The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    Composite image of Lincoln & Douglas

    (Hillary is on the left)

    In less than three hours, we shall witness HISTORY!

    Issues abound!

    Is slavery wrong?

    Should rich folks be able to vote?

    Is Hillary a traitor?

    Should women be able to vote?

    Are short people naturally born?



    (Actually you do not have to be short to tell great big lies!)

    Can a Black Repub keep his knickers on whilst moderating two of our most cherished debaters?

    Should America be spelt with a 'k'?

    Well, let us find out together.







    I am taking some time out from Family Guy streaming in order to help Democracy (with a small 'd' even though I used a big D because I think of myself as a big 'D'...what was my point exactly?)

    I am on MSNBC with small 'c' Hayes as he interviews a dem.....

    (Correction: one should never spell America with a 'k' because then it would be Kmerica and that just does not work unless you live in the Mideast where no one knows how to properly spell...)

    Oh Chris has a panel now!

    Panels made America great! There is my friend from Salon? and there is the guy with the glasses who looks serious and stuff. 

    The bar is lower says the guy in the glasses, seriously.

    Now if you live in Chicago right beside some el, well, hell, the bar you live over makes you higher than the bar....? What?

    There is the nice Black Lady talking about lower bars hoping Trump does not drool?

    Now the fat guy (whom I think Family Guy is based upon) chimes in.


    Oh now the elder statesman (who was fired from the other network) chimes in.

    And he has great background music that I still think sounds like Monty Python with his friend Rachel.



    Big Chris is now on speaking to the bigger guy.

    The high podium on the stage looks very high to the audience (which is not there yet)

    We are told that this Cuban guy is showing up (this guy could purchase MSNBC in cash) and he will sit in the front seat and he says he is a good guy and wishes for free speech and Cuban will not sing or dance or smirk during the proceedings.

    Cubans should know their proper place in these proceedings.

    I feel better even if you all do not!

    at ten after, chucky cheese toddy shows up and discusses the latest poll.

    Chucky has no comment regarding Czechs or Austrians or.....

    What should we ask Johnson voters who they like in case Johnson dies or something....

    Up for grabs I guess.

    I learned a lot.

    OOOOOOOOOOOh, Kornaki has his sleeves rolled up and is pointing to some computer image of the country and keeps poking his finger on the screen (like in a porno film) and is telling me about battle grounds and I am mesmerized but I could never memorize this crap. the message changes every ten minutes.

    I think this particular poll was taken by accident from some Viagra site on Huffpo?

    I get so damn confused.

    OOOOOOOOOh the token repub lady with the nice hair who does skin commercials at 3 AM on our local stations is laughing and smiling and being congenial.

    Oh and this bald guy with the short beard who is a life long repub tells us that we should all pray and love astronauts and gets into the psychology of eating and pooping and....

    I really do not understand what he is saying at all, frankly.

    Just do not call me frankly.

    He tells me that that ship has sailed.

    Hopefully after pooping?

    Oh I have to take a break and get back to Family Guy cause this Pense fellow is going to show up in three minutes and I cannot stand him and I have not pooped in awhile.

    Lol. I'm watching anything but the pundits until the debates. And reading your rundown so far tells me I haven't missed a thing!  Gotta watch The Voice until 9 PM.  I'll check back to see if I've missed anything.

    Thanks for doing this.  Have fun!


    Hi Ramona! ha

    You got that right. hahaha

    Okay, so the baby on Family Guy, the one with the English accent....

    ooops, wrong channel.

    Oh good, the Pence guy is gone and we have commercials selling stuff nobody cares about. (no wonder MSNBC makes no money.)

    oh, we can get .com for $2.99 cents for an entire year! YEAH

    What the fuck is .com anyway?

    Okay the big guy is back.

    Bernie is introduced by Rachel.

    His hair is properly combed and Bernie chimes in on how our debaters will fare.

    We or they must focus on the issues and why we should all be communists and why.....

    Nothing new. But I miss Bernie.

    OKAY, all righty then, one hour to go and the heavens shall open up and...

