The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    Obama must be reading my stuff

    From the New York Times two days ago:Obama Aides Aim to Simplify and Scale Back Health BillsBy ROBERT PEAR and JACKIE CALMESPublished: September 2, 2009WASHINGTON -- President Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress next week in an...


    Please signify by commenting "yes" below if you have contacted a federal official (White House or office of a senator or congressman) THIS WEEK in support of the Public Option....
    Richard Day's picture


    Accept disgrace willingly Accept misfortune as the human condition.   What do you mean  by "Accept misfortune as the human condition?" Accept being unimportant. Do not be concerned with loss or gain. This is called "accepting disgrace willingly."  ...
    oleeb's picture

    Morons Object To President's Speech To Kids!

    That's the essence of the story all the corporate media is running with about this speech by the President to the children.  The only people who would make this objection are complete morons and, frankly, asshole right wing, racists.  Given...

    Tell Obama to support the Public Option

    The past few days are rife with signals from the White House that President Obama may use his address to a joint session of Congress next Wednesday to reposition himself on health care reform--specifically, that he may drop his support...

    MJ Leaving IPF; Still Post at TPM?

    I'm sure others here received this e-mail:  STATEMENT BY NICK BUNZL, IPF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Israel Policy Forum (IPF) announces with regret the departure of our Director of Policy Analysis, MJ Rosenberg, who will leave IPF later this month to become...
    oleeb's picture

    When Your Strategy Is Going Nowhere, More Of The Same Is Not The Answer

    I am astounded at the news that keeps leaking out in dribs and drabs that the new tack the Obama administration is going to take after the disastrous 7 month search for the mythical bipartisan Shangri-La is to double down on...
    Ramona's picture

    Josh, who is SG and why no link to this fine blog??

    Josh, at this moment there are 610 recs to your blog yesterday about "TPM reader SG's lament", but no link and of course no place to comment.  It was an excellent post, as you well know, or you wouldn't have...
    Richard Day's picture


    Between birth and death, Three in ten are followers of life, Three in ten are followers of death, And men just passing between life and death also number three in ten.   Why is this so? Because they live...

    The case for Afghanistan

    I'm a liberal, not a knee-jerk liberal. I want a public option in health care, but that doesn't automatically mean I think Obama should withdraw from Afghanistan. George Will is wrong again or still wrong, depending on your viewpoint.Quagmire in...

    Have It Yahweh

    When Republicans say they love America, I take them at their word. I certainly don't believe many of them hate this country.But some on the Very Far Right -- a small Tea Party's worth of Republicans, LaRouche followers and Ron...
    Richard Day's picture


    Knowing ignorance is strength. Ignoring knowledge is sickness. If one is sick of sickness, then one is not sick. The Sage is not sick because he is sick of sickness. Therefore he is not sick.Tao Te Ching  (Ch-71)To be...

    Hey, TPM'ers! Don't You Wanna Be a Piece of Astroturf, in the Healthcare Reform Debate?!?; WARNING: BLATANT B.S. ALERT

    I was reading David Seaton's excellent post in the Cafe ( when I was hijacked by a TPM ad: "This tax isn't about health.  It's about money.... sign the petition."  Maybe you saw it, too.  Of course, I was curious...

    Crowd urges congressman stand firm on Public Option

    At a rally Sunday night in St. Louis, a crowd of about 1,500 people urged Congressman Russ Carnahan to push for inclusion of a Public Option, even as the congressman seemed to signal flexibility in his own voting options....
    CVille Dem's picture

    What Can Working People do to Push the Public Option?

    I just got an email from Tom Periello (D - VA), who BTW is not certain what he will back as far as legislation is concerned for Health Care Reform.  He is having a "rally" next Tuesday from 8 am...
    Richard Day's picture


    Tao is the source of the ten thousand things. It is the treasure of the good man, and the refuge of the bad. Secret words can buy honor. Good deeds can gain respect. If a man is bad, do...
    Ramona's picture

    Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes

    I've been following the dismissive and sometimes ugly posts and comments about the quantity and quality of writings in the TPMCafe.  I've had a chance to sleep on it now.  I don't really care about the origins of the posts...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Whose Cafe Is It, Anyway?

    Tensions are running high at TPM this weekend. There is a lot of conversation about what the Cafe is and who should be here and who shouldn't. Whether there is more value to some posts and posters than others...I find...
    Richard Day's picture


    That which shrinks Must first expand. That which falls Must first be strong That which is cast down Must first be raised. Before receiving, There must be giving.   This is called perception of the nature of things. Soft...
    oleeb's picture

    The Two Stories That Touched Me Most About Senator Kennedy

    The past several days of stories, eulogies, anecdotes, moving images, and information about the great Senator Kennedy has certainly been an emotional torrent for me and my entire family as I know has been the case for many, many others around the...
    jollyroger's picture

    Hey, Harry! I got your private public option right here...The National Medical Licensure Act

    His place already assured in the pantheon of the pusillanimous, Harry Reid continues to mock our choice of Senate Majority Leader. (We chose poorly…) His latest demonstration of the “premptive surrender manuever” puts the shiv straight into the heart of...

    Because I WANT a government insurance plan

    Teabaggers insist they have a right to keep their private insurance plan. They don't have to explain why. They don't justify it. They say it's their right. Their choice. They want private insurance, and that's that.So let me get this...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "The Dream Lives On"

    Kennedy knew that we grow stronger as a nation, not by reinforcing and buttressing the powers and authority of the strongest among us, but rather by improving the lot and circumstance of the least advantaged in this society. The Dream Lives On!
    we are stardust's picture

    Eric Prince (CEO of the former Blackwater USA) Accused of Murder

    Friday August 28 in US District Court in Alexandria, attorneys for families of  Iraqi civilians slain by employees of Blackwater USA brought charges of murder against Eric Prince, company founder and former CEO. "The person responsible for these deaths is...
