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    The Obama Haters: Rev. Jeremiah Wright Strikes Again

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

    The Obama Haters: Rev. Jeremiah Wright Strikes Again

    At a Chicago Teacher’s Union event to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Rev. Jeremiah Wright said that while the civil rights leader proclaimed “I have a dream,” Obama says...

     “I have a drone.” A very witty quip coming from the good reverend, but I’m curious, why don’t these haters ever seem to have anything negative to say about the GOP? It’s very curious, very curious indeed.
    President Obama is charged with the responsibility of preventing Al Qaeda and other terrorist from getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons - which, by the way, are essentially right around the corner from where they located Osama Bin Laden. So what would the good reverend have the president do, back-off and pray that the Lord protect us from a nuclear attack?
    In addition, drones actually SAVE many lives during a war, because with drones we have the option of waiting until the target's family is away from the targeted area, as oppose to simply lobbing missiles into a location blindly. So people like Wright, Tavis Smiley, and Cornel West don't know what they're talking about - and actually, they really don't care. They don't care how many people are being killed in Afghanistan, or anywhere else in the world, and that includes our inner cities right here in America. If they did, instead of running around the country selling books, doing $30,000 an hour speeches, and chasing photo-ops, they'd be in the trenches of the inner cities with their sleeves rolled up, and trying to educate our young people.
    All these people want is an issue - ANY issue - that they can use to criticize President Obama. But it is incumbent upon the Black community to explore exactly WHY these people are so hostile toward our first Black president, because it's a serious dysfunction in the Black community that plays a major role in our failure to move forward as a people.
    As I've said many times before, I think it's a simple matter of 'bligotry' - (Black-on-Black bigotry). Black people are a product of the very same racist society as White people, so many weaker-minded, and egomaniacal Black people are just as bigoted toward other Blacks as any racist Hillbilly. They tend to suffer from one of two modes of thinking. Conservative Bligot: "Things wouldn't be so hard on me if it weren't for the rest of these ignorant niggas." Liberal Bligot: "Just because that nigga lied his way into the White House, he thinks he's better than me."
    By and large, Black people are reluctant to accept simple bigotry as an explanation for the behavior of virulent Black Obama haters, because we are reluctant to except the fact that even the most stupid Black individual has more sense than to be bigoted toward his or her own people, but the evidence clearly demonstrates that the dysfunction is pervasive throughout our community. What do you think is responsible for the carnage and loss needless loss of life in our inner cities?  The reason for that is clear - our young people don't value Black life, and they got that attitude from us. When was the last time you either saw, or heard, of someone perpetrating a drive-by while wearing a sheet?  You won't, because there's no longer any need for a Klan, because we're much more efficient than they could ever be in carrying out their work for them.
    We're the only ones who don't recognize this phenomenon. The corporations and business community uses bligotry against us all of the time. I was a union rep and an EEOC specialist for twelve years. That's how I began to recognize what was going on. I'd be willing to bet that over 95% of Black workers have been either the victims of bligotry, or have seen it in action on their jobs.
    Businesses and corporations across this country will routinely elevate a carefully selected group of Black people into middle management for no other reason than to abuse and discriminate against their other Black employees - the United States Postal Service is notorious for the tactic. The reason for the tactic is because it insulates the corporation from lawsuits. It is next to impossible to file a successful discrimination suit against a corporation for the behavior of one of their managers against a worker of the same race.
    So again, bligotry is pervasive throughout the Black community, and it's being used to great effect to undermine Black progress. And Black-on-Black hatred is exactly what's at work in the vitriol being hurled at President Obama, and the Black community needs to put these bligots on notice, because they're causing division, and that undermines everything that the president is trying to do for the Black community.   

    That's what makes it so disgusting. The behavior of these haters is not just an ignorant, petty, and self-serving mode of thinking, but the people who indulge in it are more than prepared to undermine the entire community to nurture it. That's why all you hear such people talking about is how incompetent or disloyal Obama is.  And that's in spite of the total irony that they tend to give the Republican Party a complete pass - a group that's on a determined and single-minded mission to drag not only the Black community, but ALL poor and middle class Americans, PASSED the Jim Crow era, to the kind of existence that predates the Great Depression. How can you claim to love your people and do that? The fact is, you can't. The haters' mere claim that they love their people is irreconcilable with their behavior.

