by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
Ted Cruz, the Cuban Desperado!
An ex-patriot per his Castro backing papa.
Orly Taitz where the hell are ya?
Anyway, Teddy found his woman and is currently married to Goldman/Sachs!
I am actually thinking of writing a sitcom entitled:
A Goldman/Sachs Sex Story.
What a wonderful story!
I mean that we have a Cuban/Castro ex-patriot who married into the American Aristocracy with all the accouterments of the American Intellectual Elites!
So this member of the Intellectual Elites marries into the U.S. Corporate Elites.
He has money and he has everything some ex-patriot could wish.
And yet he feigns to care about the lower middle class and he gets away with it!
“Regardless of political party, by winning the Republican nomination and now being so close to becoming the state’s first Hispanic U.S. senator, Ted Cruz has accomplished what no one else ever did and has given Latinos belief that the American Dream is more than just a myth."
Oh all my teachers were Commies/
Oh my mumsy was American—even though she was an ex-patriot living in Canada with one of Castro's minions?
Oh, past military heroes up for nomination are traitors to America!
“We’ve got two pending nominations, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, both of whom are very prominently anti-us – less than ardent fans of the U.S. military.” Perhaps if Ted Cruz actually knows anything about the deficits caused by 12 years of war, he’d be believable.
Oh, Obamacare will sentence millions of Americans to death!
Let me just sum up a little here before I go into some obscene rant!
Instead of a Kenyan Commie, Cruz is the son of a Cuban Commie.
We are told that Cruz was born in a foreign nation.
We have a Texan who looks and talks and acts like Joe McCarthy?
We have a rookie who has served a small number of months in the Senate?
We have a Senator who seems to be acting as Speaker of the House of Representatives?
This Senator represents one of the poorest states in the Union?
This Senator represents one of the dumbest states in the Union?
This Senator represents one of the hungriest states in the Union?
The Senator accuses Obama of being a commie!
This Senator represents a state where a lot of folks have feet that feel cold in the winter time.
And cheap fans in the globally warm climate in the summertime!
That is somebody who does not have ten mill in the bank. Hahahahah
I do not believe that this man has ever done anything for someone who really needed it!
Ted Cruz is the embodiment of America and may well end up our Chief of State.
The end
Folks might want over the next month or so; folks might weep a lot over the next month or so; folks might even die over the next month or so; but that is the price of freedom.
Cruz will flame out just like Gingrich did after he did a shut down. He will mess up really bad eventually that will end his career because he is so reckless.
People will grow very tired of them taking the country to the brink. The Republicans will fill the rath of voters if they keep this up. The stupidity is unbelievable.
I remember how all the talking head said how smart Gingrich was. He would quote the Federalist Papers left and right. He turned out in the long run rather stupid. The talking heads keep saying how smart Cruz is. In the long run, Cruz will show his dumb moves.
I am just mad. There are babies that will go with out WIX, Head start programs will close and this will hurt working poor.
The Republicans will lose this PR war.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 1:18am
GODALMIGHTY, I hope you are correct in your assessment momoe!
I am really, really afraid of this new demagogue.
He is goooooooooooood!
He is of course, the anti-Christ!
But damn, I look at him at I could no longer believe his bullshite than I would uncle Joe McCarthy's. hahahahah
But Cruz does scare the hell out of me! ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:09am
I can't even stand the sound of his voice. He has a giant ego and everything is about him. He thinks that 100,000 people follow him on twitter that he is popular. This country is not as conservative as those nutts think it is. There is so much grass roots going on in Texas right now. Battle Grounds Texas is up and running and is well funded knocking on doors registering voters in Texas. Top people in Obama's reelection campaign is running it. They are very excited about Wendy Davis. By the time he is up for reelection Texas will be trending purple. He will never win the general election. Also he is making so many old Republican bulls in the Senate mad at him. Watch, they will cut him down to size.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:33am
Wow! I'm gonna to have to do some research on this guy. I'd just written him off as just another dumb Republican minion, but I smell a story now (there's always a story with these great-white-hope types). But I guess I can just forget about trying to objective, because you've already got me hating him.
by Wattree on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 4:47pm
Well, it's a tough job; but somebody's got to do it.
Believe me, your initial reaction will not change even if you perform your usually great research!
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 6:37pm
It would make a great Frank Capra movie:
Cuban Commie Castro Revolutionista gives birth to a Young Republicano Idealista, he flees to the Great North for the free socialist health care. Then, in Texas meets a rich hard charging banker and Goldman Sachs VP with a Gold Plated Goldman Sachs Health Plan and they marry.
Worried that if the poor and uninsured get government backed health plans, there won't be hundreds of billions in taxpayer funds available to bail out Goldman Sachs and The Street the next time they crash the economy, he runs for high office.
Seeking only to selfishly ensure more Americans are denied what was dropped in his lap by birth and marriage, he closes the whole government, risking the very trough of taxpayer cash that may be necessary to keep Goldman Sachs alive! What grasping greed and narcissistic nastiness!
by NCD on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 9:48am
Boy are we in a mess right now!
I betchya Goldman Sachs is really, really pissing itself over this craziness.
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:24pm
Not exactly, it's like this:
Not that I know much about this, just that I have seen more than a few versions of that story in the last 24 hours as I've been surfing the news and on the teevee. And the markets are reacting like all those articles said.
