by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I think I read somewhere or came to the expectation that values would converge - maybe because of the speed of communication, our increased mobility, our common tongue...
I was wrong.
Society doesn't move backwards or forwards - it moves sideways like a crab. Buckminster Fuller used to hope for that day we could move directly towards our needs, but a man embedded in tetrahedrons and spin should have realized we're always in orbit orthogonal to something we're zipping past.
We were more together in 1970 than we are today. We shared an outlook, a community, an artform, an abstract language of music and dress and movement and color. I read that Janis Joplin didn't just want to be a singer - she wanted to be an artist, including all the intellectual implications and requirements back then. You had to read, think, listen, talk with people man, travel, take the journey... And of course fuck. And commune. And spiritualize. We were cynics and believers, hustlers and the hustled.
We. I want to talk to "us", but I don't even know who "us" is. I've travelled a long way since my youth, physically and mentally and philosophically. I have trouble even reading or listening to this stuff from the past, these archaic runes... Yet these lines, these throwaway lines bubble up... "Giving head on a bed in the Chelsea Hotel"... I'm a hippie, I'm a punk, I'm a goth, I'm a Gen-X'er, a lesbian folkrocker, a psychedelic hiphopper, I'm a grunge artist, I'm a dot-com internet surfer, devOps, anarchic hacker, I'm a post-modern millennial. Oh wait, that last one I am not (yet?).
From Rolling Stone (remember them? Jan Wenner? Hunter Thompson? Almost Famous?), for the first time in 130 years, more 18-34 year olds are living with parents than with partners.
But maybe I am a millennial - maybe we don't distinguish anymore - I'm content with my kids, my kids are content enough (eye roll) with me, unlike days of old it doesn't really matter - "whatever" is the crie de coeur.
Language, ritual, need. I remember an ungodly almost 30 years ago a 13-year-old coming up to me in café pleading for me to explain existentialism to her. Now. It was beautiful, the same way I felt when up all night trying to parse Gödel Escher Bach or El Topo or the first Velvets' album or Beckett or Lovecraft or Autobiography of a Yogi or... I once lived in a flat with "My Art Belongs to Dada" stamped everywhere. My life belonged to Dada.
I don't know where I'm going with this post - I just have a waft of the past and the indifferent present - all the "culture" that's there but not there, significant, monetized, normalized, sometimes weaponized... but not so much inspirized.
I saw a clip of Bowie in a museum recently, where he had taken the Burroughs/Gysin cut-up method and had someone program it to churn out more, effortlessly. It's like speed reading the Bhagavad Gita - it's soul destroying, or not even - it's just soul genericizing, like Soma but now in a no-brand cheaper version with new-and-improved dispenser and matching mobile app.
The psychology, the study of the mind, the epistemology and social behavior I loved is now a bunch of analytics recipes that work not on individualization, but on clumped mass behavior. Someone understands how it works - I with all my education am still struggling. Not because it's beyond me, but because I just don't care. It's like Leary's futuristic stimulus that plugs directly into our mental G-spot, but I'm tired of the mental masturbation, the things that are supposed to intrigue and inspire if you just click here, and more thrilled when I run across an accident off the grid, off the ad banner.
At the fade of "Childhood's End", the new generation starts a slow complex mass dance, oblivious to their surroundings, to pain and suffering, to their forebears, to the other, to the planet, to future.
We've invested a lot in technology - our hopes, dreams, solutions, genius. We like our heroes, but our heroes are an anachronism - we know the solution should come out of the system, out of cooperation and mass action. But somehow those 2 lonely figures are stronger to me than a million likes, a terabyte of data, a Googleplex of instant search.
"Giving head on a bed..." Winston and Julia, finding a small bit of solace in a mechanized, automated world.
I love Big Brother.
I have no idea why, but reading that "post-truth" is the Oxford Dictionaries' choice for 2016 international word of the year made me think of this post from you. It is defined as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief”, and even as I find that immediately depressing I realize it's most certainly not new. Still ... in an odd sort of way emotion and personal belief have to shape our opinions to some degree, don't they? Shouldn't they? Otherwise we'd all be a bunch of boring androids spouting whatever facts we're programmed to absorb - being human is the greatest spin of all.
by barefooted on Wed, 11/16/2016 - 10:56am
To take you into a related but not identical nation, look up "fast and slow thinking" (there are some shorter summaries that are good, but what I've read of the longer is also quite fascinating.) There are very important psychological worlds out there that most of us are oblivious to and completely lacking in tools to handle. We're like lambs being led to slaughter.
Dislike Scott Adams all you want, but there was a certain methodology to Trump's repeat-everything-3-times, speak-like-an-adolescent, and smash-down-the-accepted-norms-at-every-juncture. He was imprinting his audience with every performance, knowing what would stick, what would be forgotten or simply wouldn't matter. Probably the reason Trump fights so hard to keep his reputation as "rich" more than any of his other lies, is that "rich" is his core fundamental - the source and validation of his stature, his success, the basis for his illusion. "When you're a star you can do what you want" - yeah baby, rock 'n roll. And while we might feel superior for not being susceptible to this magic, the incantations of success, it's just as likely that we're simply not his target audience, his "mark". Now his prime target doesn't have to be everyone who eventually votes for him, simply his core audience, the "true believers", but he knows how to cultivate and grow this group successfully.
Magicians work via several pre-existing human urges - the desire to be fooled, to be excited, to by mystified, to be part of a group and not stick out, to follow the bright-and-shiny, and so on.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 11/16/2016 - 11:25am
Leon and Leonard are dead.
And Glwen is gone too according rmrd and Wiki.
The end is near.
Dylan will be next.
But Peracles....I grew up in a white suburb where all the edenists had five to eight kids and no place to put them all comfortably in a ranch home in the suburbs. hahahaha
We all had one bw tv in the living room and mom decided what idiocy to choose on three channels. hahahahas
My only son told his wife:
And had his tubes tied. hahahahah Following the birth of three lovely pixies. hahahahah
We are going to be okay.
We elected a fascist in a strange constitutional frame with three branches.
Sit back and relax Peracles.
by Richard Day on Wed, 11/16/2016 - 3:29pm
I think this fits well here....
by EmmaZahn on Thu, 11/17/2016 - 2:06am
I always liked his twang here that kept it from being too nightclub.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/17/2016 - 2:54am
Well it is a good song to get drunk with.....
The lyrics though are why I posted it. How said it is that people keep talking past each other and are not even able to see one another because they are lost in a masquerade. I know I feel lost -- like your song choice -- like a stranger in a strange land.
by EmmaZahn on Thu, 11/17/2016 - 9:37am
Still walking in a fog
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 11/17/2016 - 11:49am
Not a song, but sadly inspirational all the same ...
by barefooted on Thu, 11/17/2016 - 10:15am