    No, sorry that is somewhere in the New Testament.

    Anyway more Monty Python music and the big is here and ready and pontificating like he is speaking of the New Testament.

    Rachel speaks as more music plays and we are told that the spouses of the debaters will be introduced-why I do not know?

    There are dynamics going on according to Rachel and I failed Dynamics in the 8th grade but what the hell.

    The big guy makes a joke.

    The field Lady makes a monkey joke.

    The Jack-Ass is on video live....remember this is all live and thank the good Lord.

    Andrea shows up on screen talking about pulling things (by the way, happy 101st birthday to you Andrea) and both Chrises appear.

    Likeability is of so much import in this day and age.

    Big Chris mentions Palmer of course.

    Little Chris says two or three things involving levity and stamina and....oh who cares?

    Who should she be on stage?

    Well, both people I would suppose.

    But the 2C's are wondering which person will appear on stage.

    I mean, both should appear on stage, I presume?

    Oh I am learning so much here.

    Lol, Richard.  Keep it up.  You're on a roll!

    Okay, so the baby who speaks in an English accent is talking to the dog with the tie?..

    ooops, wrong channel again.

    Now the big guy is showing us traffic on Long Island and just before the real repub with the white hair is telling us about truth and justice and Kmerican way and...

    In just about half an hour the heavens shall open up and.....

    Oh goooooooooood, some new Tom Hanks movie.

    I was afraid he retired.

    Aleve is good for you and so is tomato sauce--as we watch kids sing the tune.

    Wait a minute, these are commercials.

    The big guy is back (the big guy is of course Brian Williams, I mean just look at those hands!)

    Big Chris is back to tell us about stupid wars and trade and immigration and..

    The Politico guy is telling us all what these folks must debate about, trump is an outsider and about cracks and deplorables and....? I do not understand it. But Big Chris wishes to be relevant.

    Oh and history is important to all of us.

    I feel better now.

    Although I did flunk dynamics in the 8th grade.

    Okay we are back and this guy who looks like Buchanan (President Buchanan) is telling us about wonderful companies and associations who bring us this wonderful stuff.....

    Who cares?

    Rachel is telling us about posting and pulling out and....

    I think she is a lebian?

    Anyway Brian introduces some woman....

    Oh its the lady who does the skin care commercials.

    She is mired in strategy and he is mired in his own.....

    Eleven minutes and the bald guy with the short white beard is talking about final instructions as well as final energy and.....? I do not fathom what the hell he is talking about.

    Rachel had personal experience in five countries and she gets a lot of media requests and realms and how come the audience should shut the fuck up and...

    Okay, here is Lester telling us all how to act. (Although I assume it would be okay to yell at your TV?)

    No fancy openings.

    Kill your iphones.

    Wait to go to the bathroom.

    Do not yell:


    Like you are in Congress or something.

    Joy Read says Hillary has to be nice or something.

    Rachel says that one of two candidates will win!

    Thanks for that Rachel.

    Brian points out that Hillary is shorter than Trump.

    The platforms of the staging......

    Well, we are going to be nine minutes late.

    So lets talk about nothing for nine minutes.

    Why not go back to the .com ad?

    Although there will be an initial question....

    I mean the second question would not be initial but? what?

    Well here is Lester introducing T-Rump.

    This evening belongs to the.....oh who cares?


    I thought we were over pooping.

    Paycheck to paycheck. Hillary\


    What kind of country can we build together. I am a grandmother.

    We need good jobs, infrastructure, good bathrooms? and....

    T-Rump has that scowl on. hahahahahaha

    He looks like Dithers.

    Donald it is goooooooood to be with you.

    Who can shoulder the presidency?


    Our jobs are fleeing the country to Mexico and China and our government sucks and the good ole USA is just a piggy bank for the world?

    Piggy bank? Where is froggy?


    Trump feels that millionaires need tax cuts.

    But her Daddy used a squeegey?


    How specifically are you......

    My father gave me a million bucks, a measley million bucks and I turned it into billions and Lester the other countries are killing us and.....

