The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Barth's picture

    Listen to Me

    We can all be childish once in awhile.My ex-wife once stuck her head out of the window of an apartmen we had in Greenwich Village to yell "Humanity!!! Listen to me." The following compendium of insights, mainly posted on...
    oleeb's picture

    Yes, some compromise will be necessary but Obama should not compromise on his priorities/agenda

    Discussion in the media is now beginning to focus on the transition, how much they will tackle initially, and which issues will take precdence.  Clearly, the most successful modern Presidencies focus on just a handful of major items and stick...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...
    acanuck's picture

    Washington Post has the worst ombudsman ever

    Deborah Howell continues to reinforce this widely shared assessment of her work. In Sunday's column, she examines her own paper's coverage of the election campaign, and detects a pro-Obama tilt. Her evidence is rigorously scientific: so many front-page Barack Obama...
    Barth's picture

    Back on Course

    Many of us live in a country formed by revolution against the past, by dreamers who sought to form "a more perfect union" to render the government an instrument of the people, and not of the despots or oppressors of...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri/Sat 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Vote Joe Lieberman on or Off the Island/ (and irate comments about Sarah Palin's knowledge)

    Joe wants back in.  He now respects Barack Obama; the same man who he formerly said did not "put country first."  I won't go over the many quotes, but will he get away with this?  I personally believe that Lieberman...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updtaed Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...

    A Democratic Congressman from Idaho (as predicted).

    Taking advantage of the severe mental defects (terminal GOPtardation) exhibited by the incumbent and a national party newly willing to give attention to ignored constituencies, Walt Minnick has been elected as democratic congressperson for the 1st district of Idaho.Congratulations to...
    MrSmith1's picture

    All Hail 20-Somethings!

    In early September, I wrote a plea to the 20-somethings (known collectively as the "Youth Vote") and begged them to show up this time and "save us".   Judging by the results, 20-somethings, you did show up and, we were saved. Thank you.   As a...

    A Freer Man Today

    I am a freer man this morning. Freer than my ancestors, freer than yours, freer than I was only yesterday morning.Barack Obama reminded us last night that his victory is a win for all of us. I agree wholeheartedly. It's...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...

    My Obama-Autographed Letter

    This is the text of my letter-to-the-editor printed Feb. 2, 2008, in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on the very day I attended Obama's first rally here. I was a mere 30 feet from Obama amid a sea of 20,000 souls...

    Why Obama Will Take Missouri

    Perhaps out of statistical conservativism, Nate Silver over at fivethirtyeight,com predicts Missouri will no longer be the Bellwether State after tonight. I disagree. Obama will take MIssouri by two points or better, and I'll tell you why in a moment....

    northern Virginia, Fairfax County, 6-12:30 poll shift

    Turnout is very high.  We have about 2500 registered in our precinct, which has been trending Dem and went about 60-40 for Kerry.  700 voted prior to today, either absentee or early voting.  At 6 am the line extended another...
    Barth's picture

    On sadness and optimism

    I posted this a few other places yesterday, but wanted to get it here today:When the dust settled on the 1960 presidential election, President-elect Kennedy told us that he was off to prepare for "a new administration and a new...
    Barth's picture

    Election Day

    He told us this in the first minutes of his presidency:All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here, and we...

    Let's Get to Work

    What will we do when the election is over and the crusade to elect Obama has ended?(Please feel free to add your own ideas)■ I will open a clinic to rehabilitate Republicans addicted to simplistic ideas. Therapy will consist of...

    Please index the archives of the TPMCafe Book Club & Table for One

    There have been some very interesting book club recommendations and discussions that have been hosted here at TPMCafe.  Unfortunately I have not been able to follow all of them in real time and find it extremely difficult, really practically impossible, to go...

    Voters' Final Exam Comes After the Election

    By every measure, the 2008 election has riveted the interest of American voters more than any in recent memory. In the short run, greater participation has to be a good thing for the democratic process. But in the long run,...
    acanuck's picture

    Election Day chaos: Just say no!

    Reading this week about five-hour-plus lineups for advance voting, legal clashes over disputed registrations and extended hours, allegations of voter fraud and voter suppression, I couldn't help but think: WTF! Why do people put up with this crap? Two weeks...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
