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    The Republican Party's Treasonous and Un-American History

    Beneath the Spin*Eric L. Wattree

    The Republican Party's Treasonous and Un-American History

    It's always a bad idea for a writer to overstate his or her case or deal in hyperbole. It causes readers not to take the writer seriously, so let me choose my words carefully. The Republican Party has morphed into a fascist, bigoted, un-American, and completely inept and irresponsible threat to world peace, with a pronounced tendency toward treason even as they wrap themselves in the American flag.  I could go on, but I want to be careful to remain "fair and balanced." 
    The GOP's thoughtless, greedy and uncaring policies toward the American people has been troubling since before the Great Depression. The only thing that keeps the GOP viable is once they're voted out the public tends to forget their previous atrocities during the four to eight years they're out of office. But our grandparent's generation, the generation we refer to as the "Greatest Generation" - those who suffered through the Great Depression and fought WWII - didn't forget. They wouldn't let Republicans even go NEAR the White House. There were two reasons for that. First, back then they had a functional educational system, and secondly, they suffered so horrifically at the hands of the Republicans that they couldn't forget. 


    In 1921 - eight years before the great depression -  Republicans took over the helm of this nation for 12 years. During that time there were three Republican administrations. The first of which was the administration of Warren G. Harding. History remembers Harding's administration for one thing more than anything other - scandal. It was during Harding's presidency that the Teapot Dome Scandal erupted. His administration was considered the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States - until Nixon's, then Reagan's, and finally Bush's.
    Next, in 1923, came Calvin Coolidge, the president that Ronald Reagan is said to have most admired. Coolidge's policies of large tax cuts, allowing business a free-rein, and his encouragement of stock speculation contributed greatly to the impending stock market crash and the great depression that was to come. 

    Then in 1929 Herbert Hoover came to power. During his administration the stock market crashed, starting the great depression. In spite of the fact that by 1933 the unemployment rate was at 33.3% with 16 million people out of work, Hoover and his Republicans just sat, thinking that the economy would eventually rejuvenate itself. After all, they could afford to just wait it out; they weren't suffering, they could wait it out in comfort.  But during Hoover's administration 15,000 WWI veterans marched on Washington demanding that they be paid what they were owed by the government. Hoover responded by calling in federal troops to throw these ex-servicemen off government property. 
    Finally in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a liberal Democrat, was elected overwhelmingly. He immediately surrounded himself with a group of the finest minds in the country, including Columbia professors Adolph A. Berle, Jr., Rexford G. Tugwell, and Raymond Moley, known at the time as the "Brain Trust." After assembling these men and others he went about the business of developing a" New Deal" for the working class people of this country. 
    The New Deal had two components - one to help the economy to recover from the effects of the great depression, and a second component to give relief to the American people and to insure that they would never be placed in a position of total destitution again. To help heal the economy Roosevelt created programs that regulated business, controlled inflation, and brought about price stabilization; to bring relief to the people he signed The National Labor Relations Act which guaranteed workers the right to collective bargaining, and he created the Social Security Administration to guarantee workers some sort of income once they became too old to work. He also signed the Fair Labor Standards Act which protected workers rights and set a minimum wage for workers. But every since the New Deal was enacted, the abolishment of every one of its programs has been the Republican Party's reason for living.

