The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    Andrew Golis! Thanks and Farewell

    I don't know how long Andrew has been here, but I have always found him to be fair and a hard- worker on this site.  I haven't seen him around here for a while, but I hope that he realizes...
    we are stardust's picture

    Bring Back Eliot Spitzer! Bring Back Eliot Spitzer!

    Yesterday (Oct. 28) on Morning Meeting,  Dylan Ratigan had on Eliot Spitzer and Glenn Greenwald to discuss Banking Reform the lack of any meaningful Banking Reform  Spitzer was  on fire!  Everything Tim Geithner is doing right now on Capitol Hill, and Barney...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-IX: Onslaught of the Armadillos

    Sean got to work that morning early. More than an hour early; which was strange for the man who never wished to give more than one minute extra to the slave owners, as he mentally referred to them. It...


    I haven't blogged much lately, so I'm just checking in to say "Hi," "Thank you" and a few expletives.First: Hi, TPM Cafe dwellers. No, my name is not Paul, and yes, despite my unusual absence here of late, I'm still...
    we are stardust's picture

    Bird potraits, and some four-leggeds, as a mental health break

    During this rather grim political period, I thought I would offer a brief interlude from my corner the natural world.   I put these and some others up on, but I have no idea how you access them, unless it's...
    Richard Day's picture


    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - As Los Angeles housing advocates launched a campaign warning of mortgage rescue scams, a couple hit by foreclosure are charged with torturing two loan-modification agents they suspected of fraud, authorities said on Monday.The couple, Daniel...
    Barth's picture

    Time magazine nails the health care debate

    A great piece which really explains the issue, how backward we have become in this area and what the stakes are. They report:While every American may be entitled to at least adequate health care, he is not getting it, and...
    Ramona's picture

    Death to Traffickers in Children - and Nothing Less

    We owe it to the children rescued and to the pitiful children still lost to the child sex trade to become warriors in their name. We watch animals in the wild protecting their young and think nothing of it. It's the way of nature, after all. But where in the wild is exploitation? What other species of animal creates an environment where helpless, defenseless young are served up to the baser instincts of the most dangerous elements of their kind? None but humans.
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCOVIII: Strange Fauna

                                                        Yesterday morning when I went out to feed the rabbits I noticed some blood on the straw in several places and also up the ramp to the feeder hutch. The blood seemed diluted, not bright red and thick and...
    oleeb's picture

    Calvin Woodward: Insurance Industry Whore Or The Biggest Insurance Industry Whore At The AP?

    Getting prominent play all over the net and all over the nation today is AP's latest contribution to distorting the issues in the healthcare debate.  Today's distorted, one-sided and thoroughly misleading insurance industry propaganda piece was written by someone named...

    We're Definitely NOT In a "Get Smart" Episode; However, Satires Are 'Blowing Up' On the Right

    First, I see that Rush, Ledeen and Co. are trumpeting a SATIRICAL piece about Obama's college thesis ( ).  A few minutes later, I come across the story on Media Matters that Glenn Beck has tweeted about Pelosi bringing a vote...
    Richard Day's picture


    div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited { color:#06c; } I found this little tid bit of comedy from dated 2/01/06: "Tonight, by executive order, I am creating a permanent department with a vital mission: to ensure that the...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Brooksley Born Should Be A Household Name...Why Isn't She?

    It is amazing how much there is going on out there in the world that gets missed. Or at least I miss it. Is it that way with everyone? And I'm even TRYING HARD to pay attention now. I wonder...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCOVII: The Pink Slip

                                                                                                  Miniature horses and foals Algie would feel soooooooooooo free at times like this. The pink and lavender ensemble was so perrrrrrrrfect.The stereo was blaring: The silk panties were 'form' fitting. Hard to find things like this in...
    Barth's picture

    Citizen Responsibility

    If you are of a certain age, you have heard this so many times, you can probably probably feel the beat when it gets played again and again.As we watch a nearly dysfunctional legislative process try to accomplish what strong majorities of Americans...
    Richard Day's picture


    Eliot Ness Bureau of Prohibition Eliot Ness April 19, 1903(1903-04-19)-May 16, 1957 (aged 54) Oh good news on the drug front. I mean assuming you are not short a nickel bag or something.Federal officials arrested more than 300 people in...
    we are stardust's picture

    OPEN THREAD: Dick' s 'Dithering' Speech/Mary's new 'Keep America Safe'

    For all you Guys and Gals out there who just LOVE to twist Dick Cheney's knickers, I present you with an OPEN THREAD to have at it.  It will be tagged as "SPORT." PUT YOURSELVES ON IRONY ALERT! I can't...
    jollyroger's picture

    Blue Dog: "Fuck the fisc. Make doctors richer."

    Mike Ross and his fellow Blue Dogs have been beating the rest of the House and Senate Dems about the head and shoulders everytime any sensible health care reform promises negatively to impact the near term deficit numbers. In particular,...
    we are stardust's picture

    I could use some more technical help (she said while tearing her hair out...): Redux

    I took this down too early; my apologies.  I thought I was just gettin it out of the way for other, more universal blogs.  It was requested that I re-publish it and the comments.  If they don't appear, I can...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCOSEX: Gloucester Cathedral

    Gloucester Cathedral The western end of the cathedral Frank greeted Sean and Bernice from accounting at the same time. Along with that damn mutt. (shivers) Frank sat his guests down. Bernice of all people wanted a matini as Sean smiled...
    we are stardust's picture

    The Incredibly Shrinking Paul Volcker, or: The White House Don't Need No Stinking Old-school Economics!

     This photo shows Paul Volcker at the White House Economic Advisory Board, head in one hand, looking away from the President beside whom he is seated.  He looks frustrated and dejected.  He has a right to be....
    stillidealistic's picture

    Is It Possible The Insurance Companies Stepped On Their Wangers?

    Hmmmmm. It appears that the worm may be turning...Seriously, did the insurance companies step on their wangers?A few days ago the public option was on life supports, seemingly just days, or moments away from time of death being called.Then the...
    Richard Day's picture


    Dale Breckenridge Carnegie This just in from our TPM Site:Former President George W. Bush has got a whole new gang. Goodbye, Condi, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Hello, Terry Bradshaw, Zig Ziglar and Rudy Giuliani.Bradshaw, Ziglar and Giuliani are among the...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Who's Zoomin' Who On This Myth of the 60 Vote Threshold?

    From where comes all this obsession about the supposed 60 votes needed to pass health care reform that includes the public option? What am I missing here?We are told by nearly everyone in the Dem Leadership that they prefer the...

    WTF! Do you want me to finish the film or not?

    I get tired of working my ass off for zero recognition. I spent a month putting "Health Care in Black & White" together. And for what? No one gives a shit.Yes, the recs pile up around my posts but not...
