by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
But those other armies didn’t belong to Gen. Robert E. Lee, whose Army of Northern Virginia had flown the Southern Cross battle flag during the campaigns and battles that had won Lee’s army international fame. It was the Confederacy’s marquee force, the army fighting to defend the capital city, and the army that won the victories that kept the Confederacy alive. It was, as the historian Gary Gallagher has argued, more than just a military unit, but the very touchstone of martial Confederate nationalism. It was the symbol of the fighting South. In the words of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard, the battle flag had been “consecrated by the best blood of our country on so many battle-fields.”
A handful of contemporaries linked the new flag design to the “peculiar institution” that was at the heart of the South’s economy, social system and polity: slavery. Bagby characterized the flag motif as the “Southern Cross” – the constellation, not a religious symbol – and hailed it for pointing “the destiny of the Southern master and his African slave” southward to “the banks of the Amazon,” a reference to the desire among many Southerners to expand Confederate territory into Latin America. In contrast, the editor of the Savannah, Ga., Morning News focused on the white field on which the Southern Cross was emblazoned. “As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored races. A White Flag would be thus emblematical of our cause.” He dubbed the new flag “the White Man’s Flag,” a sobriquet that never gained traction.
John M. Coski at the NYT
The NRA was started, 1871, right here in New York state. It was started by some Yankee generals who didn’t like the way my southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the “War of Northern Aggression.” Now, y’all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the War of Northern Aggression down south.
But that was the very reason that they started the National Rifle Association, was to teach and train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm. And I am one who still feels very strongly that that is one of our most greatest charges that we can have today, is to train the civilian in the use of the standard military firearm, so that when they have to fight for their country they’re ready to do it. Also, when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they’re ready to do it. Also, when they’re ready to fight tyranny, they have the wherewithal and the weapons to do it.
Because our legislative, judicial and executive branches of government hold the 10th Amendment in contempt, I’m beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War. Our Founding Fathers’ concept of limited government is dead.
I wrote awhile ago here that during President Obama's first term, the primary purpose of the Repubs was to ensure that he would not have a second term.
Tomasky from The Beast underlines this sentiment on the part of the Repubs. The Repubs will do anything to make sure that President Obama will not preside as President in his second term. Tomasky brings up the 'I' word for impeachment!
But this is my point: utter madness is what today’s Republicans do. You can present to me every logical argument you desire. Benghazi at the end of the day was a terrible tragedy in which mistakes, bad mistakes, were certainly made, and in which confusion and the CYA reflex led to some bad information going out to the public initially, but none of this remotely rises to the level of high crime. The IRS cock-up was just that, a mistake by a regional office. I get all this, and I agree with you.
But what we think doesn’t matter. I can assure you that already in the Pavlovian swamps of the nutso right, the glands are swelling. Theirs is a different planet from the one you and I inhabit. Most Republican members of the House live in districts where it is a given (among the white constituents, anyway) that Obama is a socialist; that’s he bent on bringing the United States of America down, or at least that he definitely doesn’t love the country and the Constitution (nudge nudge) the way they do; that he’s not a legitimate occupant of the Oval Office to start with. At the time he was sworn in to his second term, 64 percent of Republicans agreed that Obama was “hiding important information” about his background. Half thought in December 2012 that he stole the election.
The repubs ARE THE ENEMY.
There is no other way around this.
There will be continual shots by these repub shooters against the White House for the next three years plus attempting to erase the election results of 2012!
We must do everything we can to get the Democrats to the polls in 2014; we must eradicate the state repubs who have so much power; we must take back the House of Representatives and stay in control of the Senate (assuming we eradicate the filibuster powers of the minority)!
When Beckerhead or a hundred fascist pundits declare revolution and call for the violent overthrow of the government we must—each of us—message the United States Attorney's General Office and all State Attorney Generals to investigate these fascist pundits for espousing the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government.
We must begin to defend ourselves from the onslaught of this arms race begun by the right wing corporate fascists.
They will never stop their sharp shooting; they will never cease to bring disgrace upon the United States of America; and they will never cease to attack democracy by closing the voting booths and by disenfranchising our cities and towns.
There is good news.
I mean if the repubs in the House Impeach our President, the Senate will take it as a joke.
I am not sure the repubs in the Senate could gather 35 Senators for impeachment.
The Trial would take about two days!
THE MARSHALL TUCKER BAND (We hate women who will not remain in their place!)
Now they will just add that THE DEMS attempted to cover up the Libyan assault upon one of our embassies and that the IRS is after them.
These teabaggers are cheating every damn time they get a chance.
Just ask the Kock Bros!
The Civil War involved the intention of the Southern States to spread slavery across the continent.
Let us begin our own prayer session on 9/11/13; praying that the Bachmanns and the beckerheads and the lumbaughs and the savages and the hannitys and the boehners and mcconnnels and the rest of the repubs all turn into ashes by the 12th!
Maybe we should try this.
GOD tells me 98% of all repubs are the devil.
I support all the things you are talkin about, and voted twice for George W. Bush fore I realized he was a liberal. So then I joined the Tea Party and scraped that Bush/Cheney 04 sticker off my '84 Voyager.
I think you forgot though bout the Yellow Peril Dr. James Dobson, and Focus on the Family warned us about. Good Christian families like that Appapachian trail guide or Newt. I'm talkin bout brainwashing little kids into gays. Sponge Bob, more sinister than water floridashun, agree?
by NCD on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 8:32pm
Eggsactly my point!
by Richard Day on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 8:45pm
One of the side effects of the rigid insanity of the GOP is that issues that could be explored with rational people in Congress cannot be examined. Watching the recent Republican Benghazi witch hunt, one rapidly realizes that Congress will play absolutely no role in providing any useful information on how to prevent future attacks on embassies in dangerous territories.
Rand Paul and the Republicans will not be leading a rational discussion on abuses of power regarding the use of drones. Because there is no rational discussion, but only an attempt to find a means for impeachment of Obama, there will be no real analysis of the drone program by Congress.
An IRS division based in Ohio placed Tea Party groups under greater scrutiny, under the direction of a GW Bush appointee. Did Barack Obama direct this program? No. will the discussion in Congress focus on trying to tie Obama to the unlawful behavior of the IRS? Yes. Will Congress play any ole in truly unraveling what will prevent future IRS abuses? No.
