The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    A Crazy Plan, But It Just Might Work

    I've gone from cheerleading for health care reform ... to angry frustration with the Right's domination of the message war ... to deep disillusion at President Obama's lack of public conviction for the Public Option ... to blaming the Left...
    Ramona's picture

    Calling All Dems: Time for an Intervention

    We don't need a new party. We already have one of the historically great ones. This may cause some heads to snap, but we were the greatest when we were the most liberal. We lost whatever moral standing we had when we shut the door on being our brother's keeper and got in bed instead with the powermongers who would just as soon screw us as look at us.


    I didn't see anyone else from TPM at the H-CAN rally June 25th in Washington. I did see lots of union people, but turnout still wasn't over 7,000, tops.Even so, I didn't mind being selected to attend Healthcare Now!'s rally...
    Richard Day's picture


    All things arise from Tao They are nourished by Virtue They are formed from matter They are shaped by environment Thus the ten thousand things all respect Tao and honor virtue Respect of the Tao and honor of Virtue...
    Richard Day's picture


    Without going outside, you may know the whole worldWithout Looking through the window, you may see the ways of heavenThe farther you go, the less you knowThus the sage knows without traveling;He sees without looking;He works without doing.Tao Te Ching...

    LISTEN TONIGHT: Bachman, DeMint in Overdrive! Join the fun at 8pm Eastern!

    I probably won't be able to listen in to this one, but it may be more fun than Obama and the religious leaders was yesterday.  I'm hoping that some of you guys may be able to pull some great quotes...

    IMPORTANT Update: March on Washington

    Don't make plans just yet for the March on Washington for Health Care. The date is in flux because of a conflict with people's schedules. Robert Reich had suggested Sept. 13 as the date of the march, but unions such...
    Ramona's picture

    The Morality and the Reality of Public Health Care - Ed Schultz Hits it Out of the Park

    How is it that we've rewarded those hateful charlatans with fame and fortune while effectively shunning those who actually minister to real people with real problems? Maybe now that change is in the air, now that unprecedented numbers of our citizens need an unprecedented amount of help, we'll look to the real churches for real help.

    LISTEN NOW: Obama just spoke to thousands of religious people in favor of health insurance reform

    Not sure how many of you caught this, but Pres. Obama just spoke (8/19, 2:30pm MST) to a conference call of an ad hoc group/coalition called Faith for Health/40 Days for Health Reform.  He spoke for seven minutes, 30 minutes...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Physician, Heal Thyself: Where The Hell Is The Left?

    As a disclaimer, I am one of those laid-off people who worked hard and played by the rules.  I have no health care.  I am a diabetic.  I had no health care when I did work last.  The last time I did have...

    My op-ed in the Post-Dispatch today

    People who failed to turn fear and loathing into winning campaign issues did not go gently into that good November night. They're back with new lies, new conspiracy theories and a desperate bid to gut the election results. Last year,...
    Richard Day's picture


    After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain. What can one do about it? Therefore the sage, keeps his half of the bargain. But does not exact his due A man of virtue performs his part. But a man...

    MAKE A RACKET: March on Washington, Sept. 13

    Robert Reich has called for a march on Washington to support health care reform--specifically a public option and other reforms sought by liberals. Read Politico's live chat-in yesterday with Reich here."First step," Reich wrote in response to a question from...

    The soothing opiate of patience

    "Patience," we are told, as if we were children pestering an adult for candy. As if health care reform is some petty treat easily dispensed at will. As if we actually have more time than necessary and sitting still will...
    Richard Day's picture


      Everyone under heaven believes my Tao is great and beyond compare Because it is great, it seems different If it were not different, it would have vanished long ago.   I have three treasures which I keep. The...

    Oh, please, let's all be nice and let the president squander our best chance for health care reform

    Change is hard. Ask an alcoholic or a congressman.Some otherwise good eggs here have advocated that we step back, suck our thumbs and let President Obama handle all this unpleasant bickering over health care reform. As if all we have...
    we are stardust's picture

    This is a link to Democracy for America to "thank our health care heroes."

     Darcy Burner, John Aravosis, Jane Hamsher, Howie Klein, have created simple ways to thank the Progressive Caucus members en masse.   John Aravosis  has dubbed the effort "Carrots, Not Sticks.":   Howie Klein also created "Take the Pledge" at...

    Blunt force trauma

    What to do about the wrangling over health care reform and the president's seeming capitulation to Republican obstructionists and corporate interests?O¿O in the crowd suggested half-jokingly that Obama should channel Buford Pusser and knock a few Senate Democrats' heads. Bluebell...
    oleeb's picture

    How To Get The Attention Of DC Democrats? Next Time You Get A Fundraising Call Just Say: NO!

    It's very difficult for us little people to get the attention of our oh so wise and "pragmatic" leaders who believe they must compromise away any benefits for the common man and woman in order to tweak the health insurance...
    amike's picture

    TPM is bad for me...But...

    I'm addicted.  Fortunately, my other great addiction, my work, resumes next week and that will help me break the hold of this one.  How do I know I'm addicted?  The same way one recognizes other addictions...the diminishing sense of elation...I'm addicted.  Fortunately, my other great addiction, my work, resumes next week and that will help me break the hold of this one.  How do I know I'm addicted?  The same way one recognizes other addictions...the diminishing sense of elation and reward during the experience, the increased craving for the reward and the resulting crabbiness and unease of

    stillidealistic's picture

    As Much As I Love This Place, Sometimes I hate It -or- "The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling!" -or- The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

    Jeez, Louise...It's been awhile since I've heard this kind of caterwauling...In fact, the whining and sniveling about Obama not fighting hard enough (over a year ago) is what brought me here to begin with. And, yeah, it's a little like...

    It was HOT in Phoenix today, but...

    ...the kitty-corner protests were pretty well-mannered.  'Course, I didn't see the guys (civilians, anyway) who were packing the heat. I arrived a bit late to the convention center area (kids, work), and arrived at the designated protest interstection at the...
    we are stardust's picture

    A One-sentence Letter to the President and Your Reps. in Congress

    "There will be no lasting economic recovery without a robust Public Option for health care; there may be some temporary recovery on Wall Street, but even that can't last without a People's Recovery."...
    Richard Day's picture


      Accept disgrace willingly, Accept misfortune as the human condition   What do you mean by accept disgrace willingly? Accept being unimportant. Do not be concerned with loss or gain This is called accepting misfortune willingly.   What do...
    amike's picture

    Dear TPM : Is every penny of advertising revenue absolutely necessary?

    I'm so very tired of seeing ads from the ultra right on TPM.  I don't want to see endless repeats of the ad featuring Nancy Pelosi looking like a Harridan, with the tag Should Nancy Pelosi Destroy the Secret Ballot? ...
