by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Where's the outrage from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and the rest of the right wing media cabal? Not only is Romney being trashed by the British press, but the Prime Minister himself ridiculed the great American state of Utah, calling it the middle of nowhere! What arrogance. I've had enough of these insults. Romney took the trouble to grace the shores of England only to meet a disrespectful host. He should finish his fund raising, dump that small meaningless country, which, if it hadn't been isolated from Europe by a choppy channel, would have been overrun by Hitler in WWII. The fact is that Romney should just come back home.......oh.
Romney's faux pas in London illustrate the essential truth of the man and the campaign. Seldom has a Presidential candidate been as internally compromised as this Republican nominee is. The reason he says nothing of any substance about himself is because most of what a normal candidate would say about his experience leads down a booby trapped path. Romney is like the guy whose wife has just discovered his affair. There is nothing he can say which isn't worse than simply keeping his mouth shut and looking dumb. All Romney had to do was romance our ally for a couple of days and not bust the Queen's furniture. It should have been an easy assignment. But he blew it.
Romney is a religious man but if he talks about religion it re-introduces the Mormon church to a host of wavering evangelicals who consider his religion a cult. He can't talk about his Massachusetts governorship because of that damned Romneycare thing. Increasingly he is minimizing his actual tenure at Bain even though the extent of his business career is his main calling card. The only safe path open to Romney was a foreign jaunt to try and create foreign policy bona fides where none existed. And he went bust! Is anyone surprised?
Reviewing Romney's answer to Brian Williams' question about the Olympics, it is easy to overlook Williams' actual question, " does it look to an experienced eye?" Hold on, dammit, who wrote that softball question?? A condition of the interview? Press acquiescence to the obvious framing of Romney's visit? I nearly bust an artery just thinking of that lame-stream pitch down the middle.
Blatantly aiming his answer at an American audience, Romney took a shot at appearing executive-like, of weighing the issues and being analytical---the way a business magnate would act on a huge deal in a board room. But Romney could not answer a simple softball question without creating a controversy. Here's a suggestion: to Romney's political staff: have Romney develop laryngitis for the balance of the campaign.
A guest on Morning Joe busted into the conversation with the conclusion that Romney's comments were a moment of lucidity. In other words, because it is so rare for Romney and Obama to actually penetrate the veil of disingenuousness with an honest opinion, the press was caught off guard, couldn't handle it and made a fuss over nothing. Presumably we need more lucidity so that everyone can get used to it.
But lucidity is not the point.
The obvious interview setup was for Romney to use his Salt Lake Olympic experience to show off his analytical prowess to an American audience. But Romney was unable to simultaneously hold in his mind the other thought of possible insults to his host country. What the former CEO of Bain Capital showed to the American electorate is that in a good business deal the broader implications are not relevant. He gave us a tutorial in the difference between conducting business and conducting diplomacy.
While in London Romney attempted to make a political football out of Winston Churchill's bust---a gambit which was perhaps the pinnacle of his failure to impersonate statesmanship. What a cheap ploy. It was banal opportunism without a broader context---for example, the bust as art.
I take it back. For Romney, "bust" is an art.
Whatever happens during the balance of his grand tour I suggest that Romney has sculpted his own bust and that it should be returned and buried out in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps when the bust is re-discovered in a century or so the happy archeologist will have been the only person on any planet who was actually surprised by the man---a one-dimensional business suit---known in his day as---Mitt Romney.
It's actually a little painful to watch another human being stumble so badly, so often. But it's also very amusing that this business leader who purports to lecture the rest of us about globalization doesn't understand that what he says to Brian Williams for broadcast in the U.S. might be overheard by people in the U.K. Or that they might read the passage in his book where he calls them a tiny island that manufactures products that nobody wants. It's amazing that somebody so rich could be so unwordly. It's as if he just left the country for the first time.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 2:26pm
Thanks, Destor. I am surprised that the book quotes haven't been more publicized.
If I were more learned and had more time I would have tried to compare Romney to American novel protagonists, per Sinclair Lewis, Henry James and such.
James' American is always described as gauche but well meaning---which rules that out.
