jollyroger's picture

    It's Hochul!

    News 970 (public radio) outta Buffalo says Hochul has won.

    Can you feel the earth shifting?


    I've been watching the coverage on MSNBC.  Woo-Hoo!

    Hey Jolly!

    Big deal.

    Just was talkin with Mac and C in the corner about this!

    Its funny how the fallout analysis is a dead giveaway re:institutional right wing media bias, eg. on N(ot) P(ogresive) R(adio) this morning, the offending Ryan plan either "revamped" "overhauled" or "greatly changed" medicare.

    If you have to have a single verb, Rachel does it well with "kill" medicare.

    Certainly "privatize" or "voucherize" or "subcontract" would all have more content than "overhaul"

    Praise Jesus they didn't say "Reform"I

    Something to be happy about, yes.  Woot!

    Now when I start hearing about plans on how to overcome the voter supression laws and the extra mile we will have to go because of redistricting and the loss of ACORN, then I will get really happy.

    Hey Sync. Always good to hear from you!

    I was worried; I mean I always see Armageddon coming even though i make fun of that prediction.

    I mean I thought, hell, these repubs are changing all the laws with regard to voting rights and I have written much about this subject.

    But damn! This is a repub district for 150 years?

    This is a big deal like I told Mac.

    We might survive this!



    Hey Resistance: This was the link I was really looking for:




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