The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Hey, Prez! Pissing on The Magna Carta makes the Baby Jesus cry. (updated, h/t RMcC&DD)

My neices used to call me “The Pharmacist” out of appreciation for my varied knowledge of psychotropics, but even I cannot find in my inventory the pill to cure the cognitive dissonance (pace Sal).that is making my head explode. Glenn...
jollyroger's picture

Rules of Henhouse Security: 1. Fire Foxes...(Cooked Books Still Rooking Schnooks, Liz Warren) (update)

Yves Smith.brings us a devastating *roster of heavyweights uniformly riding Paul Revere’s horse, Like a horror flick sequel, Nightmare on Wall Street, Two (“This time they had no one to blame but themselves…”) is coming. Already on record, Liz Warren,...
jollyroger's picture

Prez opens (up...): I got somethin' to say to you..."IT'S A LIE, PLAIN AND SIMPLE"" (updated)

Who can resist the temptation to offer a preferred version of the coming Great Speech.? I have my own ideas as to the desired mix of policy prescriptions and down home anecdotes, but my fantasy turns on the appropriate use...
jollyroger's picture

Only a malignant, degenerate, and despicable people treats its children like shit.

THE WELFARE OF ALL YOUNG OF THE SPECIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL ADULTS OF THE SPECIES I will not waste bandwidth explaining the evolutionary mandate contained hereabove. That said, what kind of a people lets ONE MILLION of their...
jollyroger's picture

Prez as pugilist: The Barack Shuffle, The Rope-a-Dope, The Lights-Out Left Hook

Knowing that Prez is the greatest political counterpuncher in history, I have been sorting anxiously through the entrails of his (seemingly feckless) strategy for successful achievement of meaningful health care reform. I was looking for the rope-a-dope, and now I...
jollyroger's picture

Hey, Harry! I got your private public option right here...The National Medical Licensure Act

His place already assured in the pantheon of the pusillanimous, Harry Reid continues to mock our choice of Senate Majority Leader. (We chose poorly…) His latest demonstration of the “premptive surrender manuever” puts the shiv straight into the heart of...
jollyroger's picture

Sotomayor to (wrong) man in prison--we took 10 years at first bite; you get six more for believing that the court clerk was an agent of the court, SUCKAH!

By the time Sonia Sotomayor had the chance to fuck him up, Jeffrey Deskovic had already spent ten years wrongly imprisoned. The short story: Deskovic (via his lawyer, whose timeliness or lack thereof attaches to Deskovic under agency/principal vicarious liability)...
jollyroger's picture

Yahwists, help me out here...what is it about the sight of hair that drives your boy to spitting and smiting?

I was considering Emma's timely and well-put remarks regarding western womens' problematic encounters with customs of mandatory head-covering in Muslim states. We concentrate, of course, on the several and variegated mandates of female modesty that always include the covering of...
jollyroger's picture

Wrongfully held for 7 years. Dangerous and bitter. Gotta hold'em for life. (Or, we could pay them damages)<i>updated</i>

As the shitstorm over the prospective release of the Gitmo remnant rages, the prospect of the newly embittered jihadi, rightfully furious over his torture and captivity, turning his burning anger upon his old tormentors is brandished as if it were...
jollyroger's picture

"I will be (Wells Fargo's) worst nightmare." Phil Hare, Democrat, Illinois 17. I LOVE THIS GUY!!!

Taking a leaf from the heroic UE workers at Republic Window, the rank and file of Workers United who organized Hart, Shaffner & Marx are threatening to seize the factory floor before giving up their livlihoods. Mirabile dictu, in the...


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