The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

jollyroger's picture

Thanks, Pete. May we have 90 more, please? (And a new national anthem would be nice...)

As we reflect upon our good fortune, viz, for 90 years sharing the planet with Pete Seeger, let us use this moment as an opportunity to begin the tortuous process of replacing the bellicose (and unsingable) S.S.B., with the far...
jollyroger's picture

"Oh, Habib! Don't let the Americans take you alive--they tortured my cousin Habib and smeared him with menstrual blood!""I will die first, Habib" he replied.

With a nod to Al Bundy, I am calling attention to the *other reason not to get a reputation for torturing captives. Your opponents will fight you to the death rather than surrender, right? *Since the repugnants snicker (perhaps with...
jollyroger's picture

John Bolton: "We should go after (the dead pirates') villages" What a degenerate scumbag!

I have already busted myself for savoring the distress of the Foxniks. I was enjoying the all the schadenfreude you can stand to eat buffet, this time over the reluctance on the right to credit Prez with any chops in...
jollyroger's picture

Can you smell what Nancy P. is cookin'? It's Roast Rump of Reconciled Repugnant. Welcome to dinner, Senator; now choke on it.

Harry Reid has grown a pair, or maybe he borrowed my own representative’s. (Suddenly I’m feeling warm and fuzzy about Nancy Pelosi, after voting for Cindy Sheehan last year…). We are advised, in the final graf of an otherwise unimportant...
jollyroger's picture

"You're talking about running over the minority, putting them in cement and throwing them in the Chicago River...."Well, Thank You Jesus!

Judd Gregg (you remember this putz, don’t you) pisses and moans thusly: “That would be the Chicago approach to governing: Strong-arm it through…” referencing the use of an umbrella, budget reconciliation bill to carry our agenda past the menacing jaws...
jollyroger's picture

I bear orders from the captain, make you ready, quick and soon...

Let the Blue Dogs bay. Let the ethnic lobbies lob choriza blintzes. Their flicker of efficacy is dying. To quote one 28 year old lass, as heard on NPR just after the election: "I'm ready to do whatever my president...
jollyroger's picture

Hannity, O'Reilly, Cavuto, Barnes to Prez: <a href="">"Happy Talk, keep talkin' happy talk"</a>

To make this post, I am obliged to reveal something not entirely admirable about myself, but so be it. Since the election, I have been drawn to spend more and more time in an orgy of schadenfreude, listening to the...
jollyroger's picture

Doubts about evolution? Surrender your registration--you are too dumb to vote.

This is so profoundly depressing. As a special cultural event co-incident with the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birth, we are treated to a veritable blizzard of news so disturbing as to beggar belief. Reading the instant report, purporting to show...
jollyroger's picture

A-Rod Busted! Youth learn lesson: " 'Anonymous test, samples destroyed' my ass"

Those among us (and there are few...) who went to our *last live ball game at Ebbets Field, we who hate the Yankees more than Satan and all his works, will be rejoicing at the immanent disappearance of Alex Rodrigues...
jollyroger's picture

Just following orders...

Coming full circle, Israel would now offer, as an excuse for the war crimes committed by it’s agents, the formulaic Nazi excuse that failed to forestall the hanging of *Eichmann. It is impossible to listen to even ten minutes of...


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