The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


                                                                                       SENATOR JOSEPH LIEBERMAN This weekend I was surfing as usual since I have no life and found this at TPM:Today we're announcing the categories in...

    Rick Foster is a LIAR

    Perhaps the world has moved on too quickly in the three days since Rick Foster, the chief actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, released an audit of the Senate health care bill filled with actuarial projections and...
    we are stardust's picture

    Open thread on a George Will Remark on Obama's Nobel Speech

    On This Week with George Stephanopoulos yesterday, George's guest panel talked about the speech.  George Will's remarks have been rattling around in my head;  I'd like to know what you think about these remarks.  ...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD: The Eighth Canon & Courtesy

                                                          DOM IRRERA                                    CANONS OF ETHICS IN THE                                       WEBNETBLOGOSPHERE:                                 THE CASE OF THE AD HOMINEM                                                      ATTACK 8. Be courteous. There will be...
    Ramona's picture

    In America: The Sick and Dying have to go Begging--in America

    "Most of the people I met [at the Kansas City Free Health Clinic] were working people. Eighty-three percent of the people who come to these clinics are employed. But over and over and over, I heard about unaffordable junk...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The World Is in the Crapper - It is Time to Kick Puppies

    Word is, the groundhog will come out of his hole early and see his face in the mirror;  and run back into his hole, indicating that nuclear war is imminent because of our President's acceptance of the Nobel Prize.  And...
    Barth's picture

    Our President

    He is not Franklin D Roosevelt and does not have either the control of Congress that the FDR of 1933 had, nor the unified mandate for radical change which the 1932 election provided that President. The Republican Party decimated by...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD: The Seventh Canon & Armageddon

    In March I wrote a series of posts discussing the Ethics of Blogging. Craig Crawford had set down ten rules for commenting on his web site and I knew that they were applicable in one manner or another to...
    MJS's picture

    Why I Miss George W. Bush

    Now, those were not the greatest eight years this country has ever seen, I’ll admit that right off the bat. Yet, I can’t help but miss having George in the White House. Here’s why.

    oleeb's picture

    Happy Hannukah!

    An ancient season of hope opens for all! Happy Hannukah to everyone at TPM, readers, staff, bloggers, even trolls! Shabbat Shalom!  ...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD: The Sixth Canon & Setting Your Cites

    I thought we might take some time to discuss exactly what a blog is. If we do not have an adequate understanding of what a main post is, we cannot discuss what a comment is. And if we cannot...
    jollyroger's picture

    Mau-Maus confiscate US Bill of Rights! Jomo Kenyatta to Prez:"You weren't using it anyway, cuz"

    It comes to this. The very new democracy of Kenya, born in blood, gives lessons to the supercilious heirs of the original anti-colonial revolution., A junior member of the Commonwealth is called on to vindicate Magna Carta, abused for so...
    Ramona's picture

    Peace in Our Time Here on Our Shores

    They go by many monikers -- plutocrats, Fat Cats, moguls, tycoons, Big Cheeses, Moneybags, Wheeler-dealers, Head Honchos. . .and those are just the nice terms. (Some of them used to be called "Captains of Industry" but since that ship has sailed, they don't answer to that anymore.)
    Richard Day's picture


    Today after much delay and fanfare, Richard Bruce Cheney accepted his Nobel Prize for Peace. Here are excerpts from his acceptance speech:   Ladies and gentlemen, I am truly awed by these proceedings and gratefully accept this highest of...
    Richard Day's picture

    JOHNNY CASH: How High's the Water Mama?

    Johnny Cash 1932-2003Johnny Cash is a hero of mine; always was. Actually worked in Arkansas cotton fields as a little boy singing southern religious dirges as he worked.He tells the story of his Daddy keeping his mother informed as...

    Letter to Senator Jim Webb, in re to his WashPost op-ed on Afghanistan

    One of my senators, Senator Jim Webb, wrote an op-ed piece on Afghanistan published Friday, December 4 in the Washington Post: A plan in need of clarity By Senator Jim WebbDecember 4, 2009 I have great regard for the careful process...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD: The Fifth Canon & Terseness

                                                                                        ERIC ARTHUR BLAIROrwell, "Politics and the English Language":"A scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus:1. What am I trying to say?2. What words will express it?3. What image or...
    Richard Day's picture

    NORTHCO-18: The Goddess of the Springs

    Triptolemus standing between Demeter and Kore, relief from the National Archaeological Museum of Athens And welcome to the corporate sponsored republican sponsored golf tournament of the century featuring 14 of the world's top 23 golfers in a field of 18....
    CVille Dem's picture

    DVD's that no one should miss

    OK, as long as I have been here (which is at least 5 years, although I don't remember for sure) I don't know if this is the worst time or the best time to post a blog.  But I am...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    Don't look to Washington to offer up Economic Justice, but instead Stand Tall and Fight!

    Jim Sleeper's recent post ("A Republic If You Can Keep It") prompted a vigorous discussion comparing FDR and his New Deal to the actions (or lack thereof) of our present President in addressing this failed economy. This comment thread within...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD: Odysseus, Spam & The Fourth Canon

         March 12, 2009, 8:01AM  Craig Crawford revisited our little group again yesterday and gave us more positive reinforcement for continuing our look at the universal rules of the newtwebblogosphere. And ever since I got those depends I was prepared...

    An Affair to Disemember

    Suffice it to say that I am tired of news reports about Tiger and his alleged mistresses. Way too much coverage of women crawling out of the Woods-work for fifteen minutes of infamy, a book deal and a handsome interview...
    Barth's picture

    This is how it works

    I really did not notice the Vietnam War until 1967. I feel guilty about not being aware of it before then, but in fairness, I was 15 years old in 1967 and had other things on my mind. I did...
    Richard Day's picture

    HOW TO BLOG GOOD, Setting the Tone and the Third Canon of Ethics

                                                                              ATHENA                          THE GODDESS OF WISDOMThe third canon of ethics is of import. I mean if you had personally been accused...
    oleeb's picture

    "The Preacher And The Slave"

    Above: the body of IWW organizer Joe Hill after his execution 94 years ago in 1915. I've been thinking a lot about how Americans today are being asked to "understand" that somewhere down the road they will get the...