Congress will never get around to discussing jobs, because the Congress is not focused on anything substantive. Republicans in Congress really don't care about Benghazi, drones, the IRS or jobs.
Welcome to modern politics
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 05/13/2013 - 11:58pm
Congress really does not wish to accomplish anything!
Just trip up the dems whenever you can and spend millions on messaging.
The good news?
If Mitt had won, all sorts of things would be in the works.
And all of them very very bad!
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 2:35am
Batcrap Crazy Republicans are like bad pennies, they keep turning up. Rick Scott is floating Allen West's name for Lt. Gov. replacement. The last Florida Lt. Gov. had to resign. Huffington Post also wrote about it today. LOL I don't think it will happen. Allen West can't behave or follow orders. Please, Please, Ricky! Make the Democrat's day. Just a few more nails in your coffin. West likes to fly the Confederate Flag.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 1:36am
Does he really fly the Confederate Flag?
How can he be filled with so much self hate?
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 2:33am
He would drill with my National Guard unit for points in 1988-89. He was in the in the IRR(Inactive Ready Reserves) and was a 2ndLt. I was a E-6 full time tech. My guys would beg me to keep him away from them. He was as insane as he is now. The African Americans didn't take much crap from him and had to walk away before they would lose their temper. He was alway arguing with everyone. I guess that is were the hate came from. I had to leave him behind in a convoy because he started to lead us up the wrong ramp going the wrong direction on I-10. He was known as Wrong-Way West after that. The other tech radio ahead and told the Comander that he was headed back to the Armory and the rest of us were on schedual with the sweep. I was driving a wrecker at that time and seemed to have gotten stuck with him. He wore the same flat top hair cut that he has now. Finally the battalion commander had enough of him and he went to brigade to drill. The last time I saw him was in Nov. 1989 arguing with a General at brigade because he could not go to Europe with us for summer camp. He was using the race card for his reason but it was because of state money and he was not a member. I was surprised that he made General in the IRR but was not surprised that he got in trouble. He was always stupid and could not follow rules. Yup he is full of hate and lives in la la land and always have. He hasn't changed. I bet he still puts bars and stars stickers on his car.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 5:23am
I had to come back Momoe.
Rarely do I receive first hand information from a witness for chrissakes!
I swear you could become an informant from Florida a make a mint sometimes!
Anyway, I am amazed at this personage and you just demonstrate what real frickin idiot and radical this West really is! And was!
Amazing really.
I have read this history, given to us from you, anywhere!
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 7:24pm
I could not believe my lying eyes when he ran for office and thought of my old unit. There had to of been a collective gasp of WTF from everyone of them.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 11:23pm
Benghazi? IRS abuse? AP investigation? Telecom wiretaps? Drone surveilence? On and on, the abuses are uncovered. .......... "Trust us, we're from the Governement, we swear; if you register your guns, we won't come for them".
by Resistance on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 5:55am
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 6:03am
Thats okay ....... Rose would say ..... The weathers nice ..... in Gauntanamo Bay.
by Resistance on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 5:03pm
Show up on Friday and play Haiku for chrissakes Resistance. hahahah
Yeah things are bad; but they sure could be badder!
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 5:17pm
Did the AP find out that the DOJ had tracked reporters or were they told in a letter from the DOJ? Did the IRS admit to targeting Conservative groups or not? What has been covered up in Benghazi?
It may turn out that what the DOJ did in investigating a leak may have been legal. The current Congress is incapable of changing laws to curtail this type of acuity mainly because the Congressional investigation will be purely political.
The IRS targeted the NAACP in the months before the 2004 election because the organization openly criticized GW Bush. An LA church was targeted in 2005 because of an anti-war sermon. The current Congress will do nothing to curtail the IRS from punishing people because of political views which appeared to be active in the case against the NAACP and the Liberal LA church.
The IRS may have been feeling its way around the Citizens United case when it came to the Tea Party groups. Social Welfare groups like the ones formed by Karl Rove are allowed to pay for ads attacking a President. The IRS may have been trying to figure out how to maneuver under the court decision. The IRS did not target Liberal groups who made political ads, thus raising a question of bias. Investigations by the current Congress will be of no help in determining what went wrong.
BTW, guns would not have prevented the actions taken by the DOJ or the IRS.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 8:27am
Lawrence got into this 501 c issue last night.
This practice amounts to positive reinforcement for aberrant behavior on the part of the corporations.
But you are right about all these new 'scandals'; Congress aint gonna remedy the real problems involving Citizens United or the Patriot Act.
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 11:39am
My quilt guild was call in for an audit with the IRS a couple of years after it went to a 501-c4. We didn't have but a few thousand dollars of raised funds for our charity quilts. Tust me we spent it on quilt supplies and a hall rental for a quilt show to raise more money for charity quilts. We put quilts in police crusers so they could be used when rescueing kids from abuse or truama like the teddy bear program. We checked out OK as a social charity nonprofit. So this is standard SOP for new 501-c4 to be checked out in an audit. Besides when did they start letting political organizations become c4 nonprofit social charities. We were told we could not invite politicans to campaign at our meetings by the IRS as well as other rules. This is just RW BS because they want to make their own rules and hide who was contributing and not pay taxes. I hope the IRS stands their ground for doing their job. Again people don't have a clue what a 501-c4 social charity is so the RW can spin this and make it out they are being picked on because they are republicans.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 6:11am
Allowing political groups to pretend to be social welfare organizations is a farce. The republicans in the House will do nothing to change this ridiculous situation.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:27am
The problems with out nation's politics and government has everything to do with money. It has nothing to do with guns.
The greatest libertarian light of gun toting Kentucky Freedom in Congress, Rand Paul, Son of Paul, advocated for the drone killing, summary execution, of petty liquor store thieves, while proclaiming the inviolable security of those rich enough to luxuriate in hot tubs.
by NCD on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 10:07am
As I recall, Curly Rand attempted to walk this rant back a few blocks.
These people are so very dangerous.
by Richard Day on Tue, 05/14/2013 - 11:40am
It turns out that Senator Obama co-sponsored a bill that would have made the type of search done by the DOJ on the AP illegal. The bill passed the House, despite Darrell Issa voting against the bill. The bill was filibustered in the Senate by the GOP. Interesting twists and turns.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:54am
I don't see that info. about Senator Obama in your link, sure you put the right one?
