The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    we are stardust's picture

    Obama Shifting Regulatory Course after Coakley's Loss (I won't say 'silver lining,' I promise...)

    Simon Johnson, British-American economist, former Chief economist of the International Monetary Fund blogs at Huffpo this morning, announcing a Wall Street Journal report that today the President will announce a plan to be presented to Congress to restrict Mega-bank size,...
    oleeb's picture

    MASS Voters Want Dems To Be Bolder & Favor Public Option

    I got an e-mail from Jim Dean over at Democracy for America today.  It's pretty damn interesting because it refutes with data the specious arguments of the corporate Democrats about needing to "pull back" and be more conservative as a...
    acanuck's picture

    Hey, AngryDems! Quit griping; just take back your party

    I get it. You're angry with the incompetent, self-serving, tone-deaf leadership of the Democratic Party. Just don't try to tell me you're surprised. The good news is: the solution is at your fingertips. Channel that anger! It's a midterm election...
    oleeb's picture

    The Tragedy Of Obama

    Following is a very brief piece written by Michael Lind I just read over at Salon titled "The Tragedy of Obama".  It says quite a bit in a very short space.  I recommend it to all.  Brief as it is, it...
    wws's picture

    A Kumbaya Curry

    After all that talk about donuts yesterday, dinner was either going to be a complete breakdown at Krispee Kreme or, to forestall that, spontaneously asking friends over (including Republicans) to share a one-dish meal intended to be nourishing, rejuvenating...

    These are the times that try Dems' souls

    When the sunshine patriots are done wringing their hands and committing hari kari, the work of restoring and changing this nation will still remain for those with the strength of heart and hand.I'm not interested in comments from the self-pitying...

    Quibbling with Paul Begala

    Paul Begala has said hard things to Presidents that needed to be said.  I have a lot of respect for him and think he's very sharp. That said, I want to quibble with what Josh reported him to have said...
    Ramona's picture

    A Year of Obama: The Hope Still Lives

    A year ago today, as I sat watching the inauguration of Barack Obama, listening to our new president's call to duty, it suddenly occurred to me that it might be a good day to start a political blog.  I already...
    Richard Day's picture

    Where Have All The Gwaveyahds Gone?

    There are seven clear signs of depression; every Psych 101 student knows this. So does every Life Channel viewer. Well, so does every View viewer, but that is a subject for another day. These are my experiences with depression:...

    An Open Letter to Josh Marshall

    Josh,I know you've written before that the Cafe Reader Blogs cost more to maintain than they're worth--or something close to that.But frankly, I don't see how you could expect them to generate much revenue when 10 hours of every day,...

    Dismantle AIG

    When giant corporations swallow little ones, and especially when smaller corporations borrow money to take over big ones, the new acquisition is often broken up and sold off to pay the debt. These fire sales throw dozens--if not tens of...

    What Was Rosa Thinking?

    Dickday's moving post reminded me of a poem--the only one I ever published in my magazine. Here it is:What Was Rosa ThinkingBy Jerry GervaseShe didn't give up her seat on that crisp December daydeep in the south, deep in our...
    jollyroger's picture

    On the internet, no one knows you're a dog....(or a man with a very high pitched voice)

    From the LA Times, a cautionary tale: Multiple men separated from their cash, and not even a “Trick Willie is Back In Town” t-shirt to show for it. “For would-be sugar daddies perusing SeekingMillionaire .com — “the meeting place for...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                         Rosa Parks in 1955, with Martin Luther King, Jr. in the backgroundI was talking about history as a concept...

    Dr. Martin L. King Jr., "...I have a Dream..."  Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.)...
    oleeb's picture

    MLK III Observing, Not Celebrating Holiday

      Below is the lead of an article reminding us what Martin Luther King, Jr. was all about.  It was more than "the dream" so trivialized and sanitized by repetition to the exclusion of what King's life work was...
    we are stardust's picture

    Our Senate Not-Pecora Commission Laid an Egg

    How many of us called for a modern-day Pecora Commission (whose report led to the passage of Glass-Steagal ) to suss out the true causes of the financial meltdown, and make recommendations toward re-regulation.  Given Congressional and White House love...

    A Way Forward for the Disaffected Left

    Let me say first that I consider myself liberal left-to-moderate. You won't find me rooting for the conservative wing of the Democratic Party.I fought for health care as much as anyone who visits this blog. More than most, probably because...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                                                                This week as we begin with a Federal Holiday in honor of one of my great heroes; it is certainly time to reflect. As we reflect, we should wonder what is this all going to mean in...

    Audio of Organizing for America Conference Call

    I'm posting this as a follow-up to my earlier post.This is about 12 minutes long. Nothing much her except that it's clear that OfA is making a major push in Massachusetts, understanding the make-or-break nature of electing Democrat Martha Coakley...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Looting? Or Salvaging?

    How is it considered "looting" when people go into completely ruined buildings to retrieve water and other life-sustaining objects?  If you were in an airplane crash and survived and took food and water, blankets, and whatever else might help --...
    Barth's picture

    Vote for the Kennedy of Your Choice, but Vote

    Your weekly correspondent is unable to do any of general complaining what with this and that---personal, business and the like---getting in the way, so we are reduced to quotations from the old First Family Record.  (It begins at 7:33of the...

    HOT News of the Hour: SUPERHOT

    Organizing for America is conducting a national phone conference concerning the Massachusetts race and health care reform as you read this, at 4 p.m. Eastern today (Sunday.)Dial in to (712) 432-0075. The participant code is 404-284 followed by the #...
