by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
From: Darryl Issa, Chairman, House Oversight and Government Reforms Committee
It has come to our attention that the socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, entitled Obama Administration is spending some $200,000.00 dollars a day during the so called diplomatic trip to India. This information has to come the committee through some very reputable resources, 1.) Ron Paul Daily, 2.) Comments by RightWingNews, 3.) the brilliant investigative reporter Andrew Breitbart, 4. A Super Reputable Report from the Daily News and Analysis in India. No we've never heard of it, but really, that hardly matters, especially when we know in our hearts it is true. We know for a fact that the President is taking 8,500, or was that 85,000 members of his entourage on what really amounts to a vacation paid for by the American taxpayer at a time when American's don't get vacations, and they certainly don't get to take 85,000 of their closest friends anywhere, or 8,500, or 850, or whatever. And even though librul websites keep trying to dispel this, we know for a fact this is true. We now have the need to find out everything there is to know about this trip to India, in fact it is merely the first in a long list of investigations we are ready to begin.
As the new Head of the House Oversight and Government Reforms Committee, I have subpoena power! It is our priority to find out about ever law broken by this administration and prosecute those who have broken our laws. We also intend to have the executive branch justify it's own existence. This will be the first of many investigations to come, this is what the American people want, this is what we learned from the last election. The American public demands our attention to such important issues, and after that we will work on repealing every piece of legislation passed in the last four years.
So here is our primary agenda for the next two years as called for by AMERICA!!!
We have enough to keep us busy, so very soon we can adopt Articles of Impeachment and send them to the Senate, we do this because the people have spoken.
A New Day Has Begun
Yours in Solidarity!
Daryl Issa, in the words of Leonardo DiCaprio! I am King of the World!!!!!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
by Michael Wolraich on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 8:09pm
Well you can laugh at first, but, we both know when the investigations begin we will all be crying, or just pissed off, like I was during the whole Monicagate.. ugh... I am so not looking forward to any of this.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 8:56am
Oh, well, probably not.
by CVille Dem on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 9:27am
Yes, I think they will go to far almost immediately, you know after the Indiagate investigation begins, it will be down hill from there CVille, you know it and so do I, the R's think this is their mandate, because they are lunatics.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 9:29am
Well, in all fairness; they had the same reflective mindset after the 2008 election, right? I mean, they understood that the "American People" were sending republicans a message to work with the newly elected President, right?
Oh, never mind. They get away with total hypocrisy and we all have to accept it because after all, we're Democrats, right?
by CVille Dem on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 10:10pm
Yess.... oh wait, what?????? Sigh, I know CVille... why on earth do we let them get away with this kind of time wasting stuff and then they get re-elected... what the hell is wrong with us???? Too much fast food is what I am thinking!!!
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 8:58am
For the most concise factual proof why Obama is not eligible see Mario Apuzzo's site.
by Thomas (not verified) on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 10:42pm
by LisB on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 10:49pm
I think I define both "concise" and "factual" differently than you do.
by brewmn on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 1:12am
I hope you are joking, and if you are, let me know, then I will add that to my list as an update, but if you are not, then OMG, Dude, what the hell? Did you come from Art Bell's Conspiracy Corner?
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 8:59am
We should have seen it coming. The precursor was no jacket-gate, remember?
by mageduley on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 1:59am
OMG, I'd forgotten about Jacket Gate... I am glad you included it, yes mage, it all began right there! Yikes!
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 9:00am
Besides the investigations, can someone say why the GOP is saying: (1) want to reduce the deficit, and (2) may not approve a raise in the national debt limit, resulting in a US gov't default?
If as Eric Cantor has opined, default may be 'on the table', wouldn't you want to run up the debt to the max before you default? Why give the (slanty eyed) suckers that buy that stuff a break?
Could it in fact be the GOP game plan, a shell game like they do at State Fairs and carnivals. A sneaky way to vaporize the Social Security Trust Fund, run up the deficit when you say you aren't, then declare national bankruptcy? After all it was GOP Great White Stern and Protectin' Father, GWB talkin' about Social Security and lookin' into those dusty gov't drawers in West Virginia in 2005 who said: "there is no trust fund — just IOUs."
by NCD on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 2:48pm
So much to look forward too.... sigh
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 3:47pm
So they run on "Government is broken", and then go ahead and actually break the Government?
Will Independent voters ever wake up from this nightmare they have imposed on America?
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 3:57pm
No, I don't think they will, they've proven to be fairly brain dead.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 11/07/2010 - 4:25pm