    During the Great Depression there was no such thing as Social Security, so when a person became too old or weak to work they had no income so they had to depend on their children for support. That meant instead of a husband and wife only having to support themselves and their children, which was tough enough during those times, they also had to support their parents. So there was often three generations of a family in one household - and in many cases, the parents of both the husband, and wife, lived with the family.
    In addition, there was no such thing as Medicare or Medicaid, so when one of the grandparents became ill the medical costs would devastate the entire family. These conditions kept lower and middle-class families in such dire need of funds that they had to accept whatever crumbs the business community chose to throw at them - and remember, at that time there was no Fair Labor Standards Act or unions to protect a worker’s rights or a minimum wage, so businesses could treat the worker anyway they wanted, and pay them whatever they wanted.
    They could work you 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no overtime, no paid vacation, and no sick leave, so workers had to choose between staying in bed with the flu, or feeding their families. In addition, since there was no child labor laws, if your boss didn't think you were being productive enough, he could insist that you bring your children in (as young as 9 years old) to assist you if you wanted to keep your job. Then if you protested, he could fire you on the spot, in which case, your entire family - sick grandparents and all - would be thrown out on the street, because there was no such thing as unemployment insurance.
    As a result, in many cases the entire family, including the children, had to work long, hard hours under sweatshop-like conditions in coal mines and the like, which in many cases led to the death and/or maiming of young children. So in a very real sense, Great Depression era workers lived under a form of slavery - the one difference was, they had to go out and find their own housing.
    Think back to the "Little Rascals" we used to watch as kids, and how ragged they were, or the cartoons we use to watch, where a landlord would come to the door (always portrayed in a black suit) and would tell a begging and crying mother that she had one more day to come up with the rent or she and her family would be thrown out in the snow. That was an accurate portrayal of the way people lived in those days, and those are the conditions that the conservative Republican agenda would restore in America today. Those are the conditions that they’re FIGHTING to restore today.
    But by putting his "New Deal for the American people" in place, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, this "bleeding heart liberal," not only led this country out of the worst, Republican generated, crisis that this country has ever faced, but he went on to lead the free world in victory over Hitler in WWII. He then ushered in the most sustained prosperity that the world has ever known. 

    So the people of the "Greatest Generation" elected Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt into office an unprecedented four terms, from 1932 until he died in office in 1945. Thereafter, Republican nominee, Thomas E. Dewey, had to push for the Twenty-Second Amendment creating presidential term limits for a Republican to even get a whiff of the White House, and even then, a Republican wasn't elected until Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 - and he was only elected because he was the allied commander credited with winning WWII, and he was a Republican in name only.  He signed the 1957 Civil Rights Act, and sent troops into Little Rock Arkansas to integrate the schools.
     In addition, as President Eisenhower's very last act of office he warned the American people of the military/industrial complex, or people like Dick Cheney and the kind of Republicans we have in office today. He described them as a threat to our democracy. Ike was nothing like the Republicans we see today. He would have summarily shot Dick Cheney had he been in office when Cheney allegedly outed CIA operative, Valarie Plame.
    So the "Greatest Generation" understood what we're only now finding out the hard way about the Republican Party due to the GOP's systematic dismantling of our information and educational systems - that their pronounced greed and lust for power has rendered them prone to being reckless, irresponsible, without limits, and a danger to our democracy.  We've had the opportunity to see all of these malevolent characteristics in graphic detail recently in the GOP's invitation to Benjamin Netanyahu, a foreign leader, to come thumb his nose at our President before a joint session of the United States Congress - and never once did one of them tell Netanyahu, "You lie." 
    The GOP also demonstrated reckless irresponsibility with the unprecedented act of  DIRECTLY intervening in the President's nuclear arms negotiations with Iran when 47 Republican senators signed a letter to the government of Iran essentially saying, "Don't pay this guy [THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!] any attention." That's the reckless, petty, and immature behavior of irate children who cannot be trusted with any sort of power.  They're either too dumb to understand, or too reckless to care that this nation has ALWAYS lived by the axiom that "Politics end at the water's edge." These 47 senators are in direct violation of the Logan Act and are guilty of treason. The Logan Act specifically states the following:
    "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

    In the 1936 Supreme Court case United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. Justice Sutherland wrote in the majority opinion that:
    "[T]he President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is powerless to invade it."

