by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
In the Roman Senate, Cicero denounces Catiline.
Sarah Palin just appeared on Sean Hannity’s stream of propaganda show to ‘splain things, again.
And Sarah Palin failed, miserably.
And there is really one reason she failed and this has to do with the art of rhetoric.
First we must look at what good rhetoric is in order to validly attack bad rhetoric.
Howard Dean is one of my heroes.
He shows up on Keith O and Rachel and Ed Shultz and O’Donnell (The West Wing guy not the witch) all the time.
The former Governor of Vermont, the former head of the DNC, and the guy who said in 2004 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH as far as our double war offensive. I really like this guy and I know people will simply say that I am a lefty and I like lefties but this is different.
Dean told us we were going to be in these goddamn wars for decades.
And guess what? He was right.
Sometimes we should just look back a few years and see who predicted what!
All these folks went to Kerry and I know Kerry was everything us lefties like also. I mean we like a guy who is a war hero and a Massachusetts liberal.
But damn, we were wrong and Dean, as far as I can tell is more to the right than Kerry.
He had to balance budgets like all governors and he knew how to balance empathy with reality.
I just like the guy.
You ever just listen to some guy or gal and think: I like him; I like her?
I do not care what the question is, Dean can answer it. He will give specific examples to a general question without an um, without a guffaw, without hesitation.
I was watching Debbie Wasserman Shultz, today.
I like her. She may even be more left than me (which may seem impossible as far as I am concerned) but she smiles, she tears up, SHE IS REAL. Debbie knows how to answer a general question with specific examples. She is one bright Congresswoman.
If you wish to know my choice for a Dem Vice-Presidential candidate in 2016 (long after I’m dead) it would be Shultz or Dean.
Watch Palin with Hannity sometime in this most recent interview. (I know, you will need some Milanta or something to ease your pain):
Palin added, "I receive a lot of death threats. My children do."
The former governor said she supported calls for civility in politics but added, "we should not use an event like that in Arizona to stifle debate."
Asked what she thought of Obama's speech at a memorial for the victims, Palin said, "I thought there were parts of it that really hit home that all of us can hold onto and live out."
Palin received lower marks for her handling of the tragedy from more Americans than President Barack Obama did, a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday found.
You see what she is doing here?
I mentioned before that Socrates at one point is recorded as saying:
I know nothing.
But if you attach the rest of his recorded statement, it makes more sense because it pertains to the general concept of Justice, and this concept changes from person to person and from context to context. There is no dispositive definition of Justice!
And Socrates would argue the point if we could bring him back to modern times. (By the by I think that is who Noam Chomsky is, Noam is the reincarnation of Socrates but that is a subject for another day)
Sarah Palin cannot reason. Palin has no handle on an art called Rhetoric.
If Representative Anthony Weiner is confronted with some general fact from the right, like continued unemployment and such, he will quote you reams of information, Weiner will go back to 2002 and 2004 and 2006 and 2008; Weiner will shove facts down the throat of his accuser like the fact that Bush put foxes in charge of the hen houses, how bush cut regulations of large business enterprises, etc. etc. etc……
Weiner would not stop; anymore than Shultz or Dean would.
But Palin is like one of those Alaskan Elk caught in the spray of headlights.
Palin would never cite some particular statements made by our President that she agrees with.
That is not because it would be imprudent.
Palin is not capable of doing so.
Bachmann would not even try. I do not think she would know enough about the art of rhetoric to even attempt to play that game.
Haley Barbour could. Huckleberry could.
And you know, to be fair to repub women, Guiliani cannot perform this task either.
I just watched a video with Rudy and he sounds like an idiot. Now this man knows rhetoric, he just is spent. I mean his spirit is spent and he does not have the time to play with these matters anymore and he has not the energy to do so. He lost his soul somewhere along the line prosecuting mob bosses and attempting to keep NYC together.
