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    (Updated) CDC: The Lead Agency in the Fight Against Obesity and Related Health Problems?

    image  Someone in the Cafe . . .

    . . . has been going on, and on, and on about the "...explosion of American asses and arteries..." and that the current health reform efforts don't address this issue . . .

    I have always agreed that the health problems related to the obesity issue is a major drawback to the overall health and well being of the nation as a whole. That has never been an issue that I disagreed with. But I vehemently disagree with the notion that there's nothing in the current reform bill that will not deal with the obesity issue.

    I attempted to point out to that individual that there were sections of the reform bill that address the public health sector in conjunction with future efforts to deal with this issue.

    But lo-and-behold ... those points fell on deaf ears and I can only speculate that the reason for that was that it didn't fit the agenda that the individual has been hammering away on for at least a couple of weeks now. And that agenda, or what I can make it out to be is that there should be written into this bill regulations denying corn and sugar subsidies. At least that's the basic gist I get from the individual.

    I feel that education and research for best health practices and private/public entities working together can turn the tide if given the needed support.

    You can't legislate obesity away as if legislation is some kind of magic bullet.

    There must be a change in the cultural attitude.

    Anyhoo... Below you will find a very enlightening presentation from someone who knows first hand about "clogged arteries" speaking at a function for a government agency that has been, and will continue to be at the forefront in research, education and outreach for the beat practices for the public's health. And this agency will no doubt be a prime recipient of the new and improved reorganization through regulations, in addition to improved funding that has been marked up in the current reform bill.

    CDC Obesity Prevention Conference

    Keynote Speaker Former  President Bill Clinton

    Monday | July 27, 2009

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held its inaugural conference on obesity prevention in Washington. Former President Clinton talked about the partnership between his foundation and the American Heart Association dedicated to preventing childhood obesity.

    Washington, DC : 1 hr. 52 min.

    watch Entire Program   
    watch Fmr. Pres. Clinton Keynote Address

    UPDATE: Since first posting this, the following post has been added to the Reader's que and is quite pertinent to my post here.

    children of the corn


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