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:50pm
Well they are saying we have 16 days and the economy will go nuclear.
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:54pm
Well, while the stalemate goes on, I just hope there are no interns delivering pizza to the Oval Office.
by artappraiser on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 4:14pm
LOL...I don't think any man married to the First Lady would have the courage to fool around on her.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 7:06pm
You know I kind of gave up on this, but your line is so so sweet.
I hereby render unto Momoe my Dayly Line of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of her from all of me.
I really really do love this First Lady! ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 9:18pm
Richard, I just love it when the corporate GOP elites lose control of their social moron storm troopers. I predicted it was gonna happen, because the fiscal and social conservative agendas are in direct conflict, so brace yourself for a delightful conservative train wreck in the very near future.
by Wattree on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 4:54pm
Well you predicted correctly!
Huffpo already has Boner promising no jump over the 'cliff'.
I read at least three satires that I cannot get my hands on right now; but the gist of the satires was that Cruz may be the best weapon we have in the Dem's Arsenol. ha!
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 6:46pm
Just when I think I hate some GOP bullshite-meister more than anyone else in the entire known world, you post a semi-humorous diatribe that makes me laugh, but also reminds me that you hate them even more than I do. It's comforting to know that I am not alone in despising pompous jerkwads like Cruz. I think he will self-implode eventually, I just hope it's before the next election cycle.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:36pm
I really do hate that guy. hahahah
But 80 to 200 repubs in the House manage to spread out my venom today!
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 2:26pm
Somebody said as the midterm bullshit heats up, by March, 2014, Republicans will be claiming credit for the Affordable Care Act, saying it was their idea and they saved it.
by NCD on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 3:29pm
Unfortunately I don't think there's any chance that will be true even if the ACA is wildly successful.
About 70% of the population already has employer based health care and will see little effect from ACA. What ever good they get from it won't be attached to it in their minds. People just don't attach things like keeping children on parents health care until 26 to the ACA. Millions of people have already received rebates from their insurance companies but there was no big notice on the checks, "because of Obamacare we are legally required to issue you this refund."
Then there are long tern trends not associated with the ACA that will now be blamed on it. For example every year fewer employers offer health care, about 1% a year. Its just a way to cut costs and they can get away with it. Now anytime an employer does anything related to health care that's unpopular they'll simply blame it on Obamacare.
All complex laws need to be tweaked to work. The Prescription Drug benefit needed extensive reworking and now its a popular program. Even if the republicans fail to defund or derail the ACA, as is likely, they can easily stop any fixes. So any problems won't be fixed and will continue to be problems that will be ranted about over and over again in the conservative press.
Its going to be a long fight. We've won a few of the beginning battles. 2014 is just one more of the beginning battles of that long fight.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 5:23pm
Modification: The courageous Republicans bravely and selflessly 'saved' employer based health care for the 70% from the bad-as-Hitler Obamacare!
Nobama Zero was stopped!
They could run on that.....they always come up with some delusional claim. And it is presented as an arguable 'fact' of partisan based talk on 24/7 TV News.
by NCD on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 6:23pm
They say Hollywood is going to help out in the propaganda department; which is fine with me.
The Government can, after all INFORM ITS CITIZENRY with taxpayer dollars and if Hollywood shows up without pay I think it might help out the ACA and attempt to do battle with the repub propaganda paid for by PAC's.
I cannot imagine that those refund checks will not have some effect upon the independents!
by Richard Day on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 6:31pm
The quality of many of those employer health care has improved because of the PPACA. It will be noticed when you don't have to pay for mammogram or a co-pay for one. There are many new mandatory features in the regulations now. Don't under estimate how much the general population is going to notice.
by trkingmomoe on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 7:35pm
Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see. I just keep seeing these polls where most parts of Obamacare poll great then Obamacare polls poorly. It goes like this.
What do you think of keeping children on their parents insurance until 26?
I like that.
Insurance companies can no longer refuse people insurance because of a pre-existing condition, good or bad?
That's great.
Insurance companies must now pay out (80?%) in benefits. If they pay out less they must give refunds, good or bad?
I love it!!!
What do you think of Obamacare?
I Hate it, absolutely hate it.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 11:45pm
Yeah, middle class folks are going to receive a check in the mail for chrissakes!
Sometime in 2014, the recipients are going to go:
Oh this is Monopoly mony for chrissakes?
The bank/insurance company made a mistake. hahahahah
Propaganda is everything!
But when you add checks to propaganda:
Well that can be Nirvana. hahahah
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 8:16pm
The furloughs on Federal employment have just cut our family income by 70%. If Cruz wants to show he really cares, let him give 70% of his income away as suddenly as we are. And to make it a real party, let all of the tea party suicide pact of the GOP give up 70% of their income to show they aren't in the game to simply screw their fellow citizens.
In case that doesn't happen, I will just work harder.
by moat on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 8:01pm
Even Grover (the rover) Norquist is pissed at Cruz.
I keep hearing this two month bullshite but I figure about 14 days and this nation quits paying its bills!
This is deep deep doodoo.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 11:03pm
Oh they took away my song.
Well, we shall just refresh. hahahahah
I review my drivel from time to time. haahahah
by Richard Day on Sat, 06/06/2015 - 3:02am