by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
This just might be one of the most important documents that you have ever read. You don’t have to agree with everything that I say. All I ask is to read this. If it makes sense to you also then do something about it. Do you remember watching the movie Robin Hood and feeling like Robin Hood was doing something that was really good, right and just because of the evil, corrupt political power there? I remember feeling that way, but more than that I feel that way today. I believe that I have a dream and a vision for the common good of all mankind. I believe that this dream will change the world to be a truly better place. I’m not currently running for some political office so I don’t need a fancy slogan, but I am asking for change. I know that most people that read this will at first have a negative response to this idea because it challenges beliefs that people have assumed are truths for many years. Let’s face it the rich, powerful, evil, corrupt have been around for a long for a lot of years. People are generally afraid of change, because ordinarily when change comes lately it has been for the negative. People are suspicious and expect bad to happen. People have this idea that the wealthy are somehow better people than themselves, or somehow they deserve all that they have, even though someone else might have earned it for them, or perhaps they used unethical but legal means to make their money, or perhaps they even got rich by selling drugs or organized crime. Just because a person has wealth doesn’t mean that he is a good or nice person or that he deserves to have it or keep it any more than you or I do. Keep an open mind about this idea before making any judgments about it. I would ask you to think the consequences all of the way through. Personally I am tired of a few lucky people that just happened to be born with a golden spoon in their mouths, or happened to get lucky with an idea, as Bill Gates did being able to have more money than any one person should ever be entitled to hoard at one time, while the rest of us carry trillions of dollars of debt. It is at the loss of every single
I would propose to you that greed is just another addiction, it isn’t glamorous and it doesn’t make people nice or better people. Wealthy people actually commit suicide more often than poor people do, so it doesn’t make people happy. I’d propose to you that greed is perhaps the worst addiction known to mankind. Yes it is an addiction. I think that it is just like the drug addict, alcoholic, gamblers, sex addicts, workaholics, or overeaters. But do the rest of us really have a say about this, or do we just have to bow down and accept things as they are and let the wealthy continue to steal from us? So what can or even should we do about it? I’d like to propose an intervention of the most powerful kind. The bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. If you had a drug addict living with you and they kept taking your money, would you just keep allowing it to go on? I’m sure that these people have a lot of excuses why they are so greedy and why they hoard the money. But if we can’t convince the wealthiest, most educated people in the world to become caring, sharing, honest, accountable human beings, then what right do we have to force the poorest person that lives in the slums and can’t feed his family, to quit stealing, killing and selling drugs. How can we ask the poorest, least educated, the people brought up under the worst possible circumstances to change, after they have been so traumatized? How in good conscience can we accuse them of being greedy and selfish and call them criminals and then to put them in prison, when we allow our most intelligent, most well schooled people brought up with everything that they ever desired to be greedy, selfish, childish hoards? Someone planned to make poor people crazy, because they are a very real threat. They might want some of the rich persons share at life. If only the poor had a role model to live up to. Do you think that poor people would need to sell drugs if they could just get a decent job? And what about the powerful drug lords, if they could only keep10 million dollars what motive would they have continue to push drugs at the rate that they do after they had already made their 10 million dollars? Why would the do it if it was just going to be taken from them anyway? They would loose all of their incentive and their power. They wouldn’t be more powerful (richer) than any of the other drug dealers, and they would be a lot easier to deal with from a law enforcement prospective.
We the people have to decide that it is in the best interest of the majority of the population to stop allowing the wealthy to hoard money. We have to bring it to ballot, and we have to vote on it and put it into law, so that it should be unlawful for any one greedy individual to hoard more than a certain amount of money. But do the rest of us really have a say about this, or do we just have to bow down and accept things as they are?
“Someone has asked me, “How does someone else having a large amount of money affect me.” My answer would be, simply put, that our country only has a certain amount of gold in its reserve, and now we don’t even use the same gold reserve standard as it was intended when our forefathers started the gold reserve. They are now cheating and making fake money because we don’t have enough gold to back it up. We are in debt trillions of dollars. Hitler did this same thing to
And why are we going through a recession right now, here, today? The wealthy have planned for this, so that they can buy your foreclosed houses at a small percentage of what it is worth and then sell it back to you at a premium price down the road here in a few years. It’s all a game to them. They don’t care about you or me! They manipulate the stock market for their benefit. Don’t you see the trap that they (the wealthy and powerful) have set up for each of us? The wealthy and powerful have set it up so that we are slaves to them, so that we are dependent on them, so that we will always be in need of them for our livelihoods, our food, our interest only mortgages, they have everything planned out for us, or I should say for them. Like a poker machine, always keeping us thinking that we might get something back, that we might be able to experience “the American Dream” but rigging the economy so that like a slot machine, it always takes more than it gives back. Or the biggest lie of all is just like the one that lottery players and gamblers swallow, that one day they might be one of the lucky ones. Trust me; the odds are not in our favor of ever getting rich if things continue the way that they have for the last 200 years! Why not instead have 20 people win 10 million dollars instead of one person win 200 million dollars? That would up the odds of more winning wouldn’t it. We have to actually do something if we want things to change for the better for all of us; so that the wealthy do not rule this country any longer, so that the power is put back in the hands of all Americans again, by the people and for the people, remember that?! Instead of politicians secretly passing legislation in private back rooms in the middle of the night in scheming, unethical, deceitful plans of getting their perverted self motivated bills passed, perhaps the people should be able to have a say in all matters that effect them, instead of having our lives manipulated for us in spite of our opinions and views or