by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Benito Mussolin described Fascism as the moment when you can no longer wedge a cigarette paper between corporate and state power. The United States has reached a moment when the corporatocracy, with unlimited and secret political purchasing power, abetted by the concentration of media, nourished by lobbyists, assisted by the Supreme Court--we have reached the point at which the corporatocracy is the hand on the till of our ship of state. The abuse of corporate power must end, and "personhood" returned to the people. Therefore, we the poeple, declare our purpose and intent to deprive the corporatocracy of their power through media; and we declare our supreme will to engage in such other acts of resistance and civil disobedience as will finally and forever divorce corporate power from our governing institutions. The life blood of the corporatocracy is the instrument of concentrated media--not only to market their goods and services, but to market the shills who pose as the peoples' representatives in government. Therefore we the people will systematically deconstruct the power of concentrated media to perpetuate the aims of the corporatocracy. We the people declare Wednesdays to be "dark" to media. On Wednesdays we the people will close off every avenue of media which it is in our power to effect, principally television, but including the denial of any and all forms of consumption-based advertising and other behavior-coercion tactics which are employed by the corporatocracy to stiffle our self reliance and mold us into compliant low intelligence pawns within an overarching fascist universe. Denying the corporatocracy access to our minds and hearts on dark Wedesdays will be the first shot across their bow, demonstrating our resolve to return power to the people. Economic hardships generated by lower corporate marketing power may adversly affect us individually and increase the awful burdens faced by the unemployed. Dark Wednesdays however will constitute a gradual "civil" war against corporations; dislocations to individuals will be dispersed and minimized. As dark Wednesdays get the attention of our corporate masters, other forms of resistance and civil disobedience will be undertaken. Boycotts, shutdowns, sickouts and other forms of non-violoent resistance may be required. The specific long term goal of dark Wednesdays is to overturn the Citizens United decision of the Supreme court. But the resistance will also demand the disclosure by name of any person or entity anywhere in these United States who contributes money or in-kind services to any representative of our national government. The influence of our elections by foreign donors, as has been the case with the Chamber of Commerce, and others, must be forbidden. We the people are fed up and have been pushed to the limit of our endurance by corporate usurpers who elect, hand feed and control members of our national government. Those "representatives" who are elected on overt promises of independent judgement are quickly compromised by the largesse and counsel of lobbyists. There is a "revolving door" between lobbyists and former government officials. A staff job in the Congress is a lobbyist's job awaiting. Only by denying corporations the means of controlling hearts and minds through their concentrated media, including the election of their hand picked tools, will corporations ever show respect to we the people. Resistance to the corporatocracy should be a matter of simple, consistent, individual actions and sacrifices, all carried out in a non-violent manner. In response to those who seek to pervert civil discourse and impeded the existing structure of social safety nets through tactics of personal violence and intimidation, including repeated references to second amendment rights, we say this: not only do we think you are being misled by charlatans who if elected will quickly become tools of the financial, health care and energy industries, to mention a few, we caution you that second amendmenet rights is a two way street. Many of us have exercised patience for a long period of time. The Citizens United decision was the straw that broke the back of patience and good will. That decision changed us and we are going to act in the defense of our rights. Partisans of the political right who are one in the same with the corporatocracy will no longer be permitted to garner outrage and indigination unto themselves. We are outraged at the Citizens United decision. We are indignant that our best efforts at compromise are denigrated by tools of the corporatocracy. We are, as of this moment, changing our stripes. And we intend to effect change in a peaceful manner. And if that doesn't work, we will seek other redress of our rights as citizens and we will prevail in the elimination of the seditious and hackneyed new rule that corporations are people. Corporations are not people. We are the people, no more, no less. The first dark Wednesday is close at hand, the day after an election which has been flooded with secret corporate money which has crawled out from under the muck of the Citizens Uhnited decision. The corporatocracy will succeed in this election to a greater or lesser extent. But the short term is not our goal. Our goal is long term, the overthrow of American fascism--which by definition is the merger of our government and the corporatocracy. Both political parties are complicit in creating and perpetuating Amnerican Fascism. Until a leader rises up who has the vision and courage to confront the corporatocracy and let the chips fall where they may, the people have no representative instrument to sever the ties between corporations and government. So we will act on our own, individually, and purposefully. Observing dark Wednesdays is the initial strategy and a shot over the bow. Other resistance and civil disobedience actions will follow. We the people will pursue the restoration of our personhood and our right to government representatives untainted and uncontrolled by the corporatocracy. We will persevere until the egregious Supreme Court decision on Citizens United is overturned. We the people declare war on American Fascism--that inseparable alliance between our government and the corporatocracy. We the people are fed up and it is long past time for us to take matters into our own hands and initiate direct, non-violent action to redress our grievances.
We the People declare our resistance to the fascist corporatocracy of the United States.
I'm in, Oxymora. Wasn't sure until you added the Democrats in, to tell the truth. We can squawk all we want that if there are any in Congress who haven't sold their souls to the Kleptocracy, it's they; but not nearly enough. Massively not nearly enough. There are still some useful terms to separate the characters of the two parties, but we have to admit that far too many Dems have blocked fin-reg, stimulus spending, non-corporate health care reform, etc. And as for prosecuting each other's criminal acts, forget about it; though it may change after the elections, when all the wrong stuff gets investigated.