    We've already discussed inner city violence, but now consider the ridiculous criticism by the haters' that President Obama's not doing enough to prevent the death and carnage in our inner cities. The fact is, there is absolutely nothing that President Obama can do to keep one young person from killing another. The only thing that's going to stop that is education - and not an institutional education that they can get from a book, but a cultural education in common sense, a love for self, and a love for community. President Obama can't give them that. WE have to give them that. There are some things that even a President can't do, and legislating common sense is at the very top of that list. Only we can educate our children.
    So now that it's clear that many of these Obama critics are nothing more than walking criticisms looking for an issue (many of them didn't even latch on to drone issue until their poverty bus broke down), let's return to foreign policy. People like the good Rev. Wright and others have absolutely no idea what kind of information President Obama is getting across his desk in his condition reports every morning. So the mere fact that they continue to blindly shoot off their mouths regarding the president's actions, without having any idea of what he's is responding to, is clear evidence that all three of the men mentioned above, along with their supporters, are prone to shoot from the hip without knowing what they are talking about.
    Thus, the bottom line is, while these Obama haters would have us believe that Obama is in Afghanistan just killing women and children for the hell of it, or for the benefit of the oil companies, that’s a myth. He’s trying to make sure that YOUR family is not blown up by angry religious fanatics who think that God will bless them if they blow up the United States.
    We must constantly keep in mind that while war, and the killing attendant to war, is an ugly business, it is very much a reality in the world we live in. So again, if we have to lob missiles into an area filled with innocent people - since hiding behind human shields seems to be the terrorist's preferred mode of defense - the drone is a far better alternative than just blindly firing missiles into a location filled with women and children.
    So that said, and documented, what’s going on with all of these Black haters? The Black community is going to have to start addressing this like it's a Black psychological dysfunction similar to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, because there’s clear evidence that this is Black-on-Black bigotry (“bligotry”). What evidence do I have of that? Cornel West said the following:
    "When you’re trying to talk about issues that affect the people, name calling get’s in the way. Name calling is nothing but another weapon of mass distraction." - Cornel West.
    So it's clear. Cornel West knows that he's being a nonproductive distraction. In addition, these Black haters never have anything positive to say about Obama, no matter what he does, and they never have anything at all to say about the people who are ACTUALLY trying to cut our throats - the GOP. Think about it.

     Eric L. Wattree Http://wattree.blogspot.com

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    “I have a drone.” A very witty quip coming from the good reverend, but I’m curious, why don’t these haters ever seem to have anything negative to say about the GOP? It’s very curious, very curious indeed.

    Wow - very curious* - like "how on Jan 20, a week after the MLK comments, Jeremiah Wright could attack the Tea Party worse than Obama - "Lynch Party 2.0"** - without Wattree noticing"

    (*almost as curious as defending drones as saving lives & protecting us from nuclear attack without referencing the number of times they hit civilians or are used in undeclared wars)

    (** note: note a real Reginald Hudlin movie)

    Of course that would disrupt the cycle of victimology and the opportunity to roll out the same old attacks on West & Smiley - time for a group hug & a cry, methinks.

    For the reading/URL click-impaired:

    In the speech, Wright also argued that there was still “unfinished business” from the Civil Rights Movement, with the country still facing the same “three-headed demon” — racism, capitalism and militarism — against which King marched.

    “Tell your children we have some unfinished business on the agenda with the Voting Rights Bill gutted by a right-wing dominated Supreme Court,” “We’ve got some unfinished business on the agenda, with mass incarceration robbing Black and brown communities of any positive future. We’ve got some unfinished business on the agenda, with jobs being shipped overseas. [King] was marching for jobs 50 years ago, now we’re giving them overseas.”

    Jeremiah Wright and Cornel West have entered Ted Nugent territory. They will continue to speak to a small group of people, but most could care less what they say. It really doesn't matter whether Wright or West take pot-shots at Obama or the Tea Party. They have little influence.Young people like the Dream Defenders and new leadership like Rev. William Barber of Moral Mondays are taking action not just spewing words.

    Black Conservatives also have a hard time. They realize that Blacks are not respected in the GOP, but the GOP is the cash co for them. They had to endure being called stupid in the "Bell Curve". Two Black Conservatives did attack Dinesh D'Souza's racist "End of Racism" only to be criticized by White Conservatives. Black Conservative Robert Woodson laments that he GOP has abandoned the poor but continues to shill for the GOP.


    It really doesn't matter whether Wright or West take pot-shots at Obama or the Tea Party.

    Talk to your buddy Wattree - he insists it matters that Wright takes pot-shots at Obama but never criticizes the Tea Party. Apparently he's wrong - both on whether Wright gives equal time & whether it matters. Time for class discussion.

    BTW - do you agree with Wattree that drones "save lives" and protect us from nuclear attack? Does it bother you at all that many of our drone attacks hit civilians by mistake, brown people with a different religion going about things like weddings - and that we even target funerals as a way of picking up any stragglers?

    Because that seemed to be the point of Wright's "I have a Drone" pun. MLK specifically stepped into the Vietnam debate to say his movement wasn't to give rights in America and take them away somewhere else - that it was about justice & economic opportunity everywhere. Isn't that a good message to continue in mercenary cash-focused 2014?

    [note: one of the UK ministers was just filmed carelessly walking into Downing Street with an open document saying they won't support sanctions on Russia for the Crimea invasion - why? because they don't want to hurt the London financial industry. Those are the steadfast values of our time - bankers first, everyone else last].

    How successful have Woodson's various community empowerment programs been? Do you know? They sound good on paper after a brief skim...

    It's hard to get a feel for how successful the programs have been,You usually catch Woodson at Conservative conferences. His organization's website seems dated as far as information on what they are doing since about 2012.

    Here is Woodson challenging the oft heard Conservative meme that Blacks want " goodies" that the GOP doesn't hand out. 

    Edited to add a pic of how interested CPAC attendees were on a conference about expanding minority outreach 

    How do you think abortion plays in the AA community?

    Given voting patterns, abortion is not a big turnoff for African-American voters. Democrats get 80-90% of the Black vote. Given the behavior of Republicans like Issa, that percentage will not change any time soon.

    MLK Jr realized the plight of poor Black women with unwanted pregnancies and supported Planned Parenthood.

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