by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
They chitchatted for a few minutes. Then Romney said something about the church’s adoption agency. Hayes initially thought she must have misunderstood. But Romney’s intent became apparent: he was urging her to give up her soon-to-be-born son for adoption, saying that was what the church wanted. Indeed, the church encourages adoption in cases where “a successful marriage is unlikely.”
Hayes was deeply insulted. She told him she would never surrender her child. Sure, her life wasn’t exactly the picture of Rockwellian harmony, but she felt she was on a path to stability. In that moment, she also felt intimidated. Here was Romney, who held great power as her church leader and was the head of a wealthy, prominent Belmont family, sitting in her gritty apartment making grave demands. “And then he says, ‘Well, this is what the church wants you to do, and if you don’t, then you could be excommunicated for failing to follow the leadership of the church,’ ” Hayes recalled. It was a serious threat. At that point Hayes still valued her place within the Mormon Church. “This is not playing around,” she said. “This is not like ‘You don’t get to take Communion.’ This is like ‘You will not be saved. You will never see the face of God.’ ” Romney would later deny that he had threatened Hayes with excommunication, but Hayes said his message was crystal clear: “Give up your son or give up your God.”
Look I have given you my endorsement; so where in the frick is my beer?
I was caught up in this Vanity Fair essay on Mitt Romney.
It is well done and well researched—we hope! I mean how am I to know; Mitt will not take my calls nor most questions from the floor of his rigged town hall meetings.
The portion of this short bio had to do with this Morman's attempt at fulfilling his duties as a follower of a nut claiming that there were sacred texts written in gold somewhere out east.
According to the narrative, there was this single pregnant woman who sought out Mitt's help.
He gave her an opportunity to make some money cleaning up his household garbage and he then, following his charitable gifts attempted to make her do his bidding.
Oh no! This was not Herman Cain gaining some bj's for some farthings.
This was the charitable missionary of good seeking to change the behavior of the object of his charitable goodness.
This woman attempted to do everything right.
This woman attempted to conform to the rules given her by her church.
This woman attempted to find God and keep the child she held in her womb for a month of Sundays.
Oh, no! Said the local leader of the Morman Church!
You have sinned woman!
You have satisfied an evil urge woman.
You are now dealing with the consequences of your evil life!
No child, the being within your womb is not to be yours.
I was struck by this story.
This excerpt from a short bio on the man who could be President of the United States demonstrates to me how he would handle the masses; how he would seek control over the bodies of his nation's sinners, how he would demand conformance of behavior upon his subjects.
Santorum is so easy to attack.
I mean this moron would have us all question our animal urges upon some querulous interpretation of the Son of Man's statements made two thousand years before recording devices.
And yet here is the son of a millionaire and candidate for the world's higher office acting as if he has the answers to all of humanity's problems.
Brought to him through generations of followers who claim some divine revelations delivered from an psychotic.
Oh, when I heard that our church leaders finally decided that African-Americans were truly human beings; I drove to the side of the road (being prudent of course) and wept./
Our nation was stuck in a computer glitch where by every single day someone accused the sitting President of the United States as being a foreigner.
If Romney is elected the President of the United States no one will ever claim that he was not naturally born in this country.
And yet, I am claiming here, that as a member of the Morman Church (forget this Church of Latter Day Saints crap) Romney does not see Jesus Christ as the one and only savior of Man.
I despise Mitt Romney as much as I despise Ricky Santorum who does claim that the written words of the one and only savior of man--no matter how contradictory within the only Bible that holds his contentions.
Both these hypocrites would demand that we all, as a nation, follow their personal gods into oblivion.
Just as an aside I would make an argument that is not necessarily irrelevant to the discussion.
I am guessing here since we all lack all of the relevant information.
But I would guess that Mitt will not release his income tax returns to the press because he was making millions as a lobbyist. I mean how did he make his monies over the last four years? Supposedly, Bain Corp was out of business since he left!
He had already found the proper formula to proceed in the demise of working corporations by destroying all union rights and ripping all equity out of those corporations, and making a bundle upon the bankruptcy laws. You see, if you purchase a new corporation, the union rights go right down the drain! And if you use the bankruptcy laws, the worker is totally screwed.
He knew what he was doing.
And why, pray tell did Santorum announce that he would not attack Gingrinch with regard to the Newt's lobbyist income?
Because Ricky was busy making his own monies as a lobbyist.
Oh, but Ricky and Newt and Mitt were not registered lobbyists.
That statement just makes them rogue lobbyists; illegal lobbyists.
These people DO not, none of these folks, give one goddamn about faith, hope and charity.
dd, thanks for the heads up about the Vanity Fair article.
Just finished watching the Repub debate and now, thanks to the horrors I witnessed, I will have to sleep with the light on - because this was proof positive that no one is safe from the perverted, twisted crap these guys spew. They wave their flags of bigotry with such fervor!
They really do frighten me.
