MrSmith1's picture

    Did "Anonymous", (Not Joe Klein, the Hacker Folks) save Democracy in America?!


    Wow, the group of hackers known collectively as "Anonymous" are claiming that in the 2012 Presidential election, they stopped Karl Rove from changing the vote totals in three key states, including Ohio ... and that Rove got away with it in 2004, by diverting the official Ohio servers to a Republican owned server for 90 minutes which changed the vote totals from a Kerry lead to a Bush lead.  No wonder Rove went ballistic when Fox called Ohio for Obama on election night.  And could this be the real reason all those GOP pundits were so confident predicting a Romney landslide?  

    For me, this story is just glee-producing.  I like to picture Karl Rove's head exploding  when his carefully planned theft of the election crashed and burned.. 


    I have 3 questions:


    1) How do we thank these folks for the great service they have provided to America?

    2) Why hasn't this news story been picked up by the Mainstream media?


    3) Why isn't Karl Rove wearing an orange jumpsuit in a maximum security prison?








    The linked report reminds me of the satire piece about Ryan and 'The Stench' which was picked up by some of the MSM as fact.

    If the fundamentals of this is true, I'm sure that many tech geeks could ascertain the validity - while for all the 'reasons' stated within the article, it does seem possible if not in theory probable.  It's not that I don't consider that Rove and his cohorts would do this, but none should consider this as truth (but oh yes, some will) yetwink

    Well Anonymous is going to have to show some actual evidence they did just that, and if they have evidence of Rove's wrong doing, they have to turn him in immediately because what he and his organization may have been doing are felonies.  It is quite easy for them to document what they saw and what the action they took. In fact, if they did what they said they did they have evidence already. And they should turn it in immediately, they should also turn in the evidence they claim they have for the 2004 election results in Ohio, if this is truly the case.

    I want to see actual evidence of wrong doing by Rove and if that evidence is available he and his boys need to go down for those felonies, it would be grand. Anonymous usually has no problem exposing their evidence, so before I believe the report I  await their data. They do certainly so have the mad skilz to do exactly what they said they did.

    Turn in the evidence guys, let's see Rove go to Leavenworth.

    What an interesting article Mr. Smith.

    I hope they do have solid evidence and they're not just whistling Dixie.  I, too, would love to see those guys have to go to jail.  That's one perp walk I want to see.

    I think Rove was just trying to keep the inevitable going until late in the night. If they had 2 or 3 states too close to call like Florida, then they get to drag it out for days, and that's when their foot soldiers do their work.

    But it's possible - if these guys figured out destinations for this kind of stuff, they could have hijacked uploads, or just held data ready to publish.


    A 2008 interview with Mark Crispen Miller on Democracy Now:

    wow.  Thanks.  I never saw this.


    I just wonder how our entire world and economy can remain stable if we have good guys and bad guys going around skewing reality on computers?


    I knew the elections were stolen... I knew that the only way we could win this election was by having a big enough majority to overcome the cheats...


    For those short on time, on the webpage linked in the post, the Fox News host starts off saying "The Romney people are disputing....." the call on Ohio.

    Then, to the last 14 seconds, Rove says:

    "Apparently the website (Ohio official vote count) has now been crashed because they could no longer refresh it. but...look, I don't know what the outcome is going to be, but you should, we gotta be careful about calling things when we have like 991 votes separating the 2 candidates."

    Draw your own conclusions.

    The history: if they openly try to disenfranchise voters, make up issues about 'voter fraud', mislead voters on the date of election day or ID requirements, have repeated incidents of registration fraud and throwing away of voter registrations, used hecklers and the courts to stop the counting of votes (Florida 2000),  does this show a respect for the will of the voters and democracy? Why not hack the computer vote count if at all possible?

    Well Priebus is so pleased to be supported by so many in his bid for his SECOND stint at the RNC and Gallup is sure that it knows how to take proper polling samples and Medved is sure that rover was correct in his assessment that the dems only won because of voter suppression and ....

    I will say this.

    When rover was sitting there whilst the right wing FOX network called Ohio for the dems and America for Obama HE FREAKED.

    Remember that prick in Penn who claimed that Mitt had it sewn up because of voter suppression bills that had just been passed into law?


    He kept saying.

    Florida and Ohio have had real problems counting votes correctly for a dozen years and Arizona does not look that hot this year either!

    I feel that rover thought he had this in the bag due to chicanery of some sort.

    False notices went out in Spanish saying that voting would take place on Thursday?


    I look at it like this:

    If we dems win it has to be by at least two or three points in real time or we lose.

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