Newt is mentally deranged and has reached real dementia and he has lost the art of rhetoric.
If you ask Newt how to restore educational standards in this country, he will just meander for hours. He cannot help himself.
What would you do to restore our budget Mr. Speaker?
Well America is about values and values are what are needed in order to restore a sense of balance…..
I dare you to listen to some panel discussion where Newt is present and where he is presented with some general question. And then I would ask you to translate what he just stated in some 10 minute statement. You cannot because no one could.
Now Christopher Hitchens knows the art of rhetoric. I don’t care if he had a pint of burgundy or a quart of whiskey prior to his comments, he knows and applies the art of rhetoric. And I have seen this man debate idiots from the Christian Right concerning the age of the universe and such and he never, never calls the opposition idiots. He will call concepts idiotic. The subjunctive phrase always works. Ha! He knows exactly how to make his arguments and how to take home a paycheck from these silly debate sponsors.
Let me give you an example of the proper use of rhetoric.
Steve King from Iowa was on this committee as a minority member and the committee was examining some issue concerning race. This has to be at least five years ago.
And his interrogation of an aggrieved Black Woman was masterful. He started off admitting all of the horrible things ever done to black people in this country.
He then went ahead and voiced his disapproval of such actions on behalf of certain forces in this nation.
This is the first time I ever saw this prick. And I was initially convinced that he was representing some Northern Republicanism of yesteryear.
And then he went for the throat.
I mean he just attempted to gut this witness, although he did not get the result he had hoped for, at least in my mind.
Right then and there I knew he was a racist prick repub.
But he knew how to do it.
Sarah Palin does not have a clue.
She cannot help herself and no one could ever teach her how to properly act rhetorically.
If I were Palin, I would have gone on and on about how our President had underlined the importance of sympathizing with the victims of these terrible shootings.
I would have underlined how we all wish that we could come together during the time of mourning and that I certainly wish for the swift recovery of the wounded including Representative Gabby.
See, you would call her Gabby. That makes everyone feel so much better.
I would have continued to quote the President exactly and demonstrate my agreement with him that this country must eschew violence and such.
And after citing specific portions of the President’s speech, I would then go for the jugular.
But the President also implied that:
(pick your poison; all gun owners are bad people, all right wing radio hosts are pricks, all repubs are repugnant)
Then I would go on and on about how the media, citing specific examples of course, is out to cut my tits off.
There is an art to all of this.
Palin is an idiot.
Oh I know, we call all these right wing fascist corporate oligarchists idiots, but that is stupid of us to do so.
Rush Limbaugh is not an idiot but he is no master of rhetoric either.
Rush is simply playing to his constituency and he does not give a rip what mediamatters thinks. Mediamatters just makes him more money. Chris Matthews just makes Rush more money. Rush knows how to make money.
Palin is just a plain idiot. She says some things on Hannity like:
Oh I liked parts of that speech but….
I mean, what parts? What sentences? What phrases? What sentiments?
We don’t know and the reason that we don’t know is because Palin does not know.
Huckleberry would know. Haley Barbour would know.
It was the same when Katy Couric asked Palin what newspapers she liked to read.
Palin does not have the capacity to answer the general question with specific answers.
For one thing, Palin cannot hold that many ideas at once in her head.
Newt can hold many ideas in his head at once, he just cannot figure out which ones to let loose at the proper time. Hahahaha!
Now Palin thinks that this rhetoric bullshit is just that, bullshit.
Palin does not think that there is some basic truth out there any more than rush does.
But Palin does not know how to take a general question and then cite specific examples in response to a general question in the main stream media setting. William Buckley would go nuts!!
So Palin has decided that she will eschew the Main Stream Media and stick with Fox. That is exactly what she admonished Bachmann to do. But here she is on Hannity sounding like a moron.
And I think that it is this specific ineptitude that will keep Palin from ever reaching a high office ever again.
