The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    Take Me to Our Leader

    For eight long Bushwhacked years, we moaned and groaned and predicted the predictable outcomes. And when they came, we got nothing for our troubles except to be able to utter a wholly unsatisfying "We told you so". Because for eight long Bushwhacked years we, the Liberals afraid to speak our own name, had no real leaders.
    jollyroger's picture

    If Nancy P. is the bad cop, and Prez is the good cop, who are the perps?

    As turmoil swirls around the House-Senate Conference (*or lack thereof….) may we not profitably wonder whether the identity of the “target audience” for the messaging that is without peradventure in progress is immediately obvious? Assume, arguendo, that Prez recognizes the...

    An Argument with Myself

    Me1: So, I see that where you are on the HC legislation is to look for reasons to urge a yes vote by your senators.  Care to elaborate?   Me2: I understand completely, and pretty much agree right down the line,...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Retort to Tea-baggers: "We'll pick up the slack!"

    I just read a report about the tea-partiers planning a strike on January 20th, the first anniversary of President Obama becoming President.  I was thinking ... it might be a fun counter-offensive to have people on the Left stage a "Don't...
    Richard Day's picture


    Andy Griffith Titles: A Face in the Crowd I am watching LA Confidential for the fourteenth time. (Oh it's more than that really, but I mean from beginning to end) This is one of the finest movies I have ever...
    jollyroger's picture

    CIA guy to Pashtuns: We're gonna make your daughters into whores; that's how we roll & that's how we're gonna win

    Ex CIA (Afghanistan Station) Henry Crumpton chatting with the dumbest man on TV (pace Aunt Sam…) unburdens himself thusly (from memory): “Besides the 20% “hard power” that we must bring to this war, 80% involves…empowering the people, giving them electricity...
    we are stardust's picture

    Some Small Hints for Meditation/Relaxation from a Dilettante

    Life is fraught with anxiety for a lot of us right now; mild depression seems widespread.  We might be worried for ourselves, or for the hardships and suffering of our friends. Our nation seems to be in meltdown in many...

    Remaining Roguish: Sheriff Arpaio Disclaims Illegal Immigration Positions IN HIS BOOK!

        Even ones about his own parents' emigration to the U.S. (from Italy).  Not only that, but he has not totally read the book.  (He "may have" read the parts relating to illegal immigration.) Sometimes, it takes being under...
    Richard Day's picture

    AULD LANG SYNE; Remembrances of Commie Epithets Gone

                                                               A  muṣḥaf1 Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men;        protect me from men of violence,     2 who devise evil plans in their hearts        and stir up war every day.     3 They make their tongues...

    Republican Irony Impairment Alert

    I just love how the Republicans--Cheney, of course, but plenty of others as well--are right now just full of all kinds of helpful advice to the Democrats on how to keep the country safe following the recent thwarted terrorist attack....
    we are stardust's picture

    Contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq: Two Reports; plus a bonus video from the BBC on Neocons and the Cold War

    The Congressional Research Service report on military contractors came out last week, as well as Senator Claire McCaskill's Contract Oversight Subcommittee's hearings report on Afghanistan contractors.  Her committee reports that contractors make up an astounding 69% of the total Pentagon...
    Richard Day's picture

    AUGHTS I found this wonderful bit of optimism today:For most of the past 70 years, the U.S. economy has grown at a steady clip, generating perpetually higher incomes and wealth for American households. But since 2000, the story is...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Josh Marshall: Soft on Terror?

    In Josh Marshall's back-and-forth with The National Review's writers Thiessen and McCarthy, Marshall credits McCarthy for making a more coherent argument in favor of trying the "Underwear Bomber" in a military tribunal rather than in a civilian court.Theissen argues in...
    Barth's picture

    The TVs try to rape us

    This was the week where the nearly unthinkable took place: David Brooks not only wrote a column about something very important, he said exactly the right thing. That is not to single out Brooks as generally a purveyor of the...
    jollyroger's picture

    Tax breaks 4 Sarko's buds big dud :<i>Vive La France!</i> This is good governance!

    Why can’t we be smart like the French? The body functioning in the judicial review mode that we associate with our supreme court sticks the shiv in Nick’s (otherwise far reaching and laudible) carbon tax. (Yes, that’s the smart and...
    Richard Day's picture


    a LAKE FOREST, Calif. -- Evangelical pastor Rick Warren appealed to parishioners at his Orange County megachurch Wednesday to help fill a $900,000 deficit by the first of the year.Warren made the appeal in a letter posted on the...
    Barth's picture

    The New Year and the new decade

    Let's get this new decade thing out of the way first.  I am one of those cranks who insist, as everyone recognized in 1900 and 1901, that a century, and hence, millennium commences in a year ending with 1, since...
    we are stardust's picture

    Federal Judge Dismisses All Charges Against Blackwater in Massacre in Iraq

    I just saw this at Jeremy Scahill's website.  This is about the 14 Iraqi civilians Blackwater guards accused of gunning down in Nisour Square in Bagdad in September 2007. The Judge's reasoning: In a memo defending his opinion, Urbina cited a...
    Richard Day's picture


    A birther and a bircher and a bagger walk into a bar. What can I get you boys? asks the bartender. The birther responded: I would like a Harvey Wallbanger and I would like to tell you this: Barack Obama...

    Actuarial Value.

    The whole heath care reform thing got me wanting a little more information on what "Actuarial Value" really means.  Generally, it's the percentage of medical expenses that the one can expect their policy to cover. But honestly, WTF does that...
    oleeb's picture

    Credit Card "Reform" By And For The Card Issuers

    Earlier this year, the same corporate/DLC Democrats who have been calling the shots on alleged healthcare reform similarly shepherded though Congress and allged credit card reform bill.  The bill was touted as finally protecting consumers from the worst practices of...

    Linda Ronstadt Reads TPM and Eric Ward; Joins In Natl Day of Action Against Arizona's Arpaio; TPM Meetup?

    (Disclaimers: (1) I don't know if she of the beautiful voice actually reads TPM and/or the Cafe's Eric Ward; (2) Ronstadt did not organize the upcoming day of action, just joined up with it; (3) I was not attempting to...
    we are stardust's picture


    Sadly, the prizes will need to be changed out.    I got an ominous email late last night from Karl Rove warning me off the Mitch McConnell prize date.  He did not specify as to his interest in the...
    Richard Day's picture


    Nancy Pelosi There is another politico who began as a community organizer. But she bore five children first. Grandma Pelosi is a winner of this passing year and decade. I have written of the tears I shed watching her...

    Mr. and Mrs. Rove Have Divorced - Now with Video

    Karl Rove and his wife of 24 years, Darby, were divorced last week, according to a statement  released by family spokeswoman and former White House spin butler Dana Perrino.The statement described the divorce as "amicable" and the result of a...