    In a 1793 letter from Thomas Jefferson to Edmond Charles Genet, Jefferson points out the following:
    "He [the President of the United States] being the only channel of communication between this country and foreign nations, it is from him alone that foreign nations or their agents are to learn what is or has been the will of the nation; and whatever he communicates as such, they have a right, and are bound to consider as the expression of the nation, and no foreign agent can be allowed to question it, to interpose between him and any other branch of Government, under the pretext of either’s transgressing their functions, nor to make himself the umpire and final judge between them."
    So to have 46 senior Republican senators to follow the lead of a freshman senator - who's only been in the senate for a matter of weeks - in violating tradition, protocol, and Constitutional law, betrays a level of recklessness, lack of statesmanship, ignorance, and pure stupidity, that's astounding!  Yet these very same people claim that we should give them the power to run the nation!!!?  The American people would have to be complete idiots  

    So again, because it can't be repeated often enough, the GOP has clearly demonstrated that they are much too petty and dangerously irresponsible to be trusted with power. When they're in the minority they pout, throw tantrums, and leave no stone unturned to obstruct democracy when they can't get their way, and when they're in power they act with the reckless abandon of ravenously deprived children turned loose in an all-you-can-eat chocolate factory.  But unfortunately, it's always America who ends up with the belly ache. 

    The closest the GOP has come to dismantling the New Deal started during the Reagan administration with Supply-Side Economics, or, "Reaganomics" - and the battle is currently raging in Washington D.C. as we speak.

    Supply- Side Economics was a scheme hatch by U.S.C. economist Arthur Laffer and the Reagan crowd which was supposed to cut the deficit and balance the budget. The theory behind Reaganomics was ostensibly, if you cut taxes for business and people in the upper tax brackets, and then deregulated business of such nuisances as safety regulations and environmental safeguards, the beneficiaries would invest their savings into creating new jobs. In that way the money would eventually "trickle down" to the rest of us. The resulting broadened tax base would then not only help to bring down the deficit, but also subsidize the tremendously high defense budget. It's exactly the same plan the Republicans in congress are pushing today. But when the plan was first floated, even George Bush Sr., Reagan's vice president to be, called it "voodoo economics."
    Reaganomics, for the most part, sought to undo many of the safeguards put into place during the Roosevelt era and create a business environment similar to that which was in place during the Coolidge Administration - which led directly to the Great Depression. And as we saw in 1987 under Reagan, and the 2008 Wall Street meltdown, these Republican policies led to the very same result.
    Instead of taking the money and investing it into creating new jobs, the money was used in wild schemes and stock market speculation. One of these schemes, the leveraged buy-out, involved buying up large companies with borrowed funds secured by the company's assets, then paying off the loan by selling off the assets of the purchased company. This practice cost the citizens of this country its industrial base. In addition, the bottom fell out of the stock market. On Monday, October 19, 1987 the Dow-Jones Average fell 508.32 points. It was the greatest one-day decline since 1914 - 15 years before the Great Depression.
     And what about Ronald Reagan's promise to balance the budget and lower the deficit? By the time he left office he was not only the most prolific spender of any president in history, but he added more to the deficit than all of the other presidents from George Washington to his own administration COMBINED. And what did the Republican Party propose to do about that? One of the Republican proposals was their "contract with America," a capitol gains tax cut - for the rich.
    Then in 1988 Silverado Savings and Loan collapsed, costing the taxpayers $1.3 billion. It was headed by Neil Bush, brother of George W. Bush.  The investigation alleged that he was guilty of "breaches of his fiduciary duties involving multiple conflicts of interest." The issue was eventually settled out of court with Bush paying a mere $50,000 settlement.
    Then there was the Lincoln Savings and loan scandal in 1987, involving John McCain. The scandal was very similar to the one that played out on Wall Street in 2008. McCain was one of a group of senators dubbed "The Keating Five" involved in a scandal by the same name.
    In 1976 Charles Keating moved to Arizona to run the American Continental Corporation. In 1984, shortly after the Reagan era push to deregulate the savings and loan community, Keating bought Lincoln Savings and Loan and began to engage in highly risky investments with the depositors' savings. In 1989 the parent company, which Keating headed, went bankrupt, and it resulted in over 21,000 investors losing their life savings. Most of the investors were elderly, and the loss amounted to about 285 million dollars.
    After having received over a million dollars from Keating in illegal campaign contributions, gifts, free trips, and other gratuities, the Keating Five - Senators John Glenn, Don Riegle, Dennis DeConini, Alan Cranston, and Sen. John McCain - attempted to intervene in the investigation into Keating's activities by the regulators. Later, they were admonished to varying degrees by the senate for attempting to influence regulators on Keating's behalf. Charles Keating ended up being convicted for fraud, racketeering and conspiracy, for which he received 10 years by the state court, and a 12 year sentence in federal court. After spending four and a half years in prison, his convictions were overturned. But prior to being retried, he pled guilty to a number of felonies in return for a sentence of time served.
    Then came the George W. Bush administration that caused close to a million people to die uselessly in an illegal war in Iraq, robbed the American people blind, whose fumbling ignited the longest war in American history in Afghanistan, and whose greed came very close to sending the nation into yet another depression.

