The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    I used to watch golf on my black and white fifty years ago.

    I would actually see 290 yard par fours....390 yard par fives....hahahahah

    Barth's picture

    A Republic, if you can keep it

    Now we know that, despite all appearances, Congress can act as one body and do what needs to be done.

    Rootman's picture

    Obama Brand Has Lost Its Mojo

    Just spent the morning phone canvassing for volunteers, with a few dozen other Obama supporters. Those of us making the calls had signed up online, so we were fairly hardcore. The folks we were calling were past volunteers and supporters from 2008. Our job was to see if they anybody is "in" for 2012, and to try to multiply our numbers by arranging one-on-one meetings for people to have a role in the ground game in my swing state.

    Red Planet's picture

    Charlie Rose Interviews Love Child Of Ayn Rand & Chauncey Gardner

    Timeless words of wisdom from the man who wasn't there. And still isn't. Markets work. I did nothing to cause the melt-down. Low-income and minority home buyers to blame. Corporations aren't hiring, and won't, due to uncertainty about whether they will have to pay taxes and follow regulations. All that corporate money sitting idle = Oogey-boogey inflation. Anything government does makes it worse. Stimulus = no-no. Do nothing. Wait. Because markets work. 

    TimDanahey's picture


    I'm tired of the story.  It saddens me that this man e-cheated on his pregnant wife.  It is wrong.  He quit.  It's over.

    But it shouldn't be.

    Richard Day's picture



    CHICAGO (Reuters) - Ohio lawmakers Wednesday passed a bill allowing gun owners in the state to carry concealed weapons into bars and other establishments where alcohol is served.

    jollyroger's picture

    Polite punks, pitiful *pussycats

    (*Admit it: You were waiting for me to say "pussies"...)

    We need to pay close attention to the important transaction that just occurred in Greece.  The voting behavior of the people's designated representatives was materially shifted, because the people got seriously rude with their representatives.

    Likewise, the Tea Partiers, manipulated and stage managed though they were, materially shifted the voting behavior of their representatives.

    Pay Cut Disguised as Tax Cut

    My reply to A Better Payroll Tax Cut | ThinkProgress

    How can I convince you that what you are considering is in reality a general pay cut.

    What is a payroll tax to employers is a form of compensation to employees. In the case of FICA it is deferred compensation in the form of a retirement annuity. Last year's cut letting employees take the compensation now rather deferring to retirement was one thing but now to even consider cutting the employer's portion without requiring that it be passed on to employees is effectively a cut in their pay and a windfall to the employers.

    Of course owners and the self-employed will love the idea but don't progressives generally support labor?

    coatesd's picture

    Not Working in America: People and Public Policy

    The job figures for May were truly ghastly. In a month in which the economy needed to add 150,000 jobs simply to keep pace with the growth in the labor force, the private sector created 83,000 jobs and the public sector actually lost 29,000. Nearly 14 million Americans remain involuntarily unemployed.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Is Norm Dicks Signaling a Sooner End to Military Action in Afghanistan?

    On June 11, 2011  Norm Dicks (D)  Washington State's 6th district told constituents through reporters at his local paper The Kitsap Sun, that it is time for Afghanistan to "take care of herself".  So the question becomes this, is Norm Dick signaling this administrations willingness to move up the timeline for removing troops from Afghanistan.

    jollyroger's picture

    Leaked tap transcripts: Fla.Gov. Scott and top state party officials agree to push drug tests for voters

    A civically minded FBI apparat has leaked transcripts of a wiretap operation left over from the days when Florida Governor Rick Scott was fixiin' to become a convicted felon.

    They forgot to shut down the tap when Scott made his deal to walk on his Medicare Fraud beef.

    jollyroger's picture

    Prez:Sigint says Al-Q to slam dollar on default day;Cantor, Boehner, McConnell in custody for material aid to terrorists; State of Emergency

    Prez says, "We  have learned that Al Quaeda plans coordinated attacks on oil facilities around the world on the day of debt limit related default, with the intention of re-pricing oil in euros a long-standing goal they share  with Hugo Chavez.  By continuing politically motivated behavior which violates their oaths of office, these men are guilty of  furnishing material support to designated terrorist organizations.

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Von Mises and Bachmann on a Beach

    And no, von Mises and Bachmann on a Beach is not a hot new cocktail down at your corner bar, but it could be, maybe Rachel Maddow will work one up just to enjoy this 18 month-long election season.  Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal douchebag writer sycophant, asked some questions of Michelle Bachmann  in his latest column.  Yes I reluctantly read the WSJ's opinion guys to punish myself I think, but also to read about these characters from folks who love them, no

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Saving the Scotchman Peaks Proposed Wilderness Area

    As you know I ride my bike all over Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and occasionally New England, this year it is Maine in September, where we go visit the ex-President Bush in Kennebunkport, he isn't expecting us of course, but we will wave as we ride by their compound if we can see it from the road! And I am sure he will be thrilled that the Greatest Living Democrat will go out of her way to acknowledge his New England roots.

    cmaukonen's picture

    On community based alternative economies

    There has been quite a bit of discussion lately on what is wrong with the system and what needs to be changed. Liz Berry has suggested in her current blog that the problem is political, that both political parties are indistinguishable and that a third party would fix this.  I agree with her assessment but have serious doubts about the cure.  Jeffroby  has suggested organization of the poor and middle class for some political muscle.  And I agree with the organization part though I do not agree with the political part.  And OhioGringo sites Robert Reich on the WPA and CCC - government spending.

    CVille Dem's picture

    Callista Gingrich // Lady Gaga ~~ A Brief Comparison


    One is a narcissistic ball-buster who wears scary makeup and whose hair appears to have been created in a plastic factory.  She is a media-loving, cold fish who has a known history of sexual shenanigans, and has a fixation on outward displays of her wealth.  


    And the other is a pretty cool singer who actually earns her living!




    jollyroger's picture

    Wherein we Abolish the Income Tax, Obviate the Debt Ceiling, and End the Deficit. Fuck Income, Tax Wealth

    A truly simplified method for funding the government.  A balanced budget that Lenin could love.

    Fuck income, tax wealth.

    We eliminate all deficits by the following arithmetic:

    Each fiscal year, we total up last year's expenditures.  (E)

    We total up the combined wealth of the nation (W)

    We exempt an amount equal to 200 times the poverty level (200P)

    We  assess individual non exempt wealth (W-200P) as necessary to equal E.  Probably between 1 and 5%, but always exactly the amount spent.

    The Blurring of the CIA and the military: recent analysis

    The blurring of CIA and military
    By David Ignatius, Washington Post, June 1, 2011
    One consequence of the early “war on terror” years was that the lines between CIA and military activities got blurred. ...The Obama administration is finishing an effort to redraw those lines more carefully....

    Richard Day's picture



    I typed the word google into Google. Guess what came up?



    George Carlin