Dodsworth also is a possibility but he was actually a curious man who proved he could learn things---like the fact that his wife was shallow. As for Babbitt, I don't think he went abroad, although if he had hit the lottery, he might make a plausible Mitt.
In any case, let me just say,
"George Babbitt, you're no Sam Dodsworth!. Go back to Xenia, or Zenith, or to whatever vast wasteland in America you came from."
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 2:50pm
Romney - no documents from the 2002 Olympics are open for public review, and many were destroyed having to do with contracts and finances. 18 years of the guy's life is a blank etch-a-sketch.
From his comments in London it would seem he is truly a Bainbot, programmed to humorlessly wag his tongue with dour criticism on things he knows little about, and was not asked to comment on, demeaning opinions, and pure nonsense. I presume he would fire more than a few people over there if he could.
Meanwhile the right wing Fox/Limbaugh/Murdoch/WSJ/GOP echo chamber pounds the drums incessantly for Obama's grades from 30 years ago, and ask suspiciously 'who financed his education', as if someone 30 years ago paid Obama's tuition in the expectation of getting payback when he became president.
by NCD on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 2:45pm
Thanks, NCD. Thanks for the reference to the Salt Lake City docs.
I think the most potential damage to Romney's campaign from his London flubs is that instead of simply highlighting what has heretofore a gimme on his success in the Utah, he has created interest in the question of what actually went on during his tenure at the SLC games. It seems that crony capitalism has reared its ugly head once again.
by Oxy Mora on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 8:48am
Morning Joe was hilarious, as was Krauthammer's take.
All he had to do was tag along and keep his mouth shut. It's not as if the libbies would have pounced had Romney not answered Williams' question. It was a pass. You say, "I'm excited. The Olympics are great fun," and you move on to the next question. It appears that Romney's just the type of guy who has to one-up everyone, or every country, in this case, by showing his superior (in this case politically INferior) knowledge of the subject at hand.
Let's hope he doesn't say "What's up, Chuck," to Komorowski.
by MuddyPolitics on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 6:40pm
Thanks, Muddy. As for the rest of the trip it is hard to see how it could be worse. And of course he is scheduled to have a softball interview with Blitzer.
by Oxy Mora on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 8:50am
Mitt Romney has imploded in Britain, it was beautiful yet puzzling to watch. I thought Mitt was a smart man, but he is dumb, Sarah Palin dumb.
First of all this obsession with the bust of Winston Churchill is ridiculous, since we know the story and there are two busts, one was on loan from Tony Blair to W. This President put the bust of one Abraham Lincoln in his Oval Office. Why would anyone replace Lincoln with another borrowed bust of Churchill? I mean Lincoln is the titular Republican! Oh... but Republicans don't like him anymore. I don't know why.
But beyond that, Mitt Romney is running the campaign Sarah Palin wanted John McCain to run, and to his credit he did not run. And as much as I dislike McCain and his policies, he didn't try to divide America along those lines. Romney has no qualms about using every dog whistle, race baiting, painting the President as "other", as foreign and by using African American's as "real America's" nemesis, as that was the reason for that smug look and those ridiculous comments when he was speaking to the NAACP, and his comments about "those people who want handouts". He is all in on the Palin style campaign. Mendacious Mitt is a contemptible piece of shit and so are all his idiot advisers. They are all in on dividing America further, because they see it as the only way they can win, oh and by making sure brown people can't vote. I hope they can live with themselves after all this is over, Lee Atwater couldn't.
by tmccarthy0 on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 9:11am
Thanks, tmc. And now the Romney campaign is so desperate that they have played the "Bush card" on foreign policy in the Middle East. Seems if Obama had only followed Bush's plan, the Arab Spring could have been avoided. It follows that if Bush had played the Bush card in Iraq we might have avoided invading the place. And I wonder how all those demonstrators will like having their revolution trashed as something which could have been avoided---by, from all people, just following Bush.
by Oxy Mora on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 9:24am
by jollyroger on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 2:20pm
You are a pisher of men.
I think Prez has set up these debates well. Romney will probably try a surprise, like, "There you go again".
The thing I don't get is that much of what Romney will say in Israel is aimed at the religious right in the U.S---who in turn don't have much residual charity for Bush.
by Oxy Mora on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 6:03pm
by jollyroger on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 6:18pm