The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    FurudeRikaChama's picture

    There is life outside your apartment


    I think this is based on a musical of some kind. Does anyone know the name of it?

    Deficit, what deficit?

    Indeed in 2007 the chief executives of the Too Big to Fail  Banks made on an average $26 million.

         Joe Nocera , today's Times

    And they paid 35% income tax on most of that

                 Flavius, dagblog 2 days ago.


    Just for fun here's some of the 1960  tax rate brackets They started at

    0        to     $4000       20%, Then continued

    The History Of Hate In Idaho

    When I discovered Couer d'Alene Idaho, the only thing I knew about the area was that it looked breathtakingly beautiful in a travel brochure ... and equally beautiful when I visited. Literally, that's it; that and I could get to a major airport in around 30 minutes (which was my sole professional criteria at the time). Another visit and I had a home and was preparing to move a household and office from Las Vegas.

    It would take a somewhat tense conversation with a friend in San Francisco, who was decidedly uninterested in visiting, before I would learn of the darker reputation that the Aryan Nations had bestowed on my new locale. Since that time, I have learned bits and pieces of the story and watched the final chapters as the Aryan Nations compound in Hayden was seized and destroyed. Kept abreast of rumors that the core moved north and west to the Priest River area (incidentally, the exact area where the Spokane bomber was located). And generally just picked up local gossip. But I had never gotten a complete story of the history. Until now.

    jollyroger's picture

    Schumer: "Leave the bankies alooone...."

    Who will stand up for the vampire squid?  Who will speak for the scumsuckers who prey upon the life of the people?  Who could possibly defend the corrupt, thieving, rapacious parasites who brought the economy of the nation to its knees?

    Fighting to free the investment banks from the (pitifully small) constraints that is Dodd-Frank, a hero emerges from among the hundred senators....It's Banksterman, and his sidekick Kristen G.

    "You punish the banks, you punish us all..."

    The imaginary Tyler Cowen

    For my sins reading  Tyler Cowen  today brought to mind Marianne Moore's hankering for an Imaginary Garden with real toads in  it.

    Cowen (no he's not a toad, real or imaginary. Flavius does not do insults. That's  the next office) imagines a driverless auto. Or a lot of them doing various imaginary  good things. One unfortunately has an imaginary accident and kills an imaginary child. I'll  drop imaginary from here on because it's getting tedious ( I know , I know that never stopped me before). 

    Anyway following this accident the

    Who's entitled to a 35% tax rate?

    The top tax rate since 1945 has been 

    Years                 %                  On income

                             Rate                 Over              President_

    ______            ________         _______            ________


    48-49                82                      400,000            Truman        

     50-63               91                      400,000             Ike/JFK

     64                    77                     400,000             JFK/ LBJ

    cmaukonen's picture

    Why The Democratic Party Has Thrown The Middle Class Under The Bus

    But why is this the case ? When in the past the Democratic party was a staunch supporter of the middle class. Here is a good explanation of what happened by Kevin Drum in Alternet.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    The Genghis Law: Strength and Change Lie in Organization

    After reading Kevin Drums column and Genghis' Blowing Smoke, several academic papers on the Senate rules, the filibuster, and I selected some Journal Articles to learn more about what exactly is going on and what the solutions are for Democrats and Liberals in the future, because if th

    Richard Day's picture



    Baby Face Nelson shot his first victim at age 12.

    The Decider's picture

    Ruling Allows Corporations to Give Their Money Away More Freely

    A US District judge has just ruled that corporations may now give their money directly to political candidates.  I think that we can rejoice that this new era of corporate generosity and philanthropy will enrich the lives of many.

    we are stardust's picture

    ‘Reckless Endangerment’ Authors Interviewed

    (or)  How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon

    Overview of the book from Barnes and Noble:

    In Reckless Endangerment, Gretchen Morgenson, the star business columnist of The New York Times, exposes how the watchdogs who were supposed to protect the country from financial harm were actually complicit in the actions that finally blew up the American economy.