    Now, after all of their repeated efforts to deplete the national treasury, they're unanimously voting against every piece of legislation that the Democrats propose to repair the damage they created and bring relief to the American people. Then they have the audacity to claim that they're doing it because they're concerned about deficit spending. 

    They're against affordable health care for American families; they're against any kind of spending to put Americans back to work, and they're against extending unemployment insurance to relieve the burden of America's unemployed. What's particularly telling, however, is they're also against any kind of strong legislation to prevent the financial community (them) from being able to rob the American people in the future.
    Also interesting, considering their deep "concern" over the national debt, is the estimated $4 trillion Bush tax cut for the rich. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Considering  both the direct costs of the tax cuts and the associated increase in interest payments, the tax cuts would increase deficits by nearly $4 trillion between 2005 and 2014."
    So the fact is, what they really wanted prior to the 2012 election was to maintain the status quo, and make sure that the American people remained miserable, hungry, and divided until the elections so they'd have a better chance to regain power and raid the treasury again. Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, was frustrated and reckless enough to say it out loud - "Our No. 1 priority is to make this president a one-term president" - not to save America, or to bring relief to the American people, but to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Flag pens in lapels and patriotic rhetoric notwithstanding, that says it all about the GOP's lack of concern for America, or the American people.
    After they lost the 2012 election, the Republican agenda shifted to making sure that President Obama was not successful, which is politispeak for making sure the American people continued to suffer.  The rationale behind their agenda is, if they allow President Obama to bring relief to the American people, and then you combine that combine that with the rapidly changing demographic, that could spell doom for the future of the GOP - and it should, because they're grossly out of touch with reality, and, America's best interest. That's why that's why the GOP is out to create a corporate feudalist society as soon as possible. They see time as running out on them, and that's what makes them so dangerous.
    The Middle Class Slide Since the Reagan Administration.

    "In 1982, Forbes magazine began its now much-read annual list of America’s richest men and women. At the time of the first list, there were 12 billionaires in the country and fewer than 200,000 millionaires. By the year 2000, there were nearly 300 billionaires and about 5 million millionaires. Smith’s account of the rise of the rich and super-rich tells the story of five types of individuals: entrepreneurs, dealmakers, investors, tycoons (corporate executives, who are distinguished from
    entrepreneurs), and entertainers."
    "No matter how you slice it, when it comes to income and wealth in America the rich get most of the pie and the rest get the leftovers. The numbers are shocking. Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth (see the pie chart below) while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent of the wealth. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans — over 150 million people.".
    A recent Princeton study Shows that America is no longer a democracy. We are now an Oligarchy, controlled by the rich. So it is essential that we wake up. Racism is no longer the war; racism is now merely a TOOL of war. We are now knee-deep in a CLASS WAR, and the American people are losing badly - ALL of the American people.

