GotToBeMe's picture

    Rebuilding U.S. Infrastructure

    Political Cartoon: Building U.S. Infrastructure

    Jobs are needed in America.  There are many who are willing and able to get to work. Others choose to be asleep at "their" job.

    Crossposted at

    Artwork 2010©

    For more Political Cartoons, sketches or just thoughts visit Kaveh Adel's Art & Humanity Blog


    Here are two good blog posts on the same subject:

    Even if you think high speed rail costs too much, even if you think the environment is self-repairing, how come we aren't maintaining the nuts and bolts of our non-controversial highway system, bridges, sewers, etc.? How many more bridges have to fall down?

    I am right there with ya. The Graph showing the state "leanings" was mind-boggling! I appreciate the links you provided. Having seen what happened in Minneapolis a few years back, it really makes you wonder where the priorities are..... for the politicians, that is.

    Great sketch!!!

    Great post!!

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