    I want Hillary to be happy with me.

    We owe twenty trillion dollars and......

    Do not let companies leave us.


    Oh, God!  They shot him up with Ibogaine and told him to act like his mother was watching....


    Here is how we can get more jobs.

    And I have given papers.


    We invested in solar panels and we lost our asses.

    Our country loses so much in energy.

    I am semi-exact.

    We must do a better job in order to keep more jobs and all these states are losing jobs and....

    For thirty years you have done nothing for thirty years....


    Trump is interrupting

    Now he is scowling again. hahahahahha


    Here is how we can get more jobs.

    And I have given papers.


    We invested in solar panels and we lost our asses.

    Our country loses so much in energy.

    I am semi-exact.

    We must do a better job in order to keep more jobs and all these states are losing jobs and....

    For thirty years you have done nothing for thirty years....


    Trump is interrupting

    Now he is scowling again. hahahahahha

    Now they are yelling at each other. 


    He interrupts again.

    You live in your own reality.



    well read my book you moron. hahahahaha

    Regulations and taxes will kill jobs.

    (fuck you trump. sorry, I cannot take this anymore. hahahahaha)


    Check my facts on line you idiot. hahahahsa


    Trump is getting excited.  He's going to blow!  And there's still more than an hour to go!  I need to calm down.

    He's getting personal....


    He's getting personal....


    He's getting personal....


    Yeah Jolly, T-Rump is getting pissed!

    Which is good.

    Now Hillary is really biting into his flabby ass. hahahahah


    The rich will help us get jobs and expand and purchase more yachts and....?

    They are leaving our country and we must help them and everyone agrees and there is red tape and?


    just say more crazy things


    shut the fuck up trump


    You just seek more money for yourself trump

    .shut the fuck up trump



    here is what we should do.....


    all talk and no action and our country is suffering

    We have the worst recovery since the Great Depression

    (why nnot go to war with Europe?)


    Where the fuck are your tax returns?


    I already filed a hundred pages.....

    694 million

    I am being audited



    You do not know much about tax returns.

    Your people took the fifth

    I could give you a list of banks quickly.....

    I know about money.hahahahahaha

    You see these incredible airports

    We owe 20 trillion dollars

    I just saw this report\

    It is a shame....

    Secretary Clinton is responsible.

    We do not have the money



    you do not pay your own employees.


    They did not do a good job


    You have taken the product that they produced.

    You cheat everyone.


    Oh this is good.


    You would negotiate our national debt?

    You would be really bad for our country.



    I have tens of thousands of people who love me.

    We are a year ahead of schedule.

    We ....nobody knows what they are doing.

    No idea about what to do.

    Trump international is wonderful, I am wonderful, and we all could be wonderful.

    the end


    Trump is scowling again.


    Let us talk about racism.......

    Good police officers wish for reform.

    As a mutual reform.

    The gun epidemic......


    We need law and order.

    We are all fucked

    I just got today some endorsement.....(who cares?)

    Our inner cities are living in hell.

    The minorities are all getting shot.

    Stop the violence

    Bring back law and order.

    (Actually I have seen all the law and orders on Netflix)

    We have gangs roaming the streets and they are all illegal aliens and....

    Shit show

    No shit!


    Stop and frisk is not working.

    Crime is down.

    We just do not wish to see crime creep up.

    All these minorities are in jail for no good reason.

    Divert folks from prisons and jails.

    Now we are getting rid of for profit prisons.

    (She is not doing bad here)


    We need more training of police.

    How can we handle mental illness on the streets.


    No fly lists, and no guns for bad people.

    (one half hour left?)

    Stop and frisk was a tremendous yuuuuge success?

    He interrupts Hillary again.

    One murder is too many says Hillary.



    The African Americans are being hoodwinked by Dems.

    I went to these communities.

    I met the greatest people one could ever meet.


    Yes I did meet these people


    Lester: Was Obama born here?


    Hillary's campaign chairman attacked Obama's birthplace.