Edit to add: Though this in the article you linked to did catch my eye
Another edit: the quote is extremely ironic, an anonymous leaker talking about a case against an anonymous leaker....
by artappraiser on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 11:13am
Corrected link
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 12:03pm
Thanks, interesting addition to the issue!
by artappraiser on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 12:12pm
Eric Holder called out Darrell Issa during the hearing today in the House regarding the AP phone records. Holder wasn't going to let Issa mischaracterize the issues involved.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:41pm
How convenient, OUR NATIONS Attorney General, recuses himself, but allows a subordinate to violate the law....... Now why is that? ......In the event the sinister plot is discovered and laws were broken, Holder is held harmless? Get out the BS detectors. It looks like the American people have another Alberto Gonzalez to contend with.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:27am
Look up the meaning of recuse.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:44am
Yeah, thanks.
The repubs are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
They really do not wish to defend the AP and they will never defend the prez. hahaha
I watched that damn Cornyn today. What a joke.
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 2:55pm
Richard, can we all agree that the immeasurable continuing national tragedy of Benghazi is a worse failure than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor? That it needs to be investigated until this nation no longer remembers what that word means, or why we keep loaded guns under our pillows?
That it has inflicted more despair on America than the Bataan Death March or Custer's Last Stand at the Little Bighorn? That it can be tied directly to the Oval Office and the Kenyan Usurper?
Darrell Issa might agree it was a more predictable and avoidable disaster than the sinking of the Titanic. There were heroes there on that dark cold night, there are none left alive after the fires of Benghazi.
by NCD on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:05am
Can we agree, our Government could give a shite about the lives of Americans? It's goal is to be of service to those with money. "So a few Americans died in Benghazi; you say they called out for help" "You say a few Americns need welfare support and medical care?" .... To that the masters say " Let them eat cake" Every American citizen can be replaced, the powers dont give a shite...... You really believe, those with power want to let 11 Million mexican immigrants into OUR country, because you think these greedy bastards found their heart?.... They dont care about peoples lives, they only want your vote at election time and how they can benefit financially. They dont want to be bothered by a few deaths in little ol Libya, they have Nations to rebuild....... I heard on NPR the French or was it the British??? had already evacuated Libya, days before the Benghazi attacks. Evidently those who could do something, were to busy............. trying to win an election? Instead we get "We thank the Ambassdor for his service" "We thank the millions of Americans, for their service in two wars"..... Are you buying this? Are you seeing this? Are you listening? THEY DONT GIVE A SHITE. Letting them "eat cake" or giving them a medal, it's the same lack of respect, by those in Power. When the boys come home, will that medal put food on their tables? Will their Veterans Administration be there for them? SEE what I say is true ...Those in power don't care. We are nothing more than cannon fodder to them. Expendable, a sacrifice, in service to monied interests.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 11:06am
Calm down Resistance. I suppose somewhere in there I can find the reason I keep a loaded weapon under my pillow. Thanks a lot.
Are you questioning the sincerity of Darrell Issa and the Republican Party, their love for and devotion to America, with their unending Benghazi probes?
Are you questioning the patriotism and the love for America of George W. Bush when he, as Commander and Chief, made the decision and issued the order for the invasion and war in Iraq in 2003, due to the imminent threat Saddam posed to our Way of Life?
by NCD on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 11:48am
Why should you care if the two capitalist parties tear each other to pieces over Benghazi ? Let the monster destroy itself. ...... Why arent you rejoicing, as they both shed light on their complicity, in the corruptness of the very political system they want us all to support? ...... When will you decide to quit supporting either side of the capitalists parties? ......We know they highjacked, the lefts political self determination. First by McCarthyism and assassinations) Social values were forever to be subservient to Capital. they will not allow the people, to reform anything, that disrupts their system. their contol .....Not only did I question the patriotism and jingoism of George Bush, I realized the fix was in, once the Democrats put on their Dog and pony show, of resistance to the invasion, but you had to know the
cowardssupporters of the left wing, of the Capitalists military/indusrialist expansionism plan, authorized the Use of Force also. Let me ask you ...Would you have rebelled, if they had instituted the draft? Would you have questioned the patriotism of those who would have refused to go to IRAQ? How long did it take the Democrat Obama, to end the Wars, most Americans didn't want?by Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 3:36pm
Nobody believes that the gun- toting nitwits at the NRA will give a flip about feeding the poor. The likelihood that random gun toting nuts would violently suppress any press that disagreed with their viewpoint is high. I see nothing suggesting a savior to be found in random guys and gals with guns.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 12:07pm
Do I have to spell it out for you? A disarmed citizen, is no threat to a tyrannical government. Where have you been,???? during this Syria crisis or the Arab Spring movement? Once the citizens are armed, they no longer have to endure the slaughter, of an abusive regime, they can threaten the status quo. They can topple the deeply entrenched. But you and others laugh or mock those, who want to able to defend themselves, whereas you and others would have us all, bend over because you think it better? .......You believe the voting process, has not been infected; allowing the diseased and parasitic government of the rich, to continue attacking labor and the middle class..... If Syria's Assad falls, it will be because citizens were able to fight back, but evidently that lesson wont be learned by the pacifists here, who don't mind enslaving the rest of us........ You have read to much of the capitalists propoganda, belittling the Tea Party..... Of course the two capitalist parties Democrat (r) and Republicans (R) don't want the Tea Party, to shake up their status quo....... Instead of the democrats capitalizing on the growing discontent of DC politics. They instead became lackeys of the status quo. ..... For you to say they wouldn't care or give a flip about the poor, is the Lefts demonization of a third party grass roots effort. The left could have led discontented citizens but instead they decided to prop up the left wing of the capitalist agenda (their party, not ours ) the NEW democratic party, wants to roll back the gains made by FDR. Why haven't those on the left, formed their own TEA Party? .......Is it because they are weak minded, hoping saviors like Obama will return the left to it's glory days? .......Never realizing the New Democratic Party has no intentions of doing so; they sold us out years ago. ... Their agenda is now, meet the right in the middle, move to the right if possible and at a minimum maintain the center till somone on the right; one who will really and openly do the capitalists bidding gets into office. ...... The left has been betrayed. Socialism (Social Security, Medicare, welfare is gasping it's last breaths) and people like Obama (r) The New Democrats would rather support Capitalism rather then Socialism. There are many Tea party members who enjoy SS and Medicare, but when they look around, the capitalist Democrats are no better, they too raided the trust funds, set aside for the working class, and they don't offer a real solution, just more empty promises....... TheTea party sees a "sea of red ink" all of us supporting foreign governments and then hearing we can't find a way to reduce the debt and many asking, "why are we rebuilding Afghan and Iraqi schools and infrastucture" ...... Can't you see that? Do you think begging will prevent the demise of the SOCIAL safety net. or will the threat of rebellion, be necessary? Do you think it right, that Americans should be taxed, to support dictators or that we need to save other countries, yet our government just keeps printing money that eventually affects the price of goods we have to buy. Are we to be enslaved to China, to make good our debts? ...... Can we beg they stop this madness? .....What's a rebellion without arms? Ask the Syrian people.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 2:44pm
If I disagreed with the armed Tea Party, I'd be facing a firing squad.This would improve my life how again?