Palin has already made her twenty or thirty million anyway and she can have some idiot ghost write another book and she can make her speeches to NRA audiences and racist audiences and probably collect a pretty good cache as far as treasure over the next few decades, but she is an idiot.
And that is why I am no longer worried about Sarah Palin.
The end.
I hate to put a dent in your confidence, I really do, but let me ask you this question: by that same logic, would Bush ever become President?
As unlikely as Palin becoming President seems to us (and even considering that previous question, it still seems very unlikely to me), I don't feel confident completely writing her off.
by Atheist (not verified) on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 5:57am
Yeah I know. You got me thinking about the SNL skits satirizing the debates of 2004 with w bush staring at the ceiling, hahahha while Gore kept talking about lock boxes.
But Howard Feinman covered some of my points last night and underlined the fact that Palin is always the victim in all of this; at least over the last ten days and she had an opportunity to be set up by Hannity and she blew it again.
Reagan would never have made himself the victim. Although he was already losing his mental faculties by 1984 and was reelected anyway. ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 11:09am
by Donal on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 8:01am
Ah, they don't let people like this vote do they?
I mean how do they find the goddamn voting booth?
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 11:18am
DD, I greatly admire the people you admire, and for the most part I dislike the people you dislike, and I like where you're going with this, of course. But I have to agree with Atheist about your conclusion.
Never, never, NEVER write someone like Palin off. We've had GWB, we've had Ronald Reagan. Neither one of them was ever qualified to be president but they both served two terms. They stayed around for eight long years, causing much mayhem and the near-destruction of the American way of life, mainly because they understood their base and they knew how to play on their fears. Palin is successful because she does the same thing. And she knows how to play the media. They're not having a love affair with Palin, they're having a love affair with their ratings. Whatever sells, and fear and controversy sell.
Demagogues don't care about what the rest of the country thinks. They're not talking to us; they're talking to the people who will work their asses off to put their people in power.
Anthony Weiner is my hero and he can demagogue as well as the rest of them, but his message, strong and right on target as it is to me and you, isn't resonating with enough people to make a difference. He doesn't have control of the press or the airwaves like Palin et al do, and so his remarks are tiny soundbites compared to theirs, which are like trumpets sounding over the land.
I wish it were not so, but it could happen that Sarah Palin will someday become the president of the United States. We've been trying for years to use reason as our weapon, while they're using bulldozers and missiles and anything else they've got socked away in their huge arsenals.
All that gun talk ain't for naught. It's aimed directly at their peeps and they're locking and loading. They're not going to advocate killing people. They don't have to. The great seducer is the gun talk. There's power in those words.
by Ramona on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 10:08am
Well put as always Ramona. But in my opinion Huckleberry will put this woman to shame.
Huckleberry can and has gone on MSNBC and he knows how to smile and chuckle which is all Reagan and w bush ever did.
Palin and Bachmann will never appear outside of the Fox shell except in very limited contexts.
I saw Bachmann being interviewed on MSNBC on the eve of her reelection and she just gives three sentence speeches in response to questions that are nonresponsive.
I don't think either of them are going anywhere.
But we shall see.
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 11:15am
You're right, Sarah Palin will never be elected to major office again. And George W. Bush never was. (See Florida 2000 and Ohio etc. 2004) Now please, do me a favor. Stop calling Huckabee "Huckleberry." He doesn't deserve it.
by kyle flynn on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 1:38pm
Oh Huckleberry is a fraud, he is just a little more rational than some of the other repub frauds and no, I will not refrain from referring to him thusly.
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 2:26pm
Just to be clear (or maybe the opposite), I'm pretty sure that when kyle says that Huckabee doesn't deserve to be called Huckleberry, kyle is attempting to protect Huckleberry, not Huckabee. I.e., that Huckabee isn't good enough to be called Huckleberry.
by Atheist (not verified) on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 2:38pm
hahhahaha. Point well taken!!
