by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Senator Cruz
Speaking of revolutions:
Ted Cruz has been accused of setting himself up for a 2016 run for the Presidency!
Ted Cruz has denied these charges.
Like Joan Walsh postulates:
And yes, I would welcome a Cruz candidacy.
What a wonderful opportunity to run against Joe McCarthy!
Last week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s prosecutorial style of questioning Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee for Defense Secretary, came so close to innuendo that it raised eyebrows in Congress, even among his Republican colleagues. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, called Cruz’s inquiry into Hagel’s past associations “out of bounds, quite frankly.” The Times reported that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, rebuked Cruz for insinuating, without evidence, that Hagel may have collected speaking fees from North Korea. Some Democrats went so far as to liken Cruz, who is a newcomer to the Senate, to a darkly divisive predecessor, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, whose anti-Communist crusades devolved into infamous witch hunts. Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, stopped short of invoking McCarthy’s name, but there was no mistaking her allusion when she talked about being reminded of “a different time and place, when you said, ‘I have here in my pocket a speech you made on such-and-such a date,’ and of course there was nothing in the pocket.”....
Boxer’s analogy may have been more apt than she realized. Two and a half years ago, Cruz gave a stem-winder of a speech at a Fourth of July weekend political rally in Austin, Texas, in which he accused the Harvard Law School of harboring a dozen Communists on its faculty when he studied there. Cruz attended Harvard Law School from 1992 until 1995. His spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request to discuss the speech.
It turns out Cruz was even more like McCarthy than previously thought. He believes that “Marxists who believed in the Communists overthrowing the United States government” have infiltrated the Harvard Law School faculty, outgunning the embattled campus conservatives.
Cruz has a persuasive way about him. That shirtsleeve-and-hometown accent gives him the air of a good guy just trying to do the right thing in that polluted Washington town. His cadence is almost like that of a Southern Baptist preacher, casual yet urgent, and above all, righteous. Nowhere was this more evident than when heaccused President Obama of using the Newtown families as "props." I think the president has alreadyshredded that particular slam, but I'm sure it played well with the Faithful Ones.
I can go on and on about what a prick this sombitch from Texas really is but there was something that caught my eye regarding this man's personal history.
Teddy Boy was born in Canada.
Okay, but his mother was an American Citizen at the time.
There is no need for some in-depth investigation!
I just have one question:
This little footnote to history made me laugh out loud for chrissakes!
Now Senator McCain was born in Panama; but both his folks were Americans and he was born on an American Base—which means to me anyway, that he was born on American soil!
He might even run for President in 2016. Though he was born in Canada, he informed me that he was qualified to serve. “The Constitution requires that one be a natural-born citizen,” he said, “and my mother was a U.S. citizen when I was born."
Sen. Cruz is a U.S. citizen by birth, having been born to an American-born mother. He is focused entirely on his new role in the Senate, and on working every day to represent Texas and defend conservative principles in the Senate...
This is the problem with Cruz: where would he be right now if his mother weren’t an American citizen? How easy would it been for him and his family to cross the Canadian border and thrive in the United States? What about the others who share his same last name who aren’t as lucky as the senator from Texas? Canadian Cruz is a classic example of the “I got mine” mentality. And that is perhaps the most un-American attitude of them all.
Only three months into his tenure as a Texas senator and Cruz has maintained a national wave of popularity in national conservative circles (and plenty of criticism from others), which has led a few to tout the Texan as a potential Republican presidential candidate for 2016.
One complication: A possible “birther” controversy. But unlike the fictional delusions about Barack Obama’s mythical Kenyan birth, the Cruz case is based on fact...
Hannity commented that Democrats might make a “birther” issue out of Cruz’s unique citizenship. Many Republicans (most notably, businessman Donald Trump) repeatedly questioned President Barack Obama’s citizenship, whose farther was from Kenya, throughout his candidacy.
Basically folks, we found a new Jim DeMint after that SC sombitch left the Senate for money. Hahahahahaha
I love this.
I mean I just love this.
The most fascistic bastard in the Senate of the United States was born in Canada for chrissakes.
The bottom line in the case of Cruz, who was born in Canada in 1970, is that his father was an immigrant from Cuba and not a U.S. citizen at the time of young Cruz’s birth, but his mother was born and raised in the United States. The law in effect then, and now, made Ted Cruz a U.S. citizen at birth. Although the drafters of the Constitution did not define what they meant when they required an American president to be a “natural born citizen,” it is generally thought that “citizen by birth” is the best modern-day equivalent. On that basis, Cruz appears entirely eligible — if he ever chooses to pursue the White House.
(part 2)Who can be nothing other than a citizen at birth, and therefore requires no positive law? There are 4 basic variables governing citizenship. 1) born in or out of a country. 2) Both parents are citizens. 3) One parent is a citizen. 4) Neither parent is a citizen. The first (where born) is combined with the other 3 to determine whether or not a child is a citizen at birth. There are laws written to govern every situation - except one. The only situation not covered by positive law is when a child is born in a country, and both parents are citizens of that country. Why? Because no law is required, the child is a citizen 'naturally'. Both side want to ignore this FACT. Maybe where a person is born shouldn't really matter. I've seen many immigrants who are much more patriotic than natural born American's. But there is a process to go thru if that is the case, and that process is the Amendment process. But that probably wouldn't go through. So what do they do? They simply ignore that part of the Constitution. The real danger is what part do the decide to ignore next?
There is no frickin way this guy is going to give the birthers their want.
I think you're making it more complex than it is. The constitution is very clear to birthers. There's no shades of grey, its black and white. Based on that criterion I have little doubt they will decide Cruz is eligible to be president and Obama was not.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 1:57am
I missed Stewart last night and caught it this morning!
Made my entire blog a waste of time. hahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 9:35am
Cruz will never make it past the Florida primary. LOL. Oh wait. We are going to have Scott Walker too. It will be interesting to see how long their clown list will be.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 11:48am
McCain was born in Panama. (Something that was rarely mentioned to the birthers, for some reason.)
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 11:55am
Yeah and Romney's Dad was born in Mexico but as I already wrote McCain was born on a military base in Panama which is 'American Soil' and besides we controlled the Canal per treaties and...
I guess this entire discussion is so hilarious to me because Cruz is such an abominable asshat. hahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 12:44pm
Actually there was a tiny fringe movement on the left that maintained that McCain was born in a Panama hospital and the military forged the records to make it seem he was born on the base. There were a few articles at the time that cited evidence to prove their case. The difference is that this story disappeared without most people even hearing about it, even on the left. Unlike the Obama birther movement virtually no one on the left gave a damn if McCain was born on base or in a Panama hospital. Those few that seemed to care probably only made an issue of it as backlash to the Obama birthers.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 2:21pm
I wasn't aware of this whole Panama hospital versus military base, but I'd always been of the position (as DDay alluded to in his original article) that having an American parent was all one needed to be considered a "natural born" citizen. Of course, I might be a tad bit biased, being born in Germany to American parents.
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 2:58pm
I didn't pay much attention to the story since I also think if the parents are citizens so are their children. Just noted it in passing during my daily reading. But if you search "mccain born panama hospital" I'm sure you'll get some links
I wouldn't worry about where you were born. Being an atheist makes you unelectable for president. You could probably say you had a conversion experience and became a muslim and have a better chance being elected. Though that has changed a lot recently among younger people.
Of course before I believe you're a verified atheist I'll need to see a verification certificate from god.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 6:40pm