    Drawing on previously untapped sources and building on original research from coauthor Joshua Rosner—who himself raised early warnings with the public and investors, and kept detailed records—Morgenson connects the dots that led to this fiasco.

    Tommy Holmes's picture

    America America land that I LOST !

       What more is there to say? That about sums it up. Short and sweet, kind of like this countries reign as the greatest nation on earth.Shame how the caring this nation's leaders once had for their citizens has sunk to and all time low.

    TimDanahey's picture


    Any Presidential candidate the Republican Party offers in 2012 will be a sacrifice to the Gods of elections.  Someone has to be the standard bearer but the 2012 standard bearer will be going into battle without an army behind him or her.  Repubican leadership is taking more deferments for this unwinnable electoral war.  Obama's Presidency is hitting its stride, the tools of incumbency are available to him, and, quite frankly, Republicans don't offer Americans earning under $1,000,000 a year a logical reason to vote for them.

    jollyroger's picture

    Prez fixin' to make his bones with Ghaddafi. It ain't "R2P", it's "Better listen to me..."

    As the obvious makes itself manifest even to the dimwits at the NY Times, can we help marvelling at the seductive power of the whisper heard in every presidential ear "You are the most powerful man in the world--rulers that don't kiss your ass may not be rulers for long, if you feel twitchy..."

    MrSmith1's picture

    Goodwin Liu withdraws nomination ...

    A year.  A freaking year.  And no up or down vote.  So these pieces of Republican excrement succeed in getting their way again.  

    cmaukonen's picture

    An Asperger's approach to the global economy

    We in this country like to view our selves as an island. Politically, socially, culturally and economically. But this has not been the case for quite sometime, if it really ever was.

    It's never too late to make a second impression.

    I have no love for the GOP.  I voted republican twice in my life, the same guy in 2006 and 2010 for local council positions.  The last democratic party votes I cast were a 2010 write-in for DC Mayor Adrian Fenty, President Obama in the 2008 general and Dennis Kucinich in the primary. 

    jollyroger's picture

    It's Hochul!

    News 970 (public radio) outta Buffalo says Hochul has won.

    Can you feel the earth shifting?

    Richard Day's picture


    Eugène Delacroix, Tiger and Snake

    I think my problem is that I do have the fire in my belly.

    Sarah Palin

    A lot of women have fires in their belly these days!

    But a lot of those poor women found themselves 'instilled' with that fire from outside sources.

    we are stardust's picture

    Massive U.S. Weapons Deals and Obama’s Middle East 'Reset Button'



    A couple weeks ago I’d read a piece at Al Jazeera about the President being dismayed that India had rejected the fighter jet deal he had pushed on his recent visit to India.  Apparently India decided that Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin's F-16 failed to meet technical criteria.

    The Nation reported that the NYT had this to say:

    “In a report from New Delhi, The New York Times described India's decision as "a blow for President (Barack) Obama, who had pushed hard for this and other defence deals during his visit to India in November as part of his agenda to deepen and broaden the United States' relationship with India."

    "While political and economic relations between India and the United States have been warming for years, American arms makers have struggled to win big contracts" in New Delhi, it said.
    "After decades of frosty relations during the cold war, which pushed India to rely extensively on the Soviet Union for military hardware, many in the Indian defence establishment are still wary of American intentions and United States military aid to Pakistan, India's main adversary," the Times said.”

    Now I don’t know about you, but when I read some of the Wilileaked cables that spoke about US Ambassadors pushing deals for arms and weapons systems at cocktail parties, it disturbed me; I was stuck in the past as to the meaning of diplomacy and diplomat; you remember, the old-school talking to each other to solve problems.  Since then, I’d been considering writing a play about the subject except for the fact that a) I don’t know how to write a play and b) I don’t know enough about either the military hardware of the international players to write it as believable satire. 