The Tea Party sees the poor as a great sucking device on the tits of government. If the Tea Party is hunkered down in fortified bunkers, what will be the likely response to poor, hungry folks coming near their property?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 3:10pm
Propoganda? I know many pre - Tea party members who opposed NAFTA and all of these other trade agreements, that made the US answerable to the World Court; where WE the people give up our sovereignty. ....Tea party members dont believe in Corporate welfare either.... Tea Party members know, if you bring back the jobs, this Nation could reduce, the need for welfare, bcause people could find JOBS instead of being unemployed, sucking on the tit of BIG government, who in turn sucks the taxes from the working people, to support the unemployed....... DOH get off welfare, find a job? .........Oh thats right, our government allowed the jobs to go offshore. .......Tea party members know, the government can't support the unemployed, unless the government taxes those, of the WORKING class; in order to support the unworking class........ Tea party members know the jobs policies of America are utter stupidity and they dont intend to pick up the tab, so Americans can sit at home drawing a welfare check, all because someone else had to go to work to get a paycheck, only to hand it over to Uncle Sam, so he can give it to someone not working. Why arent Americans working? Because Uncle Sam has his head up his arse, letting the jobs slip away offshore . End welfare.... bring back the jobs. DOH!
by Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 4:15pm
The stock market is at historic highs. Corporate profits are high. The deficit is decreasing. What is government doing to hinder hiring?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 4:36pm
Also small businesses are growing under Obama.
Obama is creating more new jobs than his predecessor although there is no question that the unemployment rate for Blacks remains twice that of Whites
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 5:10pm
Seasonally adjusted, white employment was 123,585 last April, 123,504 this - a net loss of 80,000 jobs.
Black employment is a net gain of 400K over the same period, but a loss of 25,000 jobs since January.
While total unemployment dipped from 7.9% to 7.5% in April, black unemployment stayed the same at 13.2%.
But that ignores the participation rate, those dropping out:
Another quote:
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 3:00am
Comparing apples to oranges - unemployment was 4.x% for 2006-2007. It's hard to create many new jobs when unemployment's so low.
In Sept 2009, unemployment was 9.8%. In Nov 2010, unemployment was back to 9.8%.
Unemployment hovered around 9% for 10 months out of 2011.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment of 7.8% in Sept 2012 is lower than that of Jan 2013 (7.9%).
Note that the drop in unemployment from Sept 2009 to Jan 2013 was only 1.9%.
2.5% drop in the 2 1/2 years (30 months) since peak 10% unemployment of Oct 2009.
Spin this any way you please, it's been an enormously painfully slow recovery.
But if it makes you feel better, Obama's doing better than Herbert Hoover, no bout a doubt it.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 3:29am
Job creation has been slow. Obviously you have a quick solution.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:26am
I noted that corporate profits are high and the stock market is exploding under the administration of Barack Obama. What is Obama doing to prevent hiring?
Krugman takes the GOP to task for obstructing the American Jobs Act.
What is your solution to the jobs problem?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 8:25am
Prevent hiring?
Banks don't want to hire - they love the free money we give them to raise profits. Why screw it by handing out paychecks? It's a free lunch.
But nice way to twist the logic, I almost had to think about the response.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:14am
I didn't think that you had any rational solution.Thanks for proving me right.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:44am
Stop giving money to banks and military contractors, end our wars, and instead give loans & grants to small businesses, support fast sponsored job retraining/transitioning, figure out industry grants or other solutions for chronically challenged regions, funnel money to new promising areas in IT, biotech & nanotech, smart energy/efficient superconductive grid, promising health service research, etc., and just get more money to people out of work rather than spending all our time trying to figure out how to cut Social Security.
Guess that's too irrational as well - better to piss and moan about how awfully mean the GOP is and how our prez/lame-ass Congress is doing its god-awful best under the circumstances - here, have another bonus.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 12:00pm
I will repost the link to Krugman's comments about Republican obstruction to the American Jobs Act. Are you operating under the belief that the President can take the actions you suggest without the cooperation of Congress.
Banks have coffers filled with money that could be loaned. Corporations are sitting one piles of money. The stock market is sky-rocketing. Tax revenues have in creased. Yet job creation remains stagnant. Congress is focused on faux scandals. What is your solution aside from listing actions that would not get through the House and would get filibustered in the Senate?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:31pm
Krugman makes clear the role GOP opposition plays in inhibiting legislation. Do I think that the GOPis a major reason that jobs are lagging. Yes I do. Krugman thinks that the American Jobs Act could create 1.3 million jobs. The GOP wants austerity, a job killer.I see looking at the GOP obstruction as a rational thing to do.
You seem to think Obama capable of doing things exclusively by executive order. I don't see how the things you want done would pass Constitutional muster. How are you going to get the legislation through?
I remind you that the GOP stopped background checks despite public support and a full court press from the White House.How can you not see the GOP as an important factor?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:41pm
Well if I look at this summary, it's a mixed bag anyway. Always the same old "invest in infrastructure, manufacturing" and then an inevitable paean to green energy instead of say energy efficiency. (i.e. an efficient grid can save huge amounts of energy, but it's not the same as still iffy solar panels that are far from optimal return). Protecting people from illegal foreclosures, uh, well that horse left the barn, wish that were in the 2010 campaign. Banks got loans with no pre-conditions and did what bankers are wont to do - use it to steal more. The sequester continues the long process of cutting government employment - down 500,000 under Obama - he seems to be fine with that, being an austerity, small government, live within our means kind of guy.
