The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    stillidealistic's picture

    David Corn and Kevin Drum Are My New Favorites!

    I've got about ten different posts swirling in my head, and some are more pressing than others. The most fundamental one deals with the systemic problems of our two party set up. And as much as I think we need...

    The Liberal Tea Party

    Congratulations to those on the Left who feel marginalized and abused by Democrats. You and the Tea Party of the Right now have something in common.Anger is easy. Frustration is natural. Government and politics are not all we would have...

    Damn the Torpedoes: Pass Health Care Now

    Intractable critics of health care reform legislation are overlooking a fact as cold as their hearts and hard as their heads: Killing health care reform will kill Americans.The legislation that Democrats are racing to finalize while they still retain their...
    Richard Day's picture


    Paul Harvey Paul Harvey receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005 The Whole Duty of Man Ecclesiastes 12; 9-119  ¶ And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and...
    Ramona's picture

    Robertson, Limbaugh and Why They Matter

    Hour by hour, day by day, we've been watching the devastation that is Haiti.  The plight of that sad, forgotten country is being forced on us in such a way that it is no longer possible to turn away from...
    stillidealistic's picture

    From a So-called "Bot" in Regard to the So-called "Children"

    For the sake of this piece, "bots" are those who are accused of blindly supporting Obama, no matter what, and "children" are those who have either given up on or are so pissed off at him that they are considering...
    Richard Day's picture


    Benedict Arnold V January 14, 1741 - June 14, 1801 (aged 60) Warning Against Enticement  8 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction        and do not forsake your mother's teaching.  9 They will be a garland to grace your head...
    oleeb's picture

    Howard Zinn: We Cannot Tolerate War

      I read somewhere not too long ago that Professor Howard Zinn is the greatest living American.  Personally, I find that statement hard to argue with.  He has spoken eloquently and acted decisively against war, against the abuses and excesses...
    we are stardust's picture

    Healthy Additions to Foods and Some Supplements to Explore

    There have been so many blogs and comments about health care, food, healthy eating, pharmaceuticals, and so forth lately, I thought I'd add my two cents about common kitchen ingredients (and below that section some supplements) that can have beneficial...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Getting Down To Basics...It's the Ethics, Stupid.

    Somewhere in the process of growing up, I learned to problem solve, and after being married to the same man for 37 years, raising children, and owning my own business for 20 years, I am pretty good at it. One...
    wws's picture


    Donal has reminded us how prescient George Orwell and Aldous Huxley were in their imaginings of the future. To that roster of insightful seers I would like to add Doris Lessing, who wrote The Golden Notebook in 1962.  Perhaps...

    UPDATE: Dancing With The Senators: Sen. McCain Sidesteps Re: Reid, Plays Us For Dips

    Sen. McCain didn't want to look back at his VP choice - and got pretty snippy with Matt Lauer while apparently saying he didn't know what vetting process was conducted - but he had no problem looking back to Trent...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Where's the Outrage?

    By now we've all heard some of the stories in the new book, "Game Change." Harry Reid has gotten the most press I've heard for his insensitive remarks (which I really can't get too upset over given that they were,...
    Richard Day's picture


                                 The tomb of Mayan ruler Pakal (603-683 CE) in Palenque, Mexico.                 Interpreted by Daniken as depicting an astronaut in his spaceship. Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past is a book written in 1968 by...

    Dear Sen. Kyl, Are You A Clever Guy Or A Hypocrite? Did YOU Help Convince Sen. Lott To Step Aside? The Differences That Seven Years and Party Labels Make

    Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) seven years ago, when a Republican Senate Majority Leader was on the hot seat for his comments about Strom Thurmond and his subsequent explanations: ''I understand a lot of Democrats and liberals generally have had a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Conversely, What Are Your 5 All-time Faves?

    tlees2 queried us about our "worst" movies, and it got me to thinking about my favorites. So how about it? A list of your all-time favorite 5...the ones you watch over and over again, year after year. The ones you...
    jollyroger's picture

    Ben Nelson: "Nationalize Medicaid!"(+) NY Times: "Count us in, you extortionate scumbag!"

    Who would have thought that this extortionate scumbag would turn out to point the way towards public option heaven? Having received the (totally proper) assurance that the expansion of medicaid eligibility would not redound to the fiscal detriment of Nebraska,...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                THE SUPER BOWL RINGThe Super Bowl is set for February 7, 2010. Now I have been a legal resident of Minnesota my entire life except for one year in Florida. I will get to the exception in a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    How Much Is "Faux" Safety Really Worth? (updated with a poll at the end)

    Have you ever wondered what the planners of the 9/11 attack must be thinking as they see the results of their handiwork? Do you think they ever in their wildest dreams thought they would be so successful?Even from the beginning,...
    Barth's picture

    Republicans or Americans?

    We resist, and rightly so, accusing people of being disloyal to their country simply because they criticize the President or oppose his policies. There comes a time, though, when one has to wonder about the motives of those who cannot...
    amike's picture

    My Many First Times

    Does one's political virginity grow back? I've had a first time about once a decade since the last 1950s. Hubert Humphrey spoke at my high school in Minneapolis and started the process of weaning me away from family politics. I...
    Richard Day's picture


    The Godfather Part II There were a couple small scenes that really get to me in Godfather II. Mobster Hyman Roth wants Michael to invest in Havana in the 50's and the Godfather is hedging his bets. As he is...
    Barth's picture


    President Bush debates Sen Kerry, 10/8/04BUSH: Hi, Linda.GRABEL: President Bush, during the last four years, you have made thousands of decisions that have affected millions of lives. Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made...
    jollyroger's picture

    Ba'itullah Mehsud, Assassination by Predator (update): CIA suicide bomber, remorseful snitch on this very hit. Talk about "blowback"!

    “Hard cases”, it is said, make “bad law”. We like the outcome, but we deplore the rule. The news from Swat presents just such a confrontation between a tremendously felicitous result (a genuine Taliban surrender!!—they actually found someone to play...


    Arizona's Senior Senator has two in-your-face radio ads ready to run for his 2010 re-election campaign.  I'll bet he's already bought the airtime on the conservative talker where potential primary (or Tea Party) rival and fmr Rep. J.D. Hayworth holds...