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 3:12pm
Precisely. I considered there might be some confusion, but figured DD would safely assume anyone claiming Ohio was swindled from Kerry see the rub was on Huckabee.
My son is named Huckleberry. When Huckabee made the scene I was bummed a bit for exactly this sort of word play. But like Palin, this too will pass. So DD, do we have a deal?
by kyle flynn on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 4:16pm
Yeah, we got a deal. hahaha
How about Huckster? ha
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 4:25pm
Perfect. Huckster. Huckster. The Huckster. Old Huckster. Yeah, Huckster.
by kyle flynn on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 4:30pm
by CVille Dem on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 2:36pm
I think the Hannity interview will be seen in retrospect as the moment she stopped being taken seriously as any kind of a candidate for elective office. Which will free her up to be Cheerleader Emeritus for the GOPs. She couldn't give a coherent answer to even the easiest underhand softball questions that Hannity was gently lobbing to her. Probably the worst performance of her 'career', which is saying a lot. It's simply astounding how unaware and tone-deaf she is to any kind of nuance and how totally ill-equipped she is when it comes to thinking on her feet.
by MrSmith1 on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 1:05pm
Yeah, that was my take exactly.
I am sure she had a list of the questions that fascist prick would ask in this totally softball interview. And she blew it!
I think she is done as far as being a viable candidate.
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 1:13pm
They did elect GWB "once," DD. That subtle reminder kind of scared me. Having lived in Kentucky (amongst 'em) I missed the snakes in the previous YouTube shot. Anyway...One of my famous quotes...
by chucktrotter on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 6:31pm
Well put Chuck. Just dealing with my fears. hahhahahahah
Oh and w was only elected once.
A fraud was perpetrated by the Supreme Court. hahahaha
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 6:35pm
by CVille Dem on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 2:39pm
Sarah Palin was done the day she quit her governor job. She's a quitter. Real Americans don't like quitters.
She doesn't have voters that will support her in an election. She has fans. She has a fan club. But, their numbers are few...why, they couldn't even keep her Alaska show on the air. The average voter is a little smarter than what they are given credit for. They know a bullshit artist when they see one. The problem is, the average American voter is also kinda lazy and getting to the voting booth is work.
by wabby on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 6:51pm
I hope you're right. Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope you're right!
by Ramona on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 6:58pm
Flower, you are right in my book, although again I am dealing with my own fears here and hoping to shut them down. hahaahaha
Palin chose money and media over elected office. She is brilliant, don't get me wrong, but she has no talent for debate whatsover.
My dissenters here are saying that nobody this stupid could be President--except for Rayguns and W Bush. hahahahah
And Ramona has just chimed in: I sure the hell hope so. hahahahaha
by Richard Day on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 7:12pm
Palin chose money and media over elected office
Proving that while no intellectual, she ain't crazy.
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 4:32pm
Oh hell no Jolly!
She gets or her staff gets all the talking points. You can tell, she will interject some idiocy about a foreign nation into her speeches and you know that she has not a scintilla of knowledge of what she is talking about. it is comical at times.
But it sells!
by Richard Day on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 6:18pm
Just between us, cause no one is is a measure of my sickness, but I'd fuck her in a hot minute..wouldn't vote for her, mind you, but..
by jollyroger on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 6:28pm
Sorry, but her shrill voice and illiterate smugness are too flaccid-inducing to even get me out of the batters box, much less get to third base with her. And a home run (Where you'll see Russia!) is simply out of the question. But if you can manage it, more power to you.
by MrSmith1 on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 12:06am
her shrill voice
When you take off your socks, you save one....
manage it,
An unkind acquaintance, who was not trying to pay me a compliment, upon introducing me, was rude enough to follow immediately with "He'd fuck a snake if he could hold it down"
While that is not true, in this instance, given she is without doubt, reptilian, I suppose I may be guilty.
by jollyroger on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 12:14am