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    Most governors are refusing to set up medical exchanges.Thank you , thank you , thank you.

     Understandably it's not a compelling topic today against the back drop of the Connecticut killings but maybe we'll look back on this period  as when we made the first step towards single payer.

    The governors who are refusing to set up exchanges are precisely the ones who would have done it wrong. Now there'll be 30 or so exchanges which Obama  will have the chance to do it right. Certainly 30 governors too dumb to realize the opening they are giving the Administration were  also too dumb to have  done it well if they had tried.

    Delegation can be a good strategy provided there's someone worth being delegated to. But every report from Wisconsin, Michigan or ,Lord save us, Texas seems to confirm Lenin's prophecy/recommendation that the State should wither away. All 50 of them. 


    It is a good thing that Rick Scott declined here in Florida. He is a serial offender of Medicare fraud. That would be like putting Bernie Madoff in as Secretary of Treasury. I certainly didn't want his sticky fingures near the exchange. Last night's dead line was noticed.

    Sorry, for leaving Florida out of my list of states with  governors  Most Likely To Do It Wrong. You've suffered enough without also being deprived of this richly  deserved appellation.

    Scott will be gone in 2014. It is going to be o long 2 years. Good news is Florida is getting bluer.

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