This is a good start. Thanks. Can't wait until 'more follows'. ;o)
by we are stardust on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 2:19pm
Thanks, my friend. I think I'm still on the parents track--I think of them in times like these. So I'll dedicate my preamble on dark Wednesdays to my Dad who was a county Democratic chairman in Ohio--a state that is unrecognizable to me today. I'm almost glad my Dad isn't around to see what's happening. In 1948 he took all bets, down at the Elk's club, at ten to one on Truman. We got the first television set in the town and also a new Chevrolet. But those were different times.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 2:27pm
Got that off my chest and finished a pot of coffee. But what are the pressure points, if any? I would seriously like to know if anyone can propose a strategy. After listening to Gary Wills on the Charlie Rose show, I'm finally pushed into the camp that Obama is just never going to take on the corporate establishment, and for me, that's a real disillusionment. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Senate races completely out of my purview--two of them are going down in flames. I am steeling myself for the returns of next Wednesday. After '08 and for eighteen months I never listened to any T.V. media. Actually I felt much better than I do now. So I may take my own advice, seven days a week.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 2:20pm
Well Oxy I hereby render unto you the Dayly Blog of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of you from all of me.
Say, do you have that stuff that gets those tough spots out of one's laundry? I sure could use some.
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 3:49pm
Try twenty mule team borax, if you can find it at the general store--oh, sorry, no more country stores.
Myself, I'll be wearing a hair shirt for the next two years, doesn't need laundering.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:48pm
Come first of the year I will be part of a growing group of people in this country that has to turn off cable because of loss of income. I have a new tall antenna that is up and running. The family asked to keep cable through the hollidays in leu of some gifts. MSM can now repeat Rush and Becker everyday and I will not have to listen to it. All the tea bag crazies from all over the country will not be in my local news. It will be less upsetting not being exposed to bullies and easier to vote for democrats with out feeling guilty or being supressed with the sky is falling.
Good idea Oxy Mora
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:42pm
Thanks. It's a horrendous expense, isn't it. I could really live without TV and cable, I think they might be the root of all evil. I was feeling great until I started watching the political news two months ago. Now I'm upset half the time.
by Oxy Mora on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 6:51pm brain is many things, but slow seems to be one of them. I just realized (well, duh) that Wednesday follows Tuesday, and in the case of the coming week, Wednesday is the day after the Tuesday elections. So, I'll be watching the television on Wednesday;broke with my endorsement of Dark Wednesday in less than a day. Sigh.
by we are stardust on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 10:35am
I'm in, Oxy Mora. (Although this next week, given the election coverage, maybe Stardust has a point -- how about Dark Thursday?)
May I also seriously suggest a long-term boycott of all products on offer by known corporate campaign contribution offenders? As well as manufacturers who have moved all their production abroad? Retailers who have ruined Main Street business with their big box stores? Oil companies who ruthlessly despoil our environment?
For example, are you currently taking an expensive medication (feeding Big Pharma's obscene profits) for which there is a generic alternative that your physician approves? Will you, for so many reasons, stop shopping at KMart, period? Will you stop buying BP gasoline (yes, I know they sell to other brands, but it's a start).
We should make a list, check it twice, add to it, and stick to it. Other candidates?
by wws on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 1:40pm
Thanks. I kept asking myself, now who should I boycott. Maybe start with the A's, cross reference with the Chamber of Commerce donor list. Or, heck, I might be willing to give up that occasional Mc Snack wrap.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 11/01/2010 - 1:17am
Oxy Mora:
When I said "you" I meant the collective you, not you personally. (I hope that was understood.)
Btw, how do we impact the corporations that run print and online media, in addition to those of cable TV? Have you noticed, for example, how often corporate ads are showing up on op ed pages written by as-liberal-as-they-come columnists? At The Hill, Brent Bokowsky's most recent column is partially obscured by a BP ad!
by wws on Mon, 11/01/2010 - 1:10pm
Oxy Mora...
Excellent post! I liken it to a decree written in the 1770s. Aways the pessimist, I would like to throw some thoughts around. The party that will take the Congress, Tuesday has engineered the theory of "Divide and Conquer" into a fine art. It would seem that the party of NO has gained the support of a large mass of citizens who are voting and acting against their own well-being! Here I go...Preaching to the choir, again! Let me make it short: We are well beyond any attempt to change our conditions via actions like strikes, marches, boycotts and, least of all - - voting. I liken taking to the streets, brandishing T-shirts with witty slogans and waving posters the equivalent to pissing in a tornado. A million disgruntled poor, hungry, uninsured and angry people marching on the Mall means nothing to billionaires sunning themselves on some beach in the Carribbean. The Citizens United-SCOTUS decision negated the two-party system which "might" have, ultimately, turned some things around. I have watched Tea Baggers refer to 2nd Amendment resolutions to their conditions. Some pundits compare the division of our nation equal to or worse then that which existed during the Civil War. It has been stated that our all-volunteer military is saturated with conservatives. Where do our law enforcement agencies find most of the recruits who "serve and protect" us? Are we getting ourselves into a "Red Dawn" scenario?
by chucktrotter on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 6:31pm
Thanks, Chuck. I just wonder why Republicans seem to own outrage and indignation. Maybe things have to get a lot worse before Democrats will march to Washington and show some spunk.
by Oxy Mora on Mon, 11/01/2010 - 1:20am