    Here’s the game that we're allowing the corporatists to run on us. They’ve convinced America that if we give the rich enough money, they’ll use that money to create jobs for the poor and middle class. Now, I don’t claim to be an intellectual giant, but it doesn’t take a great mind to understand that demand fuels supply, not the reverse. 
    If I made my living selling Gucci Bags, for example, I don’t care how much money you give me, I’m not going to hire anyone to produce any more Gucci Bags than I have in stock if I'm being forced to sell those bags in a homeless shelter. It wouldn’t make sense, because in a homeless shelter no one would have the money to purchase my product. The only way that you’re going to get me to hire people to produce Gucci Bags is if you gave that money to the people in the shelter so they’d have the money to buy my merchandise.

    That's exactly what's happening in America today. Corporate profits are at record highs, and the information and charts above clearly show that corporations and corporate executives are currently making more money than they've ever dreamed of in the past. So there's no reason for high unemployment. The rich are not putting that money into creating jobs; that money is going into offshore accounts, and we never see it again. That's why the rich are getting so much richer, and the middle class so much poorer.
    On the other hand, if the Republican congress would allow President Obama to create jobs to repair American's infrastructure - repair bridges, dams, and interstate highways and the like - that money would create jobs, just like it did when it brought us out of the Great Depression. Then, Americans would have money to spend on goods and services. They would go on vacations, so hotels and restaurants would have to hire people to accommodate them, and the food industry would have to hire people to process and serve their food. They would also buy bicycles and toys for their children, and that would create jobs, and they would buy more clothing, gas, and make needed repairs to their homes, and that would create jobs. And as a result of all those jobs being created, more revenue would come into the government in taxes, which would allow us to pay down the national debt.
    Again, think about it - the business community is making more profits than they've ever made in their history, so there's no logical reason for unemployment in America to be so high. The reason that unemployment is so high is because it's being kept high on purpose.
    Consider this. In the sixties, Howard Hughes was famous for being one of the richest men in the world.  He was considered so incredibly rich that they made movies about him. But compared to today's billionaires, he'd qualify for food stamps. Howard Hughes only had $4 billion, but today, Bill Gates has $79.1 billion, David Koch, of the infamous Koch brothers has $41.3 Billion, and even the young man, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, has $29.9 billion.  So there is absolutely no reason for the American people to be suffering so severely, and for unemployment to be so high - yet, they have us hating and pointing the finger at one another as the cause of our misery, when as pointed out above, the wealthiest 400 Americans have as much combined wealth as the 150 million poorest half of Americans.
    So it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see where the wealth of middle-class America has gone. It hasn't gone to "illegal aliens," or people requiring food stamps. Corporate welfare is nearly double the cost of all social programs. About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent nearly 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.  http://thinkbynumbers.org/government-spending/corporate-welfare/corporat...

    The GOP's supposed concern for the national debt is only a pretext to block spending and keep unemployment high. They are purposely trying to turn America into a homeless shelter, because the GOP and its corporate cronies have a vested interest in keeping us angry, miserable, and divided.
    The GOP's motive is political - by keeping unemployment high and the American people miserable, it makes Obama and the Democrats look bad, and they're hoping that the resulting anger and division in the country will help them to get elected in a demographic that's shrinking to the GOP's disadvantage. And the corporatist are trying to squeeze the middle class. They’re trying to lower the American middle class standard of living to a level that conforms to the other countries in the global economy, where in many countries people make less per week than some middle-class Americans spend on lunch per day. So they're trying to squeeze the middle class to the point that it lowers our expectations, and we'll feel grateful for less.
    Their ultimate agenda is to turn America into a corporate feudalist state, where the American people are totally dependent on corporations for their survival. That will greatly enhance corporate profits, and essentially, allow them to control this nation. That's why the GOP is attacking unions, our educational system, and all social programs that prevent us from being totally reliant on the business community. They want to have complete control over our lives.

