried to - with you on a number of occasions, and who was just (over on my most-recent...
    Richard Day's picture

    Peter Sellers and the Minky

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec . I am not that sophisticated in my comedic tastes. I will laugh at Larry, Moe & Curly. I mean I cannot watch more than three minutes of them at one time any more, but I have...
    Barth's picture

    Run for Your Lives

    This truly pathetic item appeared today at Daily Kos. The poster calls him or herself a "progressive" but surely that was meant to throw us off the track while getting hysterical over the fact that the President is not spending...
    Richard Day's picture

    CANON TEN OF THE BLOGOSPHERE: Send in the Clowns

                                 The Clown and the tightrope walker I usually do not like rich, powerful or famous people. That is mostly because I am not rich, powerful or famous. The fame part does not bother me much because I would...
    Barth's picture

    Free Fall

    This is slightly edited from the cross-post at Daily Kos, partly because a few commenters there reminded of two points that should have been made but for the fog in this bloggers head:This is not a news bulletin nor does...
    Barth's picture

    A Jew's Christmas in the US

    To the many people who celebrate a holiday today, I wish you a Merry Christmas. I am allowed to wish you the best for your holiday, and definitely not interested in any supposed war on Christmas. Many of you have...
    Richard Day's picture

    THE CHRISTMAS BLOGS: The Vision Quest

    File links               Sir Galahad as conceived by George Frederick Watts. Now saith this story whanne Galahad had rescowed Percyual from the twenty knyghtes / he yede tho in to a waste foreste / wherin he rode many Iourneyes /...
    Ramona's picture

    'Tis the Season to be Liberal

    It's Christmas morning, early, and we're lucky enough to have been awakened by the grandkids at 6 AM to see what Santa brought.  This year Santa had to go easy, but the kids didn't seem to notice at all.  They're...
    oleeb's picture

    A Christmas Message

    During his lifetime I heard my father give this blessing countless times.  I share it this Christmas with all who are open to it and the spirit in which it is given.  Gloria In Excelcis Deo!   Go out into the world...
    Richard Day's picture


    Chiaroscuro woodcut of the Virgin and Child by Bartolommeo Coriolano, created between 1630 and 1655. Digitally restored.I was going to discuss the concept of the transcendental experience in the context of Jesus Christ from the standpoint of an amateur. ...

    Arizona Supreme Court Decides To Referee the Maricopa County Mud Fight

    WHAT A MESS!  A quick recap:  Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney have been investigating, indicting, interrogating and intimidating just about anyone they can.  Using the nation's 5th-largest court system for most of their actions, they have indicted...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Christmas Blogs; Chapter Two

                                                 St. Francis at Greccio by GiottoMatthew begins his treatise with a family tree, demonstrating that Jesus is somehow related to David and then gives his rendition of the Nativity:And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom...
    Richard Day's picture


    The 2005 Blue Room Christmas tree The first, the earliest discussion of The Beginning is an old and ancient song found in a tome known as the Old Testament.   1 In the beginning God created the heaven and...
    Richard Day's picture


    Tiger Woods is learning that, in the immortal words of Neil Sedaka, breaking up is hard to do. The New York Post reports that a lonely Tiger has isolated himself from friends. Not even buddy and former NBA star...
    we are stardust's picture

    Strong Social Movements are Critical Now or: It's RUCKUS TIME!

    This week Matt Taibbi and Robert Kuttner talked with Bill Moyers about health care reform and the President.  Both were dismayed by the hands-off approach of Obama, and discussed at length the ways that he has disappointed too many of...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Let Marketing Take Care of the Nelson/Stupak Abortion

    Perhaps creative marketing is the answer to address the separate payment contortions now apparently made necessary to receive abortion coverage from our insurance companies.Under this present proposal, methinks if I was an insurance company looking to capture over 50% of...Perhaps creative marketing is the answer to address the separate payment contortions now apparently made necessary to receive abortion coverage from our insurance co

    Barth's picture

    Fixing What Has Gone Wrong

    It was supposed to be so easy. Sure we have watched our politics debased over forty years, and elected a succession of crooks, incompetents, fools, rich out of touch fellows, self indulgent Democrats acting as Republicans (one actually) followed by...
    Richard Day's picture

    THE NINTH CANON: How to Handle Trolls

                                      Close Up of Trolls (John Bauer, 1915)We should be grateful for what we have. Coveting is strictly prohibited in Exodus and Deuteronomy. You should not covet thy neighbor's goods or his wife.  I do not know whether or...
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Joe and Ben: They call me "No Drama", but I wrote this little comedy just for you..."

    Secure in the knowledge that dogs cannot get the internet from their mangers (pace Jacob Hacker), consider the following scenario: If Prez intended all along to use reconciliation for this bill, (knowing that the search for 60 senate votes is...
    Richard Day's picture

    BUCHANAN IS A SCHMUCK: A Reexamination

    Hitler-Jugend (This blog was around ten rec's with no comments because there was a kind of shut-down yesterday. So I re-edited a bit and republish it now)I have had it.   I just finished republishing, refurbishing and rewriting eight...
    we are stardust's picture

    Strange Bedfellows: McCain and Cantwell to Team Up on Financial Reform

    Newsweek reports that this week John McCain and firebrand Maria Cantwell will join forces to offer a bill in the Senate to restore Glass-Steagall, the Depression-era law that forced a firewall between Commercial and Investment Banking.  It was repealed in...