    I got the birth certificate

    Beccause I wish to help this country.....(bullshite)



    I got him to produce his birth certificate

    Sidney Bloomenfall did all this.

    I say nothing.


    What is the deal with Trump's sniffling every 5 seconds?  Is his nose running because he did a line of Cocaine just before the debate? 

    Mr. Smith, I have been watching that sniffling bastard. hahahahahah


    Oh just reviewed again

    Yeah, something is wrong here.

    But this asshole has more wrong than sniffles. hahahahahahh

    Oh and we are to believe that this liquor salesman does not partake. hahahah

    I guess his only fault is pussy.


    that is all i got. 


    He tries to cover up his racist lies.

    No evidence that Obama was never born here.

    Donald started his career by being sued by the feds for not letting minorities renting his properties.

    The birther lies were really tooooooo terrible.

    Now she quotes Mrs. Obama.



    Hillary is a liar

    Hillary is a liar

    This bullshite does not work

    I settled that lawsuit without any admission of guilt.

    Oh yeah, I'm not a racist because I settled that lawsuit without any admission of guilt.  hahahahahaha



    I settled this with a nondisclosure agreement and....


    Trump had a chance to apologize to President Obama and refused.

    His company agreed to having their rentals reviewed by the Feds to prevent continued discrimination.

    Trump lied in front of the nation by suggesting that Hillary started the racist birther nonsense.

    No apology and a lie that can be refuted by CNN.


    I was against the war.


    You said you were for the war


    You are all LIARS.


    Just a piece of shite.

    Hopefully the media will point out the lies that this orange pile of fecal material told the nation tonight.

    Here are video links including the one Trump mentioned featuring her 2008 campaign manager.

    Oh rmrd, it is so very hard to keep up, even when I receive three or four real commenters. hahahaha

    I hereby render unto rmrd, the Dayly line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of rmrd from all of me for this here line.


    Hopefully the media will point out the lies that this orange pile of fecal material told the nation tonight.

    And as that great correspondent used to sign off:



    Thx DD




    We must work harder........?


    I have put forth a plan.

    We must be vigilant.


    What do we have?

    less than half an hour

    I need a respite soon. hahahah

    DD, the thing that's making me tear my hair out here is that way too much of this debate has taken place on Donald's terms. He changes the topic whenever he wants, he interrupts when he wants, he gets the last word when he wants, and no one, not even Clinton is pressing him on his ignorance. 

    I missed this comment Mike, even though I only had six all night. hahhhah

    ​I understand your critique; but I really do not know what she should have done?

    But Lester did restrain T-Rump more than Hillary.



    I dunno.

    I think she 'handled' him as good as anyone coulld.




    I have a bunch better temperament than Hillary.

    Hillary is totally out of control




    Hillary does okay here.

    Hillary goes on about her history as Secretary of State

    I voted for every sanction against Iran.

    And we did drive Iran to the bargaining table.

    That is diplomacy.

    All righty then



    I have a bunch better temperament than Hillary.

    Hillary is totally out of control




    Hillary does okay here.

    Hillary goes on about her history as Secretary of State

    I voted for every sanction against Iran.

    And we did drive Iran to the bargaining table.

    That is diplomacy.

    All righty then


    It's a Trump lookalike--the stage Trump knows what First Use is!


    Hillary is much too cavalier.


    I cannot take nothing off the table

    China is totally powerful as far as Korea.

    This horrible pact with Iran.

    Why did you not do anything except give those bastards two hundred billion

    This is one of the worst deals ever done by the US


    Words matter

    I wish to reassure to other countries that we stand by our treaties.

    I wish to reassure to other countries that our word is goooooooooood.

    Let us look at our entire diplomatic situation.

    Trump tells us nothing.

    What the hell is your alternative solution?

    We must be precise.

    Anyone is going to sit in a room with this guy week after week, month after month to discuss/work out trade war debacles, international crisis response or what to do when his tax cut/deregulation plan blows up ?