    GOP politicians just tend to lack common sense. Republican President Richard M. Nixon lacked the common sense to recognize that the President of the United States should not become an accessory to a common, street-level burglary, or place American citizens on an "Enemies List." Republican President Ronald Reagan lacked the common sense to realize that it was inappropriate to commit the treasonous act of going behind President Jimmy Carter's back and making a deal with a foreign enemy that was holding American citizens hostage to continue to hold those citizens hostage for political gain. Reagan also lacked the common sense to realize that it was inappropriate to flood America's inner cities with crack cocaine in order to finance his illegal war in Nicaragua.  It was ruthless, immoral, and unconscionable, in spite of Nancy Reagan's warning to "Just say no."  Republican President George W. Bush lacked the common sense to recognize that it was inappropriate to lie the nation into a multi-trillion dollar war with Iraq, killing over a million Iraqi citizens, and killing or wounding thousands of American troops for political gain and the enrichment of Dick Cheney's Halliburton Corp.  And Dick Cheney lacked the common sense to recognize that it was an act of treason to reveal the identity of an American CIA agent for spite, and that Americans don't engage in torture.  Thus, the Republican Party is turning America into an ugly place.  They're making America itself, un-American.
    Republican politicians and their cronies have a long history of pettiness, greed,  poor judgment, and a tendency to continually drag America down a rat hole to satisfy their selfish lust for wealth and power.  Thus, America needs to wake up and see these people for who they are, because 2016 is going to be a pivotal election. If the Republicans win they know that the demographics are against them, so they'll never relinquish power again - regardless to WHAT they have to do.  Think about the ramifications of that. And if you're a White social conservative who takes comfort in those ramifications, don't, because the rich, fiscal conservatives, don't care any more about poor and middle class White people than they do Muslims, minorities, or gays. You're only being used to keep the working class divided, because the GOP's agenda is so toxic to the American people that their very viability is completely dependent upon maintaining hatred, animosity, and strife among the poor and middle class.  So if they win, looking into your dumb faces is going to be the only thing gratifying about it.


    Eric L. Wattree 
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    We need to keep repeating this history over and over again.  

    2016 is a important year because it will be played out on our home turf.  That is in our favor.  

    Could those fools in congress do something really stupid as to try a banana republic style take over in the next year and a half?  

    Thanks for a good blog.

    Thank you, TRK.
    I think they're capable of it.  The GOP is dangerous, because they're greedy, desperate over the changing demographics, and as we've just seen, they don't have the common sense to respect American tradition or understand limits.
    Retired Army General said He’s Willing to Mount A Military Assault on the White House and Congress.
    Retired army general, and FOX News analyst , Paul Vallely, is quoted as telling the Arizona Tea Party Patriots, "I had a call this afternoon from Idaho. The gentleman said, ‘If I give you 250,000 Marines to go to Washington, will you lead them?’" Vallely said as the group laughed and gasped. "I said, ‘Yes, I will, I’ll surround the White House and I’ll surround the Capitol building, but it’s going to take physical presence to do things."

    Great post Eric. This information should be supplied to all voters.


    Thanks for this.  It's good to have the case against Republicans put into historical perspective.  I'm copying the link so I can share this blog.  Nice job!

    A basic reading of 20th century history, would support your logic.

    But what is a basic reading anyway?

    This is well done, as I attempted to tell you in another venue.

    The best I can say is that:


    And my children and my children's children shall read this.

    I assure you.

    Thank you, Rm, Mr. Smith, and Richard.
    It's past time that we get the message out about the GOP, because they're on the very brink of stealing our democracy. As I keep telling people, if they win in 2016 America will never be the same again.  And this has been a very methodically planned attack on America.  First they abolished the Fairness Doctrine, made college beyond reach for most, and have mounted a brutal assault on our educational system to create a permanent underclass; then they attacked our labor unions to lower the standard of living of the American middle class; and now they're leaving no stone unturned to instigate and maintain poor and middle class hatred, animosity, division so we can't come together to fight back.
    What we see going on in Ferguson, around the country, and on our college campuses is not by accident. They're creating this environment. Their rhetoric on Fox News and disrespect of President Obama sends a message to every bigot in America that it's now acceptable to act on their bigotry. They're using hatred and animosity to divide and conquer, because they're in the process of changing America from a representative democracy to a corporate feudalist state, and all they need to complete the process is one more term in the White House. 