'Myth' Romney is so smarmy, Santorum so smug and Perry, well Perry is just an idiot. Gingrich reminds me of a guy who hopes that if he pontificates enough of his pious blather, no one will remember where he's been and what he's done. Paul is on a better track but too extreme and out of touch, if not a bit 'touched'. Huntsman's just too 'almost', not quite able to truly hide his (negative) core beliefs or rein in his ego.
This was a timely post - again, appreciate.
by Aunt Sam on Sat, 01/07/2012 - 11:37pm
Well I must render to Auntie Sam the Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site, given to all of her from all of me for this gem:
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:45am
I LIKE Myth Romney and will use it.
The thing to understand about Newt is that he's a sociopath. That's almost all you have to know.
by Peter Schwartz on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 5:11pm
Of course Newt is a raging sociopath, but sadly (IMHO) the same applies to two of his cohorts on that stage.
(What I'm truly amazed at tho' is Perry's apparent lack of brain matter and any noticeable political skill. Wow, makes me wonder about the identity of his puppet masters. Someone has to be driving the Texas bus, because he's clearly inept to operate heavy machinery, much less any viable political entity.)
by Aunt Sam on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 5:31pm
HAHAHA! One of the better chuckles I have had in awhile.
by Elusive Trope on Sat, 01/07/2012 - 11:45pm
I saw that picture and could not stop laughing.
It took me awhile to come up with some caption.
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:46am
Dickon, you know what I did tonight, I was tweeting the debate tonight, so just to make it interesting I tweeted to Mitt in French. So every person should tweet Mitt in French always. Since Mitt is going to be the nominee, we must mock him every single day.
by tmccarthy0 on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 12:08am
You got that right; and I love the French tilt!
Andew Sullivan at the Beast does a pretty good tweet like play by play on the debate.
Pretty funny.
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:42am
DD, the hottest ticket on Broadway right now is a musical by the guys who created South Park called The Book of Mormon. This is the opening number. It's got a number of songs with very explicit lyrics that I know you would enjoy.
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:54am
I heard something about this but I never heard a song from the play!
Thank you.
I cannot believe that this musical did not piss off somebody!
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:31pm
Oh it pissed off a lot of people... especially with numbers like this. (WARNING: VERY EXPLICIT LYRICS) (NO, I MEAN REALLY EXPLICIT LYRICS.)
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 4:41pm
You know I get caught up in this religious furor which never ends.
It has always been with us for heaven's sake!
I end up with Hitchens and yet I am awed by Christians who would help the down-trodden, who would aid in the abolition of slavery, who would aid in the abolition of Jim Crowe.
How far do you take this?
Falwell knew he could create some creationist universe and university and make a permanent governmentally funded religious and educational institution based upon moronic thought and aims.
Robertson took it a step farther and made a hundred million personally by simply begging the masses to send him money; monies that were promised to the impoverished!
Now Robertson actually reads notes quoting the God of the Universe! He actually quotes God!
Someone who quotes God is usually considered a danger to himself or others for chrissakes! hhahaahaahahah
Oh yeah and by the way, great tune. hahahaha
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 5:40pm
Just between you and me, God told me that Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Jim Bakker (the PTL Club) were all just makin' stuff up, but that once in a while, just for laughs, he would talk directly to Oral Roberts. (Mainly because Oral's name made Him chuckle.) Trouble was, Oral couldn't tell when it was delusional and when it was really God talking to him, so he went nuts trying to tell the difference.
Now that was a free revelation that I just shared because you're my friend. If you want to know more of what God says to me when we speak, (and He and I usually chat every evening, just to catch up on stuff), you're going to have to send me money. hahahaha.
by MrSmith1 on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 7:43pm
From Vanity Fair: We can add Stage Stores, GST Steel, Dade International to KB Toys and American Pad and Paper, the list of companies that went into bankruptcy after Bain Capital drained them of as much cash as they could. The former Bain guy stating what should be obvious 'we looked at what jobs we could cut' (not create), and the business expert Ross Gittell 'The objective was to make money, not jobs'. Duhh, but never mentioned anywhere on major networks or 'the debates'.
A 'free enterprise success' for Romney includes gaming the system so Bain Capital walks away with the whole pie, while workers, investors and creditors are left with an empty pie tin.
I am waiting for one of Romney's Trust Fund sons (he has 5, and each has $20 million set aside from Bain $) to get some skin in the game of defending America, and enlist to fight in the GOP's upcoming war on Iran. I guess they don't love America enough to fight for it, that mission is for the kids of the 99%, the 1% just profit from wars, exploit them for partisan gain.... they don't fight or die in them.
by NCD on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 11:46am
Well, I guess that makes trust a person too?
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:30pm
dd FYI, excellent Romney info by Reich:
(I was unaware that Reich was Romney's opponent ten years ago in the governors election.)
by Aunt Sam on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:15pm
Nice link Auntie!
I had no idea either.
by Richard Day on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:26pm
Actually, that article says that Reich would have been Romney's opponent had he won the Democratic primary, but that he lost it, so he never had the chance to run against Romney. Very interesting piece, thanks.
by Verified Atheist on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 2:53pm