Dan Kervick's picture

    She Did Her Job!

    Nancy Pelosi, that is.  That's why Republicans hate her.  That's why she sends them into litte boy temper tantrums.  That's why she gets so, so, so deeply under their skin.  It's because she does her job effectively, and Republicans hate Democrats who are successful and unafraid doers.

    She shepherded a massive amount of progressive legislation though the House, much of which the Senate then pissed away.   But from a progressive point of view, Nancy did her part.

    And it's not just policy she supported, but her party.  She's right-thinking and loyal.  When Barack Obama's flawed health care bill was on life support, almost done in by the Scott Brown election, Pelosi saved Obama's ass and rescued the bill from Death by Senate.

    She stood up, took the brutal and obnoxious Republican firestorm right in the kisser and kept on doing her job.  She's one of the best we've got.   And if we keep her on the job, she'll find lots of ways to give the Republicans hell over the next two years.

    I can't write to my House representative anymore to tell him to keep Pelosi on the job, because I don't have a Democratic House rep anymore.  But I would urge all of you who still have one to write to her or him and support one of the best and most productive Speakers in US history.

    Let's let our party know that we want a Democratic Party that fights, and bounces right up for more after a knockdown.


    Amen.  I'm writing my rep Nita Lowey right now. 

    Pelosi pissed my Republican mother off good these past years.  That's how I know she did her job.  Smile

    That's the spirit, Lis!


    Nancy Pelosi will be in the history books 100 years from now.   The republican that replaces her won't even be a foot note. 

    He'll go down in the history books for having an unbelievable tan. 

    Eh, he's no Hulk Hogan or Snooki.

    I'm going to miss her as Speaker most of all, and I only wish I'd had the opportunity to support this woman for president.  She's the old style.  They don't make many like that anymore. 

    I would do that if we had a Dem Representative and will ask others I know who do.  If Dems can make a strong comeback in 2012 having Nancy Pelosi as the next Speaker of the House will help enormously in getting progressive things done.  She has my enormous enduring gratitude and respect. 

    The most influential female politician in American history so far, with apologies to Mrs. Roosevelt and Senator Clinton.

    The once and future Speaker!

    Amen to that.

    Maybe now that she cannot be Speaker, at least for a while, Nancy Pelosi might use that time to consider running for President, in 2012 ....  I know I'm probably dreaming, but she IS the first woman president we've been waiting for -- one with sense and sensibility, her years of experience together with her moral center the perfect political version of tempered steel ... with a magnolia veneer. 

    Her magnolia veneer only necessary - still -- to make her, as a woman, acceptable, as a candidate.

    Now that is the stuff that dreams are made on, wws.

    With the image of Pelosi decimating Palin in 2012 in my head, now no matter what happens it will be a disappointment. Can you imagine the GOP reaction to President Pelosi? That's going to give me a smile all day. I love it.

    If you look at what Pelosi has delivered out of the house, the generic criticism of "Democrats" that arises when the product looked at as a whole pretty much disappears. I agree with Dan, she did her job.

    She did her job AND .. she is available to do whatever job she is asked to undertake.

    What about Pelosi as president? Really? Who can doubt her  -- dare I say it -- core values? Compare her to all the potential candidates named in the past few days: Huckabee? Romney? Palin? .....Obama?????

    This is a human being of heart, of soul, of honor and a sense of JUSTICE. Also a pragmatist, which is apparently also required. Compare her to whomever -- Nancy Pelosi is FIRST CLASS.

    Thanks, DanK, for allowing me to dream of what might be.

    PS -- I missed AnnaAM's comment, earlier today, when she was voicing a similar sentiment. So, Peeps -- don't blow off this idea of Pelosi as President ... because maybe -- when a candidate of irrefutable quality seems so elusive .... she is right before our eyes. 

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