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    For Those Who Think That a Smart Right-Winger Might Be REALLY Smart: Ginny Thomas Part 2

    My first OPEN THREAD referred to Virginia Thomas, because I didn't feel that it was appropriate to refer to "Ginny," as she is known by all who love her.  Now, I think I know her really well, but I still definitely don't love her. I just prefer to call her "Ginny," because my mother was named Virginia and she hated the name GINNY.

    In a previous OPEN THREAD I wondered what her motivations might have been, and the comments to that open thread were excellent; very thought-provoking.  Most of us were left with the conclusion that we just didn't know, or GINNY was either unable to move on from his obvious attraction to Anita Hill, or else that she (Ginny) was a brilliant tactician, who was ready to throw the next arrow to the heart of all us Democrats.

    I have one thing to say about the latter:

    NO ONE IS AS SMART AS THEY THINK THEY ARE!  You too, GINNY!  Here is the proof:

    The other shoe has dropped:

    Lillian McEwan, spurred on by Ginny Thomas' attack on Anita Hill; has decided to share her "experience" with Clarence Thomas.  He was a porn addict, and all the things that Professor Hill said (reluctantly, and under subpoena)  were typical of the way he behaved.  But white men in Congress prevailed because sexual harassment embarrassed them, and so he was confirmed.

    Bottom line:  He has a lifetime appointment and no one will move to impeach him, regardless of his lies under oath.  He has functioned as a mute, incurious, and ignorant Justice, who has made decisions that his wife has financially benefitted from.  He hates his job and resents the process that allowed him to rise above his own pathetic ordinariness.  Why should he quit?  He never even bothers to ask a question -- he could care less.  He may as well work at Burger King, except the pay is so much better and he gets to go to so many cool parties.

    But as to my headline:  GINNY may have provided the final proof that her husband is the same pathetic person that many of us realized so many years ago.  Ginny, you may be smart, and you may have something to prove with all this, but you probably did not anticipate that your husband would actually be found out.  Your husband is yet one of many blows to our country's honor.

    Will we ever recover from this?

    That is my main worry.  I have children, and I believe in the common good.








    Relative to his position, Justice Thomas is clearly the disappointment you describe. But , fairness probably requires acknowledging that his pre-court life story :orphanage ,Yale ,young  head of a major government department,was moving, even inspiring. .

    Perhaps why Ms. Hill herself initially admired him until she was offended by the behavior which was the subject of that extraordinary Committee hearing..


    Fairness requires me to what? He sexually harassed his female cohorts, he has risen far above any intellectual capacity that he has ever deigned to express. So he was an orphan? My 3 children were until I adopted them. The fact that he was treated cruelly as a child does not give him an excuse ( especially considering his fortunate circumstances) to hold our country in contempt, as he obviously does.

    Yeah, having been a mistreated orphan I'm qualified to endorse your statement that it's not an free pass excusing adult inadequacies- leaving open whether it ever is.

    To be accurate it's really on tactical not "fairness" grounds that  I recommend giving the devil his due. Makes criticism  more effective

    Affirmative action might explain his acceptance at Yale Law but not his graduation (his subsequent rapid rise,maybe) . And despite his refusal to participate (due to a lack of confidence?) in questioning nothing seems to  leak from the Court indicating he's incapable of participating in its deliberations.

    He certainly shows no public evidence of compassion or even that maligned quality, empathy.



    It is impossible to think of the Thomas's without also thinking of the Bush family. The rush of history overcomes me and I must take time for reflection. I get very teary at a historic moment such as this.

    With George W. Bush waiting to reappear from the confines of Dallas with his memoirs of the first Harvard MBA Presidency in our nations's history, and with Jeb Shiavo Bush waiting for this election to end so he can launch a new generation of Bush pioneers to raise $200 million for the 2012 election primary, it is perhaps way late to honor the Bush family, as well as their relatives in Greenwich, Conn., the Walkers, a lovely and generous family, and especially of Poppy, who brought to the fore one Clarence Thomas.  It was said at the time that the selection of Thomas was not based on merit at all but was a brazen and calculated attempt to split the black community and give them an opportunity to vote Republican. Well, no, the proof is in the pudding. Never happened. What we found was a Thomas with a vibrant independent voice, a Justice who has never seen a corporation he woldn't help and one who is arguably the most humble
    Supreme Court Justice in our nation's history.
    It is only fitting that Thomas would have given something back to the Bush family--the Citizens' United Decision, just in time for the 2010 and 2012 elections. As we treasure these events it is well to note that Jeb, with the generous donations of corporate money and with that characteristic self-sacrificing nature of a Bush/Walker heir, will be offering us that final keystone of the Bush legacy, the one which GWB was unable to bestow upon us, the privatization of social security.

    And if some dastardly set of circumstances should prevent Jeb from crowning us with privatization, don't forget that there are other Bush's coming up the pipeline, so to speak, and of course in the meantime we will have those other symbols of Bush largesse to revere, Ginny and Clarence Thomas.

    Jeb has been grooming Rubio to be his sock puppet.  They will run Rubio for president.   

    I knew what Clarence was before all this talk of pubics and such.

    He is a hateful, hateful man who was at one time kicked in the nuts by some liberals--black or white--and he decided that he would spend the rest of his life fucking liberal causes.

    He is a prick. Whether he liked to look at nekked women or not.

    And people who work against liberal causes their entire lives have to be hypocrites.

    He will die a fulfilled man.

    Ahh, can I give you the Dayly Award? Cause I think this one qualifies.

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