So far this year I've heard Obama pushing on cutting Social Security via different indexing. Maybe one day I'll hear him focus 90% of his energies on a serious, effective jobs program and figure out a way to shame some Republicans into going along. Maybe in his 3rd term.
(note: I think Krugman was just trying to be nice in this column, and to be fair, maybe Obama deserves a C on this one rather than the usual F I give him. God I hate it when I'm reasonable)
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 2:08pm
You are not being reasonable, you are biased. You take The Republicans in Congress and give an F. You offer programs that would never get through the Republicans in Congress then lay the blame at Obama's feet. Krugman was just trying to be nice,, what hoot.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 3:05pm
Surveying Americans on Free trade.... 69% of Americans believe Free Trade has cost the country jobs. 53 % believe it has hurt the country as a whole..... 61% of self described Tea Partiers said they thought Free Trade has harmed the US economy, just 4% less than Union members,.....This according to a 2010 NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll. ... and you mean to tell me, Congress and the President can't find support; to do something about JOBS? Where is the leadership of Obama ? It's clear; the members of the two Capitalist Party's, the Democrats (r) and Republicans (R) doesn't give a shit, what the working class wants
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 5:42pm
Set up a poll asking how many Americans trust the Tea Party or NRA over the current government to be the more rational alternative.
Set up a poll of how many Americans think that the Tea Party would suppress their individual rights if citizens disagreed with the Tea Party or NRA.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 6:44pm
Set up a poll asking how many Americans trust the Tea Party or NRA over the current government to be the more rational alternative.
Set up a poll of how many Americans think that the Tea Party would suppress their individual rights if citizens disagreed with the Tea Party or NRA.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 6:44pm
I find nothing wrong with forming alliances with disparate groups, if their goals and mine get the results WE THE PEOPLE desire. WE NEED JOBS , and if the Tea Party can help US achieve that goal, GREAT. I suppose you think it was detestable; our forefathers enlisted the help of Pirates, to defeat the British?
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:13pm
See below
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:48pm
Here is a graph of job creation in terms of public and private sector jobs creation. Private sector jobs have increased. Public sector jobs have decreased. As has been noted,a higher percentage of Blacks worked in the public sector, causing a partial explanation for stagnant job growth.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 11:57am
I went nuts when w bush went into Iraq and when he did a hundred other things like take over the nation's communication network and when his administration used the tools of government to attack the left and intimidate the press.
I can bash our President to keeping Gitmo alive and keeping the government's hand on our communication network and many other things.
But he has stemmed the job losses that would have certainly occurred under another repub administration.
President Obama will never get the credit he deserves for the rising economy, the rising housing market and the rises in employment and the rise in tax revenues.
And our President has stemmed the tide against Civil Rights and I could go on and on.
Barack Obama will never get any credit for doing anything by the repubs.
by Richard Day on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 5:17pm
Well put
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 8:06pm
If the republicans were to lay kisses on Obama, more on the left, might get suspicious, he's really one of them. Better to appear to be against Obama and Visa/Versa than fear an electorate wise to the games being played. Both parties feeding at the same trough, both receiving money from the same benefactors. Supreme Court Justice Thomas had it right; Obama won the votes of the capitalist elites, who did not feel threatened by him, they coronated him and the peasants fell for
it Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:03pm
Do you think both parties are really the reptilian V in disguise?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:33pm
Do you think Socialism is the same as Facism? You think those driven by capitalism want to hear about Socialism? Don't be confused; the NEW Democratic Party is not your Grandfathers Democratic party. The New democrats invoke the name FDR, to sucker you into believing, they share the same values....... Why is it so hard for some democrats to understand, the meaning of betrayal. The New Democrats and the Republicans, both have a share in their hostility to Labor.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:15am
Corporate profits are higher because they are doing more, with less and the stock market goes higher, because of these record profits being reported by these Corporations. Do you have money invested in these companies, if you did, you too could talk of these great times we live in? .... The better question would be, what has the Obama administration done, to bring back the jobs, American workers have lost, to America's unfair competitors? .....While some Corporations were allowed to offshore, with preferential tax treatments for relocating? ....So just because a few people benefit from this current uptick in profits, is no time to celebrate Obamas victorious policies. .....He promised to revisit NAFTA, and immediately winked to those he knew, would be in direct competiton, with American workers, further exaserbating, a tenuous position, the middle class found itself in. .....When did the unemployment checks cease, for the long term unemployed and you talk of how the deficit has been decreasing? Well surprise, surprise, the tax money recieved is more than they pay out....... Obama could have forced an end of the Bush tax cuts earlier and we would have seen a further decreasing of the deficit; except; he didn't want to go after his capitalist friends, Obama could have eliminated the Bush tax cuts, in favor of shoring up for the long term, the socialist programs the peasant class needs. .......Work till you drop and the Coporations will make more profits. Give amnesty to 11 million more workers, all fighting for the crumbs available and the Stock market will rise, as Corporations will make more money, than they are currently paying out. How nice for the Corporations, who are out of the RED and into profitability for their shareholders. Screw labor. Screw the working class. (snark alert) Hip Hip Hooray, Corporations are profitable and the stock market is rising.
by Resistance on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 9:44pm
So you agree with me that corporations are making huge profits, the markets are going up and the deficit is coming down. Therefore, there is nothing that the Obama administration has done that prevents US corporations from hiring US citizens.