what we think or want. Perhaps our forefathers realized that a few greedy people might get together and try to monopolize this county. Didn’t they teach us anything? After all, that is why they had a tea party and it’s why the constitution was set up for the people, of the people, and by the people. Not by who has the most money to campaign for office, given to them by the people who have the most money, and to profit the people that have the most money to gain by getting them in office. The wealthy are not going to do anything different for us no matter how many promises they make of change. The wealthy bought and pay for the people that rule our county. They own them! They are the people that we are letting rule this county!!! Simply because a person is charismatic or a better liar doesn’t make him a great politician. By the people and for the people, remember that principle? This country was founded on that principle. I don’t think that this part of our constitution is any longer true. I have a feeling that if we try to make this change, we will find out just how untrue the wealthy have made this principle to be. But have courage; there are more of us than there are of them. But we do have to stop living in a fantasy. It’s time to come out of the matrix! We have given the wealthy this power by our own views and our opinions of them! They are only flesh and blood. The wealthy are idolized by us. We all want to be like them! But in reality, many of the wealthy are dishonest, non-caring, jerks that could care less weather you or I lived or died. They only want things to continue going the way that they are so that they can continue to steal every one of our dreams from us! They want our money. I’m tired of just surviving while others live a life that the rest of us can only dream about, while children live on the streets, homeless, just wondering if they will have a meal or a place to call bed that is safe from predators, or even just a place that is warm and dry. And we wondering day after day if we will be able to keep our job, our house, everything that we have worked so hard for all of our lives. Wake up people!!! Why should the rich be the most powerful people in the world? Why? Isn’t it simply because they happened to be lucky enough, or dishonest enough to have a lot of money? Do they work harder than you or I? Does having money make them better people, or generous, or people that wish to help others out of their poverty, or more honorable people, or more honest, or more loving, or more worthy of our respect, or more deserving of a good life. Obviously not! But we all see a rich person and our knee jerk reaction is to kiss his behind or make him an idol. How many drug dealers and thieves get to live in luxury? The constitution of the
I believe that what we are talking about here is humanity. We’re talking about life and death. We all know that laptops are nice, but are they worth giving up our retirements for, or extending our retirements until we are 67 or 70 or 75 only so we can have a little thinner computer? The government is talking about there not being enough money for Social Security so that we may not even be able to retire at all, or for those who can retire, it will be later and later in life! Is it really worth giving up our retirements so Bill Gates can have one more Island, or toy, or jet? I think that the large businesses should still be allowed, and they should be allowed to grow, and taxed a larger percentage on larger profits, I just think that we should limit how much any single individual or family is allowed to hoard and keep from the business personally. Think about what this will do for taxes. 2% of the wealthy already pay 90% of the taxes, so buy doing this all of our taxes will be paid for by the people that have the money rather than making the poor who are already struggling even more burdened, by paying taxes. Pretty cool concept isn’t it? Taxes should be completely paid by the people and businesses that have the money and can afford to pay something and not by some poor widow struggling to keep her home or to eat. Some have said, “Yes but, wouldn’t the wealthy just move to another country?” If you were wealthy would you want to move to a country that has kidnapping for ransom rather than stay protected in the U.S? In other counties they don’t have their favorite restaurants, or good roads, or any of the things that we enjoy here in
When do we admit that going down the same road expecting different results is nothing more than insanity and wishful thinking and it does not and will not work? When do we say enough is enough and make some changes that will really work, and that will really help the homeless, the orphans and the widows, and our problem with crime! I know it’s really hard to think about someone more than ourselves, it’s our nature. But just trying to live shouldn’t have to be the burden that it is, for anyone.
So what do we do with the money that we take from the wealthy? If the rich are only allowed to keep say $10M then anything over that amount could go to pay for an education for those of us that weren’t born with a silver spoon in our mouths, or medical attention to someone that can’t afford it, or to care for the elderly of our land, or to promote jobs, or anything to help the majority. I’d like the job of saying which poor person gets helped today. Wouldn’t that be fun! Talk about job security! What a concept, health care for everyone that doesn’t cost us everything else in life that we would also like to have. Perhaps we could really afford to help the poor, really finance small business, even retire before the age of 70. I’ll bet we could think of a million great ideas! This is a worth while cause that I believe is worth fighting for!!! It’s even possible, because there are more of us than there are of them, and we can out vote them. I believe that if we pursue this ideal that it will become like the pyramid effect. The wealthy now will help others to get an education, so they too will obtain their $10M. Now we have doubled the rich who will in turn help others obtain their $10M until every person in the
I kept hoping and praying that the wealthy ones would see the realities that we all see going on around us daily, and out of the goodness of their hearts say perhaps I could get by with one less jet, or one less Island, or a Billion dollars less, and perhaps help someone else for a change. But unless we force them to do it, I don’t think that it is going to happen. It’s only getting worse. And we the people do have the power and the vote to bring this about, if we will only make it happen. We can do it!!! Please, let’s make it happen!!! I know that once you think about this, you too will agree that this makes perfect sense. Let’s change our futures, let’s actually do something about it! Start petitions. Contact our politicians by letters and emails. Let’s start lobbing! If nothing else, please send this email to everyone you know, talk to friends, peers, people at church or the club. Pastors, send this to everyone in your congregation. If you believe in this cause, like I do, then perhaps you could start giving your time to make it happen. Let’s make a better tomorrow for our children, for ourselves, and for the less fortunate than ourselves also. They are worth our time and our effort, and for once let’s do something for others also and not just ourselves. For once lets do something right!!!!!! Let’s truly be humane! Let’s make a
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From all of us.