we are stardust's picture

    Thanksgiving Day Gone Awry


    Palin will win in 2012


    Sweep the primaries leaving a gaggle of standard issue republican polls in her dust.

    Pick an establishment running mate. Patraeus anyone?

    Acquit herself fine in debates with Obama. I've seen the tapes of her Alaskan gubernatorial debates. She won. Informed, sensible , sell assured. And

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Silberfuchs 06.jpg
                                      A FOX LOOKING FOR A HEN HOUSE



    Michael Maiello's picture

    The End Of Retirement

    A few years ago I was at the Investment Company Institute’s annual conference where I watched a presentation by some company called Age Wave about the future of retirement.  Age Wave is run by Ken Dychtwald, a businessy guru “thought leader” type who sells consulting services to companies that want to take a long view of d


    Today was a significant day in the fight against the financial oligarchy. I'll summarize it the best I can, not being a lawyer or an insider. I have a keen interest in today's events not only as an Obama supporter but in terms of my own investment objectives and strategy.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    See Me, Hear Me, Touch Me, Feel Me.

    While I am of course completely against the TSA's unneccessarily intrusive scanning technology or patdown opt-outs, I think I'm a little sick of the sudden rise of Libertarians who were silent for years while the Bush administration decided to datamine through all of our emails, library records and phone conversations while sending undercover agents to infiltrate peacenik groups and other informal elements of civil society.

    we are stardust's picture

    Chalmers Johnson: 1931-2010


    Barth's picture

    Celebrating November 22

    Monday is November 22. That month with that date next to it always appears as dark, sad, searingly so. It is the date which needs no explanation to almost anyone who lived through it and, amazingly, of little significance to everyone else. It is the date on which Everything Changed.

    Meet The Family

    Okay, folks, I'm gonna try to put this in a light that I think will best explain why I agree with Obama and his tactics. Bear with me, okay?

    First, for you ladies out there, pretend you're a man. Okay, now.

    Jamie Friedland's picture

    Help Climate Modeling While You Sleep

    Want to participate in climate research while you sleep?  As of yesterday, you can.  “Crowdsourcing,” also known as “distributed computing,” has become an increasingly popular way to tackle challenges that require large volumes of complex computer modeling.  Climate modeling is one such challenge.

    Workers Unite!

    It's a worker's party....who could ask for more? Everybody's coming, leave your anger at the door. Leave your taxes, anger at the door.

    It's become increasingly clear to me that the middle and lower classes are being stomped on. Government and Big Banks and Corporations have all colluded to take over what little is left of our proud workers and we are now nothing but pawns.

    Call me slow, for finally catching up.  But I'm tired.

    Republicans - Let A New Nuclear Arms Race Begin!

    President Obama’s hopes of ratifying a new arms control treaty (Start II) with Russia this year appeared to unravel on Tuesday as a Senate Republican leader (Senator Kyl-Republican-Arizona) moved to block a vote in what could be a devastating blow to the president’s most tangible foreign policy achievement..

    US $3 Billion in Military Aid May Buy 90 Day Partial Israeli Settlement Suspension

    McClatchy reports that to keep 'peace negotiations' alive the Obama administration has offered US $3 billion in military aid for Israel, including 20  F-35 Joint Strike fighter aircraft, capable of a 15,000 pound payload, and stealth equipped for missions like bombing Iran. F-35 specs.

    Another Reason to Love Tina Fey (Are Any More Necessary?)

    In a part of her speech accepting the Kennedy Center's Mark Twain Prize for American Humor last Tuesday night, she said the rise of conservative women in politics like Sarah Palin is good for all women,

    unless you don't want to pay for your own rape kit...unless you're a lesbian who wants to get married to your partner of 20 years...[or] unless you believe in evolution.

    Those remarks were not included in the PBS-televised version of her speech on Sunday night.  Included in the televised version were the following parts of her speech:

    cmaukonen's picture

    Hurry Hurry Hurry...Get you red hot degrees here ! Guaranteed to make you rich !

    One of the people in chat posted this link from Chronicle of Higher Education.  It is very telling but hardly surprising. The cheating that goes on in Colleges and Univeristies especially the Ivy Leagues and the rich kids that attend them.

    AmiBlue's picture

    From cat food to prime rib?

    I had expected the very worst from Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, but I confess that I was impressed  and pleasantly surprised with  their draft proposal for shoring up Social Security.  So was Peter Orzsag, which gives me pause, but Kevin Drum over at Mother Jones likes it, too, so maybe I’m not on too far wrong.  None of this affects me directly that I know of because I am already a beneficiary of SS.  I am con

    Michael Maiello's picture

    The Greatest Scandal Of Our Time

    So the "soldiers out of Afghanistan" date is now... 2014.  We're spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year on this and we will continue to do so until at least 2014 and probably beyond.  This while I'm being told that Social Security benefits have to be cut because we're broke.

    we are stardust's picture

    Let the Bush Tax Cuts Die: Kwak Makes the Case

    Economist James Kwak who writes at Baseline Scenario with Simon Johnson, explains why the House should allow them to die with no action.  I would offer that the members should pepper the media with his explanations and math; they could reduce the arguments to a paragraph.  And they should.  Dems need to draw some clear lines between the parties, and mean them.

    cmaukonen's picture

    No Deficit of Ideas for Lowering the Deficit.

    Some people are not fond of Ted Rall but he might have someting here.

    coatesd's picture


    Rome lived on its principal until ruin stared it in the face. Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia Road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt – and the carts brought nothing out but loads of dung. That was their return cargo….