Do you really believe that an earlier lowering of the deficit would have resulted in more jobs? Why wouldn't the corporations just keep the profits and ship jobs overseas?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 10:19pm
Why would US corporations care if all Americans were/werent working? They owe nothing to American workers. A corporations sole purpose is profit making. Corporate boards don't reward charity, their shareholders would have a fit, if the profits were suddenly decreased, because some CEO wanted to be chairtable to his workers. .....The more Americans out of work, the better to drive wages lower; a plan that increases the corporations bottom line........ Obama doesnt need to, nor can he force greedy Corporations to give a crap about the people they hire...... What Obama should have done, is championed the need for legislation, to Stop these American job killing FREE TRADE compacts....... The more, companies who want to do business in America, are forced to hire American workers; instead of foreign workers, it forces all American company's to compete for available workers......... American workers would be able to demand higher wages and benefits....... As for your deficit question, sure it would have helped the working class, to point out, that when Bush had a surplus, he should have paid down the deficit, instead of saddling a future generation, to pay for two unfunded wars and many other foolish bank busting schemes. and then force the next generation, the next political rearrangement, to be saddled with the previous administrations debt...... YOU ask Why wouldnt the corporations just keep the profits and ship jobs overseas? .. What do you think they've been doing, since our Government allows these offshore companies, to ship their foreign made goods, back into the United States tariff and duty free. They dont need American workers who want to draw a good pay, they just need dumb Americans willing to allow and who'll buy, these offshore corporations, cheap foreign made goods. Goods made by folks making $32 dollars per week. If you were an American company trying to compete, why wouldnt you move offshore too?
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:01am
You give no alternative.
We can message our political leaders.
We can say: Enough is enough.
To hold POW's for 10 or 12 years in chains is ridiculous.
But the NRA aint gonna help us outta this mire.
The repubs aint gonna help us out of this mire.
The House with its present majority aint gonna help us out of this mire.
The Senate with its present filibuster wall aint gonna help us out of this mire.
All I get from your rants is that we must all take up arms and shoot!
I don't get it?
Let it go.
Like I advised in a previous blog; find a grandkid or a niece/nephew or a little child and look to the future.
There are millions upon millions of good folks raising their kids and providing for those kids and giving all of us hope for the future.
Obama is not the enemy.
Give it up for chrissakes!
You know who the enemy is.
The international corporations.
The corporations who deplete our national resources and pay almost nothing for the privilege.
The CEO's and elite who are allowed to make billions within a decade, individually!
Let us go after the real enemies.
And, yet we must, message our current leaders when we feel they have missed the mark.
Oh hell, this rant aint goin nowhere.
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:46am
He actually sees the Tea Party and the NRA as level- headed
All we need are second amendment remedies and Michelle Bachmann as President with Sharon Angle as VP.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:31am
Are you on level headed Anthony Weiner's "Friends" list. Maybe you could see if level headed Charlie Rangle, would include you in one of his business deals? Maybe level headed Nancy Pelosi could give you some advise on investing in offshore Corporations? Maybe you could ask level headed Debbie Wasserman- Schultz how to open a Swiss bank account...... Evidently crooks are okay with you Democrats, but Second Amendment folks are bad?
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 2:18pm
If we are going to go there then I would trust any of the individuals you named over gun lovers like Wayne LaPierre, Jim Porter, Allen West, Michelle Bachmann or Sharon Angle. How's that for guilt by association?
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 2:28pm
Good reply. I try to resist Resistance when he is trolling, but sometimes you just have to say "enough." where did I put my tin foil hat. You know the one with the rabbit ears.
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:01am
Look behind you.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:05am
And yet the Tea Party sees nothing wrong with ALEC, with the Koch Brothers, with the Republican obstructionists, with the one percent, with the privatization of public works, with the elimination of taxes, with innocent children in poverty. . .the only enemy is Barack Obama and the Democrats.
Got it. Long live the United States of America.
by Ramona on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 8:34am
Long live the
United StatesWelfare State?...... . I offered solutions to end this cycle of dependency, but it falls on deaf ears. No Nation can long survive, if the people working, have to support those not working. What do you suppose would happen if everyone decided to lie around, waiting for the Welfare check? Who would pay the taxes?..... YOU ..........GET UP, you have a few million others besides yourself, to support. As 51 % of voters (made up from the group called takers), votes themselves more welfare........... BRING BACK THE JOBS. Our government and it's people havent learned; without jobs, people go hungry they become homeless, and NO, the solution is not to tax those, who do have a job. People who work, are not the Welfare queen's Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:22am
Hello Mitt Romney.Perhaps you have been unaware of the long lines that form when jobs are offered. You may also be aware of the practice of having recent college graduates do unpaid internships. Lazy people indeed.
In the past, high school graduates could find work in factories, now we have Walmart jobs that have to be subsidized by food stamps. I have not seen you offer a solution.I we get is a rant about guns and yelling about bring the jobs back.Yelling and threatening to shoot somebody is not a plan.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:23am
What is your solution? ...... Force corporations to hire people? Collect more taxes from the people working to help pay for the unemployed? .....You know how foolish that sounds. .......END UNEMPLOYMENT in America, HIRE American workers and not foreign workers to make the things America buys. Hire disabled American workers, to man the phones at the call centers instead of someone in INDIA . DOH!!........ Maybe you havent seen what the rest of the world, is doing to politicians that don't do the will of the people..... The rest of the world knows the ballot box system is rigged. The rest of the world has discovered, bullets are the only thing that gets the politicians attention, away from their thoughts of self enrichment (money) Politicians begin to realize, what good is money if they're dead so wouldnt it be wiser to have the people love you? .... I could name many world leaders, who were purged by their subjects who discovered, that protesting about their greivances were ignored and insufficient to bring about the change the people demanded..... Judgement for pissing off the governed, should be paramount on the minds of those governing and judgment should be expected....... . Replacing politicians with another party hack is beginning to wear thin....... The powers that want to maintain control, have no problem getting rid of people like John, Bobby and Martin; do they?....... I believe, the only reason FDR gave us Social Security ... is FEAR...... Now that fear of the people, is no longer on the politicians minds, the politicians want to roll back the gains, the pople demanded of FDR....... YOU and others keep supporting this Free Trade nonsnse and you'll find, the safety net will be gone forever.....because there will be no tax base to support it..... WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION? besides some fairy tale, where we all live happily ever after.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:40pm
Actually I think the taxes should come from the corporations
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:44pm
So you establish that
1) Chris Christie is fat, which is just such good fun you had to throw it in. Too bad about his bromance with Obama during the hurricane.
2) The NRA was founded in New York, so you needed to write a gratuitous post trashing southerners... who oddly enough were voting Democrat most of the time, contrary to your intended slam against the GOP.
3) You discovered Marshall Tucker Band is southern, which puts them up there with famous Romney supporters Kid Rock & Ted Nugent, from the southern state of Michigan.
4) "Rant" at least is accurate
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:28am
Well the Chris Christie link was a mistake. The link I was going for involved the repubs who were mad that he shook hands with President Obama and worked with him during the aftermath of the storm. Hell, I'm fat!
