I think it is past time we admitted the obvious, shucked off our mantles of denial and shame, and own the truth. We can shout it out or sing it in harmony, as we confess the all too obvious…..
It’s our fault that our form of democracy is failing.
Oh, don’t even try to pretend you didn’t know it.
But we can fix it! Really! For sure! Yes, we can! But, will we? How?
I know what I’m about to propose is radical and most likely will create all kinds of outrage, no doubt including accusations complete with cheeky labels like anarchist, commie (channeling Allen West), turncoat, even twit and bloody prat.
Oh, if you are wondering about the usage of British slang, it’s paying homage to Winston Churchill who best stated the motivation for this post when he declared:
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."