    The election scenario will be familiar. There will be some on the left arguing that there is no point in voting because both parties are the "same". This lame argument still has influence over some voters, so pointing out the actions of the GOP is important. Some will call for a third party. We will not be able to convince some people not to vote or not to vote for a third party. Instead of venting anger at these people, we have to focus on voters willing to listen. It is surprising how much a little word of mouth by us can encourage people to vote.

    The GOP has turned vicious. Fourty-seven Senators had a reflexive action to encourage war with Iran. Senator Rubio was at a hearing where he was directly told that Iran was fighting ISIS. Rubio's response was that Iran hates the idea that the US would engage ISIS in battle. Rubio is unable to understand the reality of the middle east. Iran the country Rubio wants to destroy is fighting our enemy ISIS. When the media meekly pointed out the damage done by the 47 Senators and Rubio's ignorance, they were told that the letter was a "joke" and that Rubio misheard the testimony. McCain said that he signed the letter because the bad weather caused the the Senators to "rush". The GOP is not qualified to govern.

    The next President will likely have several Supreme Court choices. The court is currently 5-4. The court can be made more Progressive or more reactionary by the choices of the new Justices. We cannot afford a Republican President for a multitude of reasons.

    I completely agree, RM.

    You sent a chill through me with your Supreme Court comment. Wow! The GOP controlling all three branches of government.  The American experiment in democracy would be over.

    The American experiment in democracy is about over; as our leaders hand over our sovereignty to the United Nations.

    Those you call treasonous, are people who are not blind to what Obama and the One World Government  champions, are promoting and they are our last hope, to prevent WORLD WIDE DOMINATION BY A BEAST who only wishes to enslave ALL  Revelation 13

    in violating tradition, protocol, and Constitutional law, betrays a level of recklessness, lack of statesmanship, ignorance, and pure stupidity, that's astounding!  Yet these very same people claim that we should give them the power to run the nation!!!?  The American people would have to be complete idiots   Wattree 

    The ignorance and pure stupidity is by those who cannot discern what is happening and the ones with brains are going to fight /resist giving the United Nations organization, the power to run ALL the nations of the World  

    The UN, Cuba and the Gulf War - BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET

    "Is it really the need to promote respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of states that motivates the United States? Or is it the ambition of the United States to intervene and dominate in the Middle East?"

    The United Nations played an essential role in the political preparations for the West's rampage against Iraq.

    These resolutions built up a chain of interlocking "condemnations" of Iraq and "invitations to member states" to take escalating measures until the inevitable consequence of the "will of the world's nations" they expressed was war. .....

    Such talk could only feed the illusions of those who clung to the idea that the imperialist governments might yet listen to "reason".

     666  A mans number?

     Cuba and Yemen voted against the resolution, with Cuba stating that even through the use of disclaimers, the resolution amounted to "using starvation as a weapon of war", banned under Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions.[1]

    Knowledge of history is important. People have to realize that power grabs by the wealthy is nothing new. Robber barons led to the Sherman Antitrust Act in the 1890s. We have dealt with the Kochs before. Democracy is not over.

    The study of history is not the problem. In fact I  agree with others that you did a great job. 

    It is the future I am more concerned about. 

    To the unsuspecting;  Yes it looks like the same old  power grab, but to those who understand and can discern the significance of the the image, John the writer of Revelations saw over 1900 years ago, helping us to discern, future events. 

    Did you understand it was the League of Nations that got the original death stroke that came back to life? 