Marshall Tucker campaigned for Mitt for chrissakes. Pissed me off because I always loved that band.
Nothing gratuitous about those who pick up the Confederate banner and campaign with it. Hell, that is the thrust of this rant.
by Richard Day on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 12:08pm
The Dixiecrats walked out of the Democratic Party and ran Strom Thurman for President.Thurmond wound up as a Republican. Hubert Hunphrey was one of the Democrats pushing for Civil Rights. Former Klan recruiter Robert Byrd changed and became a Senator with high grades on Civil Rights issues from the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
Jackie Robinson felt so disrespected at the GOP convention that he became a Democrat.
Just fleshing out some other events
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 1:53pm
Resistance, we have seen Tea Party Style government
We see a dictator in Michigan pushing minorities aside and taking over their communities with Special Masters
We see Union busting in Wisconsin
We see voter suppression efforts in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and Florida
We see vaginal probes in Virginia
Take a poll and see how many Americans want to live under these governments
Give these idiots are freer access to guns and they will clamp don on citizens in a split second.
It has only been the US courts that have stopped some of their assault.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:54pm
Oh, and we've seen the disrespectful finger-wagging idiot in Arizona.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 7:59pm
By the way if you're willing to join forces with Tea Party tyrants to cut the deficit you're backing the wrong horse. The CBO notes the dramatic drop in the deficit under Obama
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 8:16pm
Let Obama come visit me and I'll be wagging my finger too "You said you would not touch Social Security.... You said when elected, you would shut down Gauntanamo".... and many more disappointments. ....I thought about which finger I'd be waving, but I suppose I would refrain from being disrespectful.
by Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:02pm
Last I heard Detroit was bankrupt, apparently it takes a Special Master to decide, which creditors get paid? Union busting in Wisconsin? Last I read, the public voted on the side of the Governor. It was also reported, that when driving around the parking lots of the schools, many a teacher was seen driving an import and not American made/Union made automobiles and now they want to cry and plead their case, to other Union members, they helped to bust ? ........ Just because some Republicans, have sought the endorsements of the Tea party; members of this group, don't always agree, with those who infiltrated their group, in order to win elections. But forced to accept Republicans in order to get some of their agenda heard......... Have you seen any, in the Democratic Leadership say "we agree with your stance on the Free Trade issue, let us build a coalition and present a bipartisan bill for the Presidents signature"? ....... Did Obama hear his base, DON'T TOUCH Social Security, or did he just make promises in order to get elected?....... Some leaders can give a Party a bad name. Look at the list of those, who have sought Tea Party endorsements and you'll find the same kind of opportunistic politicians who are in total disagreement with the majority of the Tea Party members, on the issue of Free Trade...... You say I offer no solutions, but you fail to address my concern. . Do you agree with the majority of Union members and Tea party members, the USA needs to END FREE TRADE? ....... Support American made/Union made. Dump the
teaForeign made goods, overboard. Someone suggested we need a message ......Send a message "Get your American job killing goods, out of America" Save the Ogallala Aquifer (water resources) ..... Stop the export of our grain (if we have enough for our people, shut down the fuel consuming agriculure machines save our water resources for the next generation of AMERICANS . .......... Save our Forests.... stop the export of our timber........... In both these examples, Together, we can prevent the American Sahara Desert....... HERES A MESSAGE "We The AMERICAN People, are looking to the future, tired of this exploitation and the cost to our environment; so Free traderstraitorscan make a buck. Do something, before it's too late ..." We don't need another recession/depression or "Dustbowl". WE are and will remain, self sufficient and Resistance on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 10:38pm
I will try to wade through the jumble.
You believe that locally elected officials should not have the ability to declare bankruptcy on their own, we should leave it to a dictator. You view that as Constitutional? Interesting.
On Free Trade, I agree with alterations suggested by the AFL-CIO to benefit workers and their families.
Manufacturing jobs are making a slow comeback. Some observers point out that, in the modern era, they may not have the big impact, one would expect.
Green jobs are slowly ticking upward, but represent a mere blip on the screen of total employment.
Chained CPI will come down to who is determined what the index will be based on. It has to make it to the table in Congress.
Because the GOP is focused on Presidential destruction and not job creation or legislation, it may be a mute issue.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 11:21pm
I am too lazy to check the web right now although I did a blog on energy recently that still is on the front page; way down there.
There are a ton of jobs being created under the 'green' category and it just astounds me as far as what wind energy and sun energy have surged over the last decade.
I mean we have a technological revolution that cannot just be seen as a cliche.
The capitalists are making so much damn money on wind and solar that I never would have predicted just five years ago.
And natural gas does cut emissions by 50%.
T. Boone is getting out of the wind business but that does not mean others have not come to replace him.
Our carbon print on the planet is way way down.
This is our new Silicon Valley.
Oh people will bitch about pipelines and fracking.
I am not against regulation at all.
Hell, regulation creates jobs and helps protect water and air.
I just think, thinking out of the box, that we are living in a brand new age and it is delightful unless we get bogged down by old paradigms.
Like we talked about before, jobs are up, housing is up, energy production is up, tax revenues are up (200 billion bucks are currently decreasing our deficit THIS YEAR).
There are great innovations ahead and I am astounded at our progress.
And no matter how hard these repubs attempt to stem the tide of real progress; it will all matter not.
I am really hopeful rmrd!
No kidding.
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 1:02am
I am hopeful too. I tire of the doom and gloom folks. They have heavy criticism, but when you press them for solutions, you realize that they have none. It's easy to snipe from the sidelines.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 7:24am
Of course it's jumble to you; you can't see the forest for the trees...... Everything these two capitalist parties do, is a subtle and almost undetectable scheme and unless one sees the big picture and puts the puzzle pieces together; the average Joe is baffled by the BS........ Raise the retirement age, in hopes most workers will have died....Chained CPI adjusted, with the understanding wages will be lower, so there will be no need for higher benefits. ....Immigration reform, because agriculture needs low skilled workers. Drones to take the place of boots?. .... If America is nothing more than a colony, to be exploited for it's raw materials, the colonizers dont need a middle class ....... The colonizers can just suck our aquifers dry, producing grain to ship to the worlds waiting masses...... They can harvest our timber, to supply their foreign manufacturers, who will supply the world with Cheap finished goods. in turn for these colonizing Corporations these cheap finished goods will help offset the cost, of the raw materials from America...... . Medicare reimbursement to the Doctors cut, because everyone knows American workers won't be able to afford good healthcare and neither will the cheaper working migrant workers....... Unless you have a skill that can't be found from foreign grads, as Microsoft and Facebook say they need, our college grads are screwed, along with the middle class ..... The colonizers, don't need, nor do they want an American middle class, they consider us a financial drain and a bunch of whiners. (So put on your boots?) Isn't it nice, the deficit is coming down, so there will be no need to tax corporations?
