The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    How Long Do You Think We'll Be Able To Keep Deluding Ourselves?

    I've spent the morning reading...I don't even know if I should share the articles with you since I've found them so depressing, but the bottom line is, we're deluding ourselves into believing we can continue going down this same path...
    Barth's picture

    November 22

    It means only one thing to those of us of a certain age. It was the day of days, the event of our national lives. That it no longer is the focus of every succeeding November 22 tells us that...
    Barth's picture

    President Truman on tonight's debate

    This is a busy week for many people, and even busier for this once a week blogger. The annual memorial to the President who first inspired the guy who writes under this name to become a public servant will, work...
    Richard Day's picture


    A not so new argument is being made on MSM concerning the new Health care legislation as the Senate decides today whether or not THEY CAN EVEN DEBATE THE GODDAMN THING. (blesses himself and as he curses all repubs...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Where's the outrage? An anthem for the working class

    Every campaign for social justice has always been accompanied by its own anthems.It's time we consider taking on Wall Street. Which side are you on?...

    Forget ASU-UA! Sarah Palin-Garrison Keillor would be a REAL "Duel In the Desert"

    For a moment, forget the big rivalry football game next week, THIS could really be something!  Last night, while picking up some - OK, a LOT of - toilet paper, I learned that my neighborhood Costco is going to be hosting Sarah...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-16: Shine Little Glow Worm, Glimmer, Glimmer

    Frank awoke as part of his sofa. He looked around and after a couple minutes figured out why he, not so deep down, wished he could just remain part of a sofa. This vacation thing has got to end...
    we are stardust's picture

    Slide Show of the the 17 Richest Members of Congress

      From CNBC: The Center for Responsive Politics recently analyzed the financial disclosures of Members of Congress.  They found there are 237 Millionaires in Congress.  The financial holdings for the top 17 are listed: Assets, for instance, include non-government income,...

    Judge: Feds Liable for Katrina Flooding

    As related in this NPR story, a New Orleans federal district judge has ruled the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers so poorly maintained a shipping channel at the mouth of the Mississippi that it basically caused flooding in New Orleans....
    Richard Day's picture

    ECCE HOMO earliest known European cave paintings date to 32,000 years ago. The purpose of the cave paintings is not known, and may never be. The evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas, since the caves...
    Ramona's picture

    To Hell with Hunger, Palin's got a book out

    When millions of able-bodied workers with practical skills and functioning brains are reduced to fighting for menial jobs that pay peanuts, under circumstances that not a one of us could have foreseen even 10 years ago, we have to finally admit that for most of us, life in America is not the recurring pleasant dream but the absolute nightmare.

    "Hindrances babies...justification for ethnic cleansing/genocide of non Jews""Hindrances babies...they may be killed because their presence aids murder. There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not...
    Richard Day's picture


    Metadata File:Musee de la bible et Terre Sainte 001.JPG What exactly is a lie? Here are some definitions from different sources: A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.Something intended or serving to convey...
    we are stardust's picture

    $1,000,000 per Soldier per Year. Afghanistan.

        The New York Times states that the White House internal figures use the One Million per Year per Soldier as a working number.  The 40,000 troops General McChrystal is asking for would cost $40-56 billion per year. ...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-15: There's a Train Acomin'   Frank hit the scotch a little too hard that afternoon, the afternoon after he had met the bureau chief. Let's see, how many contractual provisions I did break so far.I spoke with an investigator for the State....
    Barth's picture

    Whining about bowing and Other Attempts to Demean the President

    These goons never miss a moment to demean our President. Never. Politics stops at the water's edge? Not when the President is a Democrat. It is enough to make one think there is a vast right wing conspiracy against our...
    we are stardust's picture

    Selling Moon Plots; Now with Beach-Front Locations!

        (Just joshin' about the Beach-fronts...) But:   An Indian company called Lunar Embassy has been selling Lunar property for the past 29 years.  The company's website details its right to do so:  Its owner, Dennis M. Hope...
    Richard Day's picture


    Once upon a time, Bill O'Reilly did not get along real well with Al Franken. Now Al, my hero had written a couple books. One of them was entitled: Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. I loved that...
    Richard Day's picture

    A New Take on the Eighth Amendment and the Geneva Conventions.

    Old Sparky, the electric chair used at Sing Sing prison Lethal injection as a modus operandi is back in the news. Which always takes me to a closely linked issue: Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good...
    Barth's picture

    The United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, et al

    There were so many other things that seemed to be good subjects for a post this week. Then this jumped out of today's New York Times :Margit Arias-Kastell lost her husband, Adam Arias, in Tower 2. She, too, could not countenance the...
    we are stardust's picture

    US Military Funneling $$ to the Taliban, or: Milo Minderbender Would Be So Proud!

            A recent investigative piece by Aram Roston in The Nation magazine digs into the story of  US contractors, paid by the US Military, funnel money to the Taliban for protecting US convoys transporting everything they...
    Richard Day's picture

    The Age of Carrie Palin

    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-14: Motivational Speaking

    Langdon left Frank after a couple hours. It is harder to investigate when you do not have intimidation at your disposal.Fuck subpoenas. Where the hell is my probable cause anyway? He came to some conclusions on his way back...
    Ramona's picture

    Now, About Those Jobs. . .

    We can't go on like this. Unemployment has surpassed that magic number--a national average of over 10 percent. All hell was supposed to break loose if that ever happened, but of course it only affects the unemployed, so watching the stock market go up, even in the face of it, shouldn't surprise us. But could it at least infuriate us?
    Richard Day's picture

    Bush's Stink Tank

    WHAT? ME WORRY?George W. Bush has his own library. He spent more hours planning that library than he ever did planning anything else during his eight years as President of the United States of America.It contains the four books...
