The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    A Poll: Must We Storm the Bastille?

    I'm just curious, how many here think serious change may require a march on Washington of epic proportion, or a throng of real-life American Les Miserable types hanging around the Rose Garden demanding a little policy love from the second-floor...
    Richard Day's picture

    TEXAS: If You First Don't Secede; Try, Try Again!!!

    Metadata                                                        SAM HOUSTON"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." --Claire Wolfe  Ah Texas.  What a state. Senator Cornyn represents the state in its finest traditions...

    Will State of the Union Be a Good Deal?

    FDR gave us the New Deal.Truman gave us the Fair Deal.LBJ hoped for a Great Society, and he got a great deal of it passed into law.Under Speaker Newt Gingrich, the GOP offered a Contract with America, and the public...
    we are stardust's picture

    Bravehearts at the Café

    There's an excess of suffering in this country and around the globe right now, and maybe in your lives, or the lives of your friends and relatives.  It's hard, and harder still to feel powerless in the face of most...

    Open Thread: Brainstorm Your Thoughts on Building a Social Movement

    Jason Everett Miller, in his <a href="">Go Out and Make Me Do It</a> post, is just the latest of many cafe folks I have seen reference, over the past couple of years now, the story about how FDR told labor leader A....
    acanuck's picture

    Who's to blame for HRC failure and Massachusetts loss? Sadly, it's Obama

    Lots of blogs asking whom to blame for the loss of Ted Kennedy's seat and the looming failure of health care reform. This was an unforced error -- an own goal -- and the blame, sadly, lies with Obama. The...

    The corporate SCOTUS Justices just handed progressives a huge gift. LET'S USE IT!

    Earlier this week, when the SCOTUS handed down their decision reducing the restraints on corporate money in politics, it seemed to me to be absolutely the worst thing to happen to our country in a very, very long time. But...
    Barth's picture

    Fighting Back

    Yes. Frank Rich has it right, of course. Rachel Maddow has explained how to do it. Frankly, I thought I had something to add but not many people seemed to agree. Still, it is easier to come up with this...
    jollyroger's picture

    Bin Laden wins Survivor 2010! Out think, out play, out last!!

    On the occasion of another audio greeting from the Wit of Waziristan perhaps we can profitably review the box score thus far. At really trivial cost in manpower and money, ‘Sama has turned the United States into the stumbling pitiful...
    CVille Dem's picture

    From Wall Street to Main Street -- Some Simple Questions

    My understanding is that the money that was loaned to the too big to fail banks, is being paid back to the US Treasury coffers.  The republicans are still complaining that the outgo of that money increased the deficit.  ...

    IPCC Clusterfrak

    Those of us who actually read the late, great Michael Crichton's State of Fear understood that its main point was that there are people and groups who will go to great lengths to manufacture causes and crises for personal profit even...

    Tea Time and Corporate Consensus

    Big Business has rarely had it so good as during the three centuries between 1600 and 1900. By the time that long orgy of capitalism came to a close, business regulations were being enacted here in the U.S. and strengthened...
    Richard Day's picture


                 File links Jonnienohands gave us a link today; a link to the truth; a link to injustice; a link to the America I despise. There has been some outrage over KeithO's outrages recently. He goes too far some think....
    Barth's picture

    The First 365 Days

    It was not a good week to celebrate the first anniversary of President Obama's inauguration. There was, of course, the absurd return to the political thought that the candidate who most seems to be "regular" should get elected and a...
    jollyroger's picture

    Prez: "I've dumped punk funk, found my junk" (+) I will fight, fight, fight, (21 times in all...) (You can't be your own cheerleader, Prez).

    Prez having famously declared himself ready, even eager, to fight the banks side by side with his new BFF, Paul Volcker, he elicits a soupcon of cynicism from one experienced political observer. Robert Reich (may I say, the incomperable Prof....

    Dismantle AIG (reprise)

    When giant corporations swallow little ones, and especially when smaller corporations borrow money to take over big ones, the new acquisition is often broken up and sold off to pay the debt. These fire sales throw dozens--if not tens of...
    Richard Day's picture


    Claude Lévi-Strauss Kitts is one of "tomorrow's people," a group whose missing or ruined body parts are being replaced by devices embedded in their nervous systems that respond to commands from their brains. The machines they use are called...
    Ramona's picture

    The SCOTUS Five: Just Asses

    Yesterday those five scamps saw another chance to give their corporate heroes the gift that keeps on giving--namely US on a platter--and made into law the right for "corporations, trade associations, unions and nonprofit groups" to spend any amount they wish from any old source, in order to bash, lash, eviscerate, decapitate, or otherwise destroy, any political candidate who might seriously get in their way. No holds barred anymore. None. Free at last, free at last. . .
    oleeb's picture

    Here's What Obama And The Democrats Need

    Here in this short video is the answer.  Even so, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for this to happen. Enjoy!  ...

    Activist Supreme Court Opens Seventh Seal--with Colorful Chart!

    This is a repost of one that I feel got very short shrift, considering it's based on original reporting of data not routinely compiled by the FEC.Yesterday's ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States opens the floodgates of...

    Apologies on the eve of my vacation

    I feel like a piece of warm taffy stretched along a roller-coaster track. I keep getting run over.Probably just like you. So I am disappointed in myself that I've lost a grip on civility in the past few days and...
    Richard Day's picture


    Matt Taibbi is always an interesting voice when he appears on cable news and more than an interesting read. Last week or early this week he chose as his topic David Brooks. It is a good read but I...

    SCOTUS Ruling on Corporate Donations Dooms Progressive Agenda

    Today's ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States opens the floodgates of corporate donations into politics. It means that corporate donations will soon soar beyond any levels previously seen. And those donations are primarily used to support pro-business...
    jollyroger's picture

    Founders to Scalia: Corporations are not people. People are people. Free speech is for people only.

    Students of legal history arcana share a chuckle whenever a claim to consitutional rights is made by a state chartered business entity. Only the elevation to jurisprudence of a footnote to an 1886 Supreme Court decision creates the dilemma we...
    Barth's picture

    This is not really a post

    I have no time.  But I did find this item I wrote shortly before the 2008 election about what would happen in President Obama won.I was right, but more importantly, it puts what happened in my beloved home state, my...
