The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


    "Mighty Quinn" Q IS BACK   Quinn the Eskimo comes back with his own blog; his first in four months or so. the best part of course is that no one, I MEAN NO ONE is ever going to...
    we are stardust's picture

    More Wonderful Food to Make Hard Times Better

    These are recipes to keep you healthy, save you money, and provide comfort for the winter.  One even uses all those bloomin' green tomatoes your neighbors keep trying' to give you!...
    Barth's picture

    Because it is right

    Forty-six years ago, the President of the United States, the youngest ever elected as President, addressed the civil rights issues facing the nation and explained the core reason why they had to be resolved:We are confronted primarily with a moral issue....
    Richard Day's picture


    I was not going to blog today. But I came across articles that knocked my socks off. I thought cryogenics was the field of science dedicated to freezing humans just prior to death so that somehow the specimen could someday...

    "...because I want your Conscience to bother you..."

    In a singular moment, and with an honest, from the gut comment, Helen Thomas codified, that which I hope all politicians feel, when they so glibly say they are acting in the best interest of the American people.From todays Washington...
    amike's picture

    Great Resource--horrific topic

    I'm in the mini-Apple, attending my 50th high school graduation reunion, which, if nothing else, will confirm that the old guy I see in the mirror is as real as the young guy looking from behind the eyeballs at him.I...
    Richard Day's picture


    Ancient philosophy As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.SOCRATES (Please note in my defense, that no Athenians were hurt during the creation of the post, but if your eyes and ears are sensitive today, please...

    Can This GOP Representative Get Any More Sleazy?

    Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) continues to amaze me - this time with his unethical slicing-and-dicing of Pres. Barack Obama's words in his book, The Audacity of Hope.  I clicked on an ad which brought me to the "Right To Work...
    we are stardust's picture

    The Vogelkop Bowerbird: artiste extraordinaire; a truly amazing mental health break

    David Attenborough did a video series called The Life of Birds.  One section is called Finding Partners, and shows and desribes the mating plumage, gift-giving and rituals of different male birds in efforts to entice the females, and convince them that they are Superior Mates. ...
    jollyroger's picture

    Parental spanking, forbidden by 24 countries, shown to lower kids' IQ; Why are American parents still slapping the smart out of our children?+

    From the University of New Hampshire, a profound study. Corporal punishment is an appropriate form of discipline only if one intends to diminish the child’s intellect.and as much a double the chance of diagnosing PTSD in adulthood. Prof. Murray Straus...
    Richard Day's picture


    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.   "The fact of the matter is, he encouraged me to give him my view on a whole range of issues. I did," Cheney said in an interview broadcast on "Fox News Sunday." In the end,...
    quinn esq's picture

    Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump

    They were rivers of fur, pouring over the grasslands. Until the ground just                  fell                 away  beneath their feet.  And after that, all that was left to...
    Richard Day's picture


    Zaraθuštra Spitāma O man, take care! What does the deep midnight declare? "I was asleep-- From a deep dream I woke and swear:-- The world is deep, Deeper than day had been aware. Deep is its woe-- Joy--deeper yet than...
    oleeb's picture

    You Can Help Democrats Take A Republican District In Florida

    This is an unusual request but I'm making it on behalf of a friend who I strongly believe in. Russ Patterson is running for the Democratic nomination in Florida's 60th legislative district.  The election isn't until next year of course...
    we are stardust's picture

    This is about cooking food, which is Good for the Soul. Or: Put your hands up, and step away from the computer.

    I'm going to take a chance here, and offer some cooking ideas.  Yep, I know it's a political blog, but I have had extra time in the past few years to learn a lot about cooking, and it's something I...
    Richard Day's picture

    A Contest For Favorite Words & Phrases

    I was speaking with some friends the other day and they thought a little words and phrases game might be fun. And, as everyone here knows, I am a lotta fun until I hit my seventh beer.   My...
    oleeb's picture

    Attack Iran? HELL NO! Another Reckless, Stupid Idea Brought To Us By The Folks Who Sold Us A Bill Of Goods On Iraq

    Since 1979, when the Shah of Iran finally lost his grip on power and the American CIA that controlled him was run out of Tehran, the elite power structure of our government has been engaged in one long, sustained...
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez to Bibi: "I will shoot your shit right out of the sky"++BREZINSKI:go up and confront them

    Prez knows that only under the whip will Bibi curb his zeal for showing Achmadinajad what a holocaust really looks like. Therefor, Bibi needs to internalize the truth that Prez is serious about forbidding a bomb run and will prevent...
    Richard Day's picture


    Donatello The Thustras were your normal inner burb people. That mysterious group of post war America whose biggest aim in life was to own their own home far away from the city (well six or seven miles was pretty far)...
    Barth's picture

    Drowning in Delusions

    Something is very wrong. You know it and, as Senator Robert Dole used to say in another context,"the American people know it." We no longer sound like the people of the United States. We are not the country of hope...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    From the GOP Bully Pulpit: No Health Care for Illegal Aliens

    "Illegal aliens" are a pretty easy target in these times of economic insecurity that affects all Americans.And the Democratic Leadership - never ones to stand up to demagoguery when a simple "bi-partisan" weak-at-the-knees surrender will do - recently caved to...
    Joe Wood's picture

    It's A Hard Rain A Gonna' Fall

         What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry upLike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore -And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over -like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagslike a...
    Richard Day's picture


                           Alfie DoolittleJohn Doolittle Once upon a time there was there was a Mormon attorney who wished to make a difference, strive for change and make America a better place for rich white people to live and thrive. In...

    Attack on Zelaya: toxic gas or hot air?

    Another day another murder attempt on Honduras' Manuel Zelaya. The embassy in which he is sheltered was attacked with potentially deadly gas ... or was it? Catholic priest Andrés Tamayo who is with Zelaya and his supporters in the Brazilian...
    Richard Day's picture


    I do not know exactly why, but this little bit of info from BBC News and The Daily Beast really got to me: A fine film of water coats the particles that make up dirt on the Moon, and...