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 1:23am
What the hell am I going to do with you?
Well first I should hire you as a publicist. hahahahaahah
I mean you get me more comments and hits than anything I write. hahahahahah
The Revolutionary war is over Resistance.
So is the Civil War.
We live in new times.
Everybody already has a gun for chrissakes! hahahahahhaha
Or access to a gun without much government interference unless the procurer is an idiot!
We have free speech for chrissakes; at least no governmental unit gives a damn about what I write.
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 1:31am
No, I give all the credit to you. You stir up the passion and it start a chain reaction, stimulating the process for deeper thought. Keep up the good work.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 1:38am
Either you took your tin hat off or did you sober up? LOL I am sorry. But you struck me funny. LOL... I will blame it on Bob Marley and my margareta.
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:30am
That's alright, I get worked up sometimes. Where Richard is always hopeful, I fear our original 1861 to 1865 Civil War, did not resolve the issues to end slavery. We need a modern day Harriot Beecher Stowe, to write about the Walmarts and the other major chains, that employ the unscrupulous, to run sweat shops and I am appalled how the silent acceptance of the New Slavery by Americans, who dont care as long as the goods are cheap....... The old saying by some slave owners "it was the best thing for the slaves to come to America, is now been replaced with " it is the best best thing for the New Slaves, that America supports and buys the goods they produce"
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 3:15am
Yes you do go over board sometimes. I understand your anger because I live in the Bananna Republic of Florida in a swamp filled with poverty. I see it everyday and I don't except it quietly. I place my frustration into trying to change it. My changes usually comes on the small scale, one person at a time. I support CSA farming. I sew and make things. I look for ways to buy local and USA when I can get them. I am part of grass roots politics. It is what keeps me sane. Richard is like many on this blog that see a future with hope and change. The GOP has a death rattle. They know their days are numbered. I wanted Obama to be a hero too. In the future historians will point out where he was one because right now all the white noise has covered it up. It took history to point out how good of president that Harry Truman really was. It is not in this country's DNA to settle for what the GOP is offering.
by trkingmomoe on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 6:11am
"It is not in this countries DNA" As I recall, the country elected George Bush for a second term.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 9:23am
I see the Tea Party as just another more dangerous form of Slavery. Armed Tea Party members conjure up images of overseers willing to suppress the press and free speech. If you are willing to accept a Governor acting as a dictator, it does not suggest Constitutional government is a major ideal.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 7:30am
I am trying to recall, maybe you know? ...... Was a Special master appointed during the GM /auto bailout? If so , what dictator appointed one or was it a mutually agreed arbitration...... Didn't the workers get the short end of the stick?
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 8:37am
I see a different Tea Party; of people that see the need for Second Amendment Rights. ... I see members tying to end, the selling of Americans into servitude/slavery to the Chinese and others who buy our bonds, to support two unfunded wars and other financial sleight of hand tricks. All because our leaders, abuse the "good faith and credit of the United States". The bonds are backed by the promise; America's leaders, will force the working class into slavery, if need be.... even allowing a sequester, in order to pay back the bonds? ....... Housing had to collapse as an investment tool, forcing folks into using the Financial brokers tools. You know who I'm talking about; the bedfellows of the Federal Reserve who get a very special arrangement. The same brokers who would like to privatize our retirement.They know someday, the Chinese money might dry up or become more expensive.... The Tea Party appears to be crazy enough and brave enough to overturn these money changers tables.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 9:32am
I see a group propped up by billionaires.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 9:58am
Look closer and you'll see a group who needs financial support to become a viable third party and others seeing the usefulness of this third party to gain power.... Much like the early Democratic Party, who saw the need to support Unions to get votes back then and now they ignore Labor, because they know the workers will now vote for them anyways, because where else can they go. because everyone knows; the Republicans are worse.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 11:59am
So at best you want to recycle the model of the political parties you dislike.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:15pm
NO, the model has not worked, because eventually, all the parties are corrupted by the influence of money. Even you bemoan the fact that billionaires own the Tea Party..... I continually pray, for an overturning and replacement of the current status quo, when I say the Lords prayer. "Let your Kingdom come" ..... The Tea party helps to remind and keep the two major capitalist parties, to never take the electorate for granted. Eventually the Tea Party will become just as crooked and hopefully another uncorrupted party will succeed it, or my prayers will be answered first and we will no longer have to deal with corruptible men, adulterous politicians in bed with those with money, rather than serving the needs of the people who elected them..... Read the current "In the News", on the right side of the screen "Destroying the Labor Market"
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 4:39pm
I mean you get me more comments and hits than anything I write. hahahahahah
Its the nature of dialog, especially internet dialog, that the better the post the less response it gets. The best writers here put up posts that are so comprehensive and well argued that the only room for response is a series of replies saying, "good post." Most simply don't post replies that only say "well done" or "I agree." Most people look for areas of disagreement.
Even knowing this and trying to work against it I find myself falling into that pattern. Even my replies to those I respect the most here I find most often my replies are on the small areas of disagreement.
If you're looking for more responses write sloppier posts with lots of errors. Don't support your arguments with facts. Say something extreme, inflammatory or insulting that will get people here pissed off. As a general rule, the more ignorant and stupid your post, the more dialog you'll generate.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:36pm
Well you really know how to make my day more upbeat.
by Richard Day on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 3:09pm
I have to say, ocean-kat does have a humorous side. That was funny and I have noticed he gets many a share of responses. So maybe we can all learn something from him after all.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 4:06pm
I apologize rmrd I should have wrote "some see it as jumble and some folks cant see. When you wrote "wade through" I considered it a slight.
by Resistance on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 2:39am
No problem. We disagree on how to effect change. We can still can have discussions.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 05/17/2013 - 7:19am