    I have been thinking about thisNCD

    If Trump takes over and the Dow crashes and unemployment rises  to 11% he will just blame the mess on Obama.

    He cannot help himself.


    O'Reilly will back him along with Hannity and the other mutts.



    That is government, GOP style.

    This is sad stuff you are writing about.

    But damn!

    It says it all!

    Oh and at 11:04 Governor Christie (the fast food king) tells us that Hillary sucks and Trump is god. 


    CNN current headline, Trump repeats falsehoods on birtherism and Iraq War.

    NCD that is exactly how I feel.

    What do we have? Eight minutes?


    Hillary is solely responsible for ISIS.

    We cannot be the policeman of the world.

    (well fuck you trump)


    What is a presidential look?


    Well she cannot negotiate herself out of a paper bag?

    So many things you have to do.


    Well let us see what I have had to do?

    Fuck you and your stamina


    Experience of Hillary is bad.

    Fuck your experience,



    Do you know what this guy said.


    yEAH but they deserved it.

    Hundreds of millions of ads lying about me.

    (except that all the ads just video what the bastard said. hahahahahah)



    I want to make America great again.

    Or Kmerica?





    Okay, Hillary won and Donald lost.  It was such a route it doesn't even have to be explained.  He was a child, she was the grown-up and she didn't let him get away with it.

    I agree Ramona

    But Trump did not throw up.


    He just went nuts as usual.

    The repub with the balding head and the white beard; well he said fuck trump. hahahahaha


    Trump allows the press to discuss things with him.

    Will you accept the outcome of the election.


    (I shall believe it when I see it)

    The bald repub really really hates this guy.


    Almost makes me wish I voted for Bush. hahahah

    I'm less sanguine than people here. Hillary "won" but that's no surprise. She's top seeded. If he had won, it would have been a shocking upset. But I was hoping that she would crush him, or emasculate him as PP put it. That didn't happen. 

    Ya know Mike, he did not fall down. He got losted a couple of times.

    But, I dont know. What the hell could she have done?

    I do not know how you emasculate a guy who is.....I dunno....beyond emasculation? hahahahahah

    There it is. Trump was a clueless buffoon but that hasn't mattered so far. Hillary was smart and well prepared but half the voters don't seem to care about that either. I have no idea how this will effect the voters or the polls. We can only hope some of the undecided see it this way.

    I'm late. Hard to monitor this all.

    Well put Ocean. I mean it.

    I have no idea how to gage this.

    God help the undecideds!

    Well put Ocean.


    Yeah, you said it, O-K.

    Clinton clearly employed a deliberate strategy to play it cool using subtle jabs to provoke Trump. She executed perfectly and achieved the intended reaction from him. The question is whether that was sufficient to persuade the undecideds. I guess we'll find out in a few days when the polls come in.

    In retrospect, I suppose it was a prudent plan for the first debate. If the polls don't turn in her favor, she can always ratchet up the attacks in subsequent debates.

    Perceptions of the debate aside, I also think Hillary exposed some new chinks that she can pry open in the next few weeks. First, Trump has a new public quarrel with former Ms. Universe Alicia Machado, reminiscent of his ill-fated battle with the Kahns. And second, this tax issue has teeth. The media will press him on how much he paid. His options are:

    1) None of your business (but that's a de facto admission)

    2) Declaring that he paid "a lot" of taxes (but that prompts the question, how much?)

    3) Detailing what he paid in taxes (but it's probably not much and puts more pressure on him to prove it by releasing his returns)

    4) Repeating that he's a smart businessman (in which case Clinton labels him a tax cheat)

    These are all bad options, and this issue isn't going away.

    I have a couple more thoughts on this, hindsight.

    There are supposed to be two more debates as you point out.

    One hesitation here is that Trump falters and is tooooooo worried about failure and so he quits and says that 'it' is all stacked against truth and justice and the American way. That is possible.

    Funny thing, he was on FOX today and did not attack Lester Holt.

    I was amazed by this 'admission'.