    Did you understand who gets the mark of the Beasts approval and that those who don't bow down; (rich and poor alike) get punished by Sanctions because the World gave the Beast that power? 

    Does looking back, tell you who will become another victim, for disagreeing with the powerful Beast?  

    The illusion of Democracy keeps the American people blind; until it is too late. 

    As an example; look at the history of Americas trade agreements (WTO, NAFTA TPP Fast tracking) and understand, American Democracy has been usurped from us and is continuing to be, on the real issues that matter. 

    Did you get to vote on the LIFE and Death issue of the IRAQ WAR? Or were you like the rest of us; DECEIVED and sacrificed in servitude to the Beast. 

    Now the Beast wants to be the savior  in the Nuclear discussion with IRAN?

     "All bow down to the Beast" for saving mankind ?  

    No that's not what will happen. The Book of Grimm tells the full truth. America, the statue of liberty, is symbolized by the princess. She becomes so arrogant she mocks all who love her. Most of all at the hippies who try to help her in her time of trouble. "she laughed more than all at a good king who was there. ’Look at him,’ said she; ’his beard is like an old mop; he shall be called Grisly-beard.’ So the king got the nickname of Grisly-beard."

    Then the housing market collapsed and Americans became homeless or lived in hovels "’What a paltry place!’ said she; ’to whom does that little dirty hole belong?’ Then the fiddler said, ’That is your and my house, where we are to live." As Grimm forecasted only Wall Street made any money. "At first the trade went well; for many people, seeing such a beautiful woman, went to buy her wares, and paid their money without thinking of taking away the goods." But even Wall Street failed and with all the manufacturing jobs off shored Americans were left with nothing but service jobs, maids and fast food. "I see you are not fit for this sort of work, so I have been to the king’s palace, and asked if they did not want a kitchen-maid"

    But it will all work out in the end. America will gain wisdom and turn away from her arrogance. She will embrace and love the hippies and their philosophy. In The Book of Grimm all was foretold.

    King Grisly-beard overtook her, and brought her back and said, ’Fear me not! I am the fiddler who has lived with you in the hut. I brought you there because I really loved you. I am also the soldier that overset your stall. I have done all this only to cure you of your silly pride, and to show you the folly of your ill-treatment of me. Now all is over: you have learnt wisdom, and it is time to hold our marriage feast

    Here is even more evidence. In The Book of Grimm, Hansel and Greta section it's prophesied that the beast will be fooled, "Hansel, stretch out your finger." Hansel, however, used to hold out a little bone, and the witch, who had weak eyes, could not see what it was, and supposing it to be Hansel's finger. Then the witch will be cast down into the fires of hell to burn for all eternity.

    she stooped down and put her head in the oven's mouth. Then Grethel gave her a push, so that she went in farther, and she shut the iron door upon her, and put up the bar. Oh how frightfully she howled! but Grethel ran away, and left the wicked witch to burn miserably.

    I love your pictures 

    Heres a few more to consider 

    Image result for pictures of reaganomics

    Image result for pictures of reaganomics

    Forbes Magazine

    It’s Official: President Obama Is The Best Economic President In Modern Times



    Wattree concerning the picture of the 6 billion dollars missing.

    Are those IQD (Dinars) and the US bought into the Dinar Scam  thinking the 6 billion would RI above $3.00 per Dinar  returning over 18 billion dollars on a 6 billion investment? 


    I'm not sure fo the details; we'll have to check Cheney's offshore account.

    Pentagon - Where's The Money?

    If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear...


    It takes money to run a stealth program.

    New US stealth bomber shrouded in mystery

    I am not suggesting their isn't waste, but some things are not always on the books for matters of National Security.

    It is possible that foreign agents constantly review budgets to follow the money and discover who is doing the work and where. 

    Sorry Resistance,

    But that one's not going to fly. Certainly they're accountable to our own government. EVERYBODY in our government must to be accountable to SOMEBODY.

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