The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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A Ten Minute Tweet on the British National Health Service

Yesterday I posted a short entry regarding Britain's Defense of the National Health Service on Twitter.  I promised  to post anything interesting I found...a daunting task given how fast the scene changes.  I don't think I'll become a tweetertwit.  I'll...
amike's picture

The Brits Fight Back on NHS slurs. This is FUN!!! Really! Honest!

Just listened to an extended session on Public Radio International's The World:The World's Lisa Mullins talked with a French and a German journalist covering the U.S. healthcare reform debate from Washington to hear what they make of the vitriolic debate...
amike's picture

More from the Religious Left supporting Health Care Reform UPDATED

I mentioned a bit about this in a comment on Ghengis' Blog earlier today.  While the religious right is out there doing nasty things about health care, there's another religious side to the debate--several other sides, actually.  I thought I'd...
amike's picture

R.I.P. Eunice Kennedy Shriver: and Thank you

It's ten of seven in the morning.  My computer at the university is disconnected, and who knows if it will get re-connected any time today.  But I wanted to make sure that the passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver was marked...
amike's picture

Evacuation Drill (updated for Obey)

Evacuation Drill  O Ship of State THOU, too, sail on, O Ship of State!Sail on, O Union, strong and great!Humanity with all its fears,With all the hopes of future years,Is hanging breathless on thy fate!We know what Master laid...
amike's picture

Wanna be on Teevee (as a health care advocate)?

I just received this e-mail, and thought it would be a good idea to pass it on:Dear Michael,Last night, something big happened.Mike Snider, the owner of a family restaurant in Ralston, Nebraska whose personal health care story was featured in...
amike's picture

Happy Birthday Dear Barack and Helen and Jordann-n-n-n

Just because somebody should, and nobody has, I  will.Didn't know it was Jason's birthday when I posted this, but better late than never. President Barack Obama knows that sharing is caring.The president turned 48 today, but he brought cupcakes for...
amike's picture

Stuck WITH you, NPR :-(

This is not the kind of post I like to write, as those of you who read my stuff probably know.  No pix, no vids, no quasi-philosophical musings.  But NPR has done it again, and I'm back in the quandary...
amike's picture

Ready, Aim, Sing!!!

I'm back in the office today, still packing up for the move to new digs across campus.  UGH!  But I had a marvelous weekend at the Newport Folk Festival...(nobody calls it by its new "official' name)...the 50th Anniversary Year.  You...
amike's picture

"It's All in the Wrist" a new Health Care Advocate Strategy

As we've been reminded over and over, our representatives are going to be "checking the temperature" in their constituencies back home during the August Recess.  If your state is anything like my birth state (I am an American Citizen, honest),...


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16 years 3 months