    But he did blame the microphone. Which is hilarious. hahahaha

    Mr. Smith was the first to point out the sniffling and other links talk about his Marco like water issue. hahahah

    Blaming the mike is just soo sooooooooo funny.

    But, if there ARE further debates, Hillary shall just get better and Trump shall falter.

    My prediction.

    Trump is a goniff--he is on record via Crain's for having taken a  "middle-class" (for NYC)  income level benefit.


    There were two years of rebates  which are without peradventure tied to one's 1040 that are limited to an AGI of $500,000 or less.


    Paying LOW taxes (Romney) is one thing.  Paying NO taxes....


    Don't know, Mike. I think she had about the best night she could reasonably expect, and he had about the worst.


    I just responded to O-K. I think she had about the best night she could reasonably expect given her strategy. My question is whether this strategy was sufficient. But again, I can see why they chose the strategy, and she can change it up in the next debate if it doesn't do the job.

    I thought the same thing about her opening, and I guess Stokol's thrust would suggest an Ali manuever, the rope a dope at the debate.


    It's something of a caricature for him to mutter "That's business!" (it's not personal....) meaning that the schmucks who carry his weight as dumb taxpayers with goyische kopfen (wait, what??) shouldn't take it personally...


    I feel that Lester Holt did a fine job tonight.

    I mean he did hit Trump on Taxes.

    He hit Trump on Iraq.

    We were pleased to see Trump lie about Iraq four times?

    It was fun.

    I for one, thought Lester did a fine job.


    NY DAILY NEWS: Headline- Calls 'Trump a grumpy loser interrupts Hillary throughout debate.'  

    CNN poll, Hillary won 62% to 30 something.



    I needed this

    Oh I have to add this item that has nothing to do with this blog.

    Normally, we do not get heat in this building until October first.

    It has been so damned cold lately, that my registers register heat.

    This is a public housing situation controlled by corps. hahhahaha

    But MY registers are registering heat.

    I am warm. hahahahha

    I just do not know where to put this reality on September 26th, 2016!


    Watch Seth Meyers at 11:30 pm

    He attacks Trump at the debates.

    So I assume he did not pretape this show?


    Oh I just had to add this 

    MSNBC is referring to the 400 lb guy on the couch.

    Chris says:

    I do not know why this guy is snorting. hahahahaha

     Mr. Smith caught this first. hahahahah

    Oh and here is the comedian on the channel without Jon:

    (And he did not pre-tape, this is all strange. I mean no pre-taping?

    It is Wednesday AM and I am just getting around to reading all of this. One big takeaway is that virtually everyone agrees that HILLARY won this debate. That in itself is very important. Donald is saying he won, but only his supporters are listening to him.  Although I can't fathom being undecided at this point, anyone who is still making up their minds surely has a big chunk of information to process. 

    Rachel noted that Fox thinks Trump won the debate, or at worst thought it was a draw.

    A Fox News exec had to tell their on air personalities that online polls do not meet Fox News standards. Who knew that there were standards at Fox?


    That is amazing rmrd.

    Maybe the dismissal of Ailes?


    I watched a few minutes of O'Reilly and he actually admitted that the 'polls' from Breitbart or Drudge were meaningless?

    Besides, if Trump had won, he would not be going around dissing his mike and Lester!

    Dick, for days you've had me tickled with the parallel "Eat shit, 50 billion flies can't be wrong".

    Perhaps more apt for this election anyway.

    Thanx Peracles (i think, ha)

    You and I have witnessed lies from politicians for many decades. ha

    But this sombitch Trump, trumps it all.

    The polls tell us Trump aint out of the running.

    And this guy is the most despicable fellow I have ever seen.

    Nixon was a prick but besides for Vietnam, it is hard to fault him as a President--except for his hidden war chest and election felonies and....hahahaahha

    Can 40 million or more citizens be wrong. hahahahah

    I sometimes wish to wash my hands of all this like the late Carlin.

    But damn.

    I keep being drawn into this mess.

    Emails. Who gives a shit?

    Okay, that is enough.

    Except I feel in my very soul that this shall be the year of the WOMAN: