The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    SarahPalinGrrrrl's picture

    RUSSIA PEOPLE ARE SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    O. M. G!!!!!! my friend just sent me this video. it's like these REALLY CREEPY russia guys who are totally spying on sarah from inside their country. if i were her, i'd totally get a retraining order on them. i'd never be brave enough as sarah to be neighbors with creepy russia people. when she's the VP, i bet she'll totally BLOW UP THEIR HOUSE--OOPS, SO SORRY!!!

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    dagblog is One-Month Old

    Hey daggers. Today is dagblog's one month anniversary. We're off to a
    great start. We've generated a lot of material in a short time (at the
    expense of work and sleep). A few of our posts, including SarahPalinGrrrrl's Sarah Palin Tribute Page, have gone viral and generated a
    lot of traffic. Discounting the big traffic spikes, we're now up to about
    500 visitors a day, so thanks for reading us. If you like a post, you
    can always help us to grow our readership by clicking any of the

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    BREAKING: Top Level McCain Campaign Shake Up

    In a surprise move, the McCain campaign has announced that it has fired the public face of the campaign, Senator John McCain. Campaign spokesperson, Nancy Pfotenhauer, announced the decision to dumbstruck reporters at a hastily arranged press conference on Thursday:

    "As of this morning, Senator John McCain has been placed on indefinite administrative leave. John and the campaign leadership have agreed that he is not a good fit for the campaign right now. The parting was amicable, and we wish him well in all his future endeavors."
    SarahPalinGrrrrl's picture

    GRRRRLS NEED CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG!!!! i don't know what the big deal is about sarah spending lots of money on clothes! grrrrls like sarah and me need clothes b/c we totally have to look hot to be popular. like last year my EX-friend cara nut was running for homecoming queen but then she wore this totally slutty miniskirt with ripped fishnets and then everyone said she was a slut and she lost to jenny weiner who's like a total cow. and then no one was friends with her anymore and she was like in social siberia (thats where governor putin lives next to alaska, i looked it up!!!!!).

    DF's picture

    Palin Endorses Democratic Ticket?

    From The Stumper, at Newsweek:

    Deep thought: Did this scarf come out of the $150,000?

    DF's picture

    Heed My Screed

    "Anti-American" is ideological rhetoric which is intended to engender fear, hatred and division among the citizens of this nation.  It is equating a difference of political opinion with treason.  It is drawing craven ideological lines between which Americans are "real" and which are not.  It is what Joe McCarthy did.  It is what Michelle Bachmann, Nancy Pfotenhauer and, by extension, John McCain et al.

    Deadman's picture

    Some quick questions ...

    Do conservatives read liberal blogs (I suppose this one qualifies) with as much disdain and condescension as I feel when I read right-wing blogs ( makes me wanna throw things every time I read it). For some reason, I feel like even the most liberal of blogs at least acknowledge the other side may have something of value to offer.

    What is Genghis (not to mention SarahPalinGrrrrl) going to talk about after Nov. 4 (OK, I'll give them a week of post-game analysis posts, but what then)??

    SarahPalinGrrrrl's picture

    FREE SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HI EVERYBODY!!!! i'm iphone blogging in chemistry class. i keep clicking the wrong EFFING LETTERS b/c my of nails. but i had to write b/c i just read that SARAH IS IN TROUBLE!!!!!!!! on this website it says that some EVIL BITCH from who works for john mccain tried to not let her talk to reporters. i think maybe john mccain is holding sarah HOSTAGE b/c he's a sexist!!!! i think maybe she needs our help!!!!! so if u see sarah this is what us have to do.

    Deadman's picture


    I've had it.

    This country has been on engorging on a cheap credit binge for the last decade, stuffing itself on the sugar highs and empty calories provided by ultra-low interest rates and fancy derivatives and zero-down mortgages. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and everyone is looking for a way to get their butt saved.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    News note - Obama's grandmother is gravely ill

    Obama is leaving the campaign trail for two days to go to Hawaii because his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, is gravely ill. To respect the family's privacy, they're not releasing any information, but the implication is that she's near death. Ms. Dunham helped to raise Obama, and they were very close. With his mother having passed away, this must be very difficult for him, especially at this time. I hope that she recovers and lives to see her grandson become President.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Why McCain is Losing

    The economy and Bush's unpopularity would have made it tough for McCain to win the election no matter what, but as I predicted last February in one of my first political blogposts, Overestimating McCain, John McCain has played a weak hand poorly. I base my argument on the radical assumption that content matters. Whether delivered in rousing speeches, angry debates, or snide ads, if a candidate's message fails to resonate with voters, he or she is unlikely to prevail.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    North Korea to Make Important Announcement Monday. Endorsement?

    North Korea is set to make an "important announcement" on Monday amid speculation over the health of its leader Kim Jong-Il, a Japanese newspaper has reported. The Sankei newspaper said there was speculation within Japan that the announcement could be about Kim's death or a change in government brought about by a coup. The 66-year-old Kim disappeared from public view in mid-August and failed appear on two important national holidays, leading to speculation that he was seriously ill.
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Exclusive Interview: Joe the Plumber

    G: Hello readers. I have a very special guest today: Joe the Plumber, who has exploded from obscurity to celebrity faster than a photogenic moose-hunting governor. Joe, thanks for coming to my blog post.

    J: My pleasure, Genghis. I've always dreamed of being interviewed by a blog with a readership of 10 or 11 people.

    G: Think big, Joe. We're going for 17 today. I'm honored that you accepted the invitation. I'm sure that you're in high demand since you became the cause célèbre of the presidential debate.

    DF's picture


    Deadman's picture

    How The American Dream helped create this American nightmare ....

    You hear a lot of conservatives nowadays wanting to place blame for the country's current economic crisis on the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which encouraged commercial banks to lend money to borrowers in low-income areas.

    The implication is that the CRA, enacted and significantly expanded under two different Democratic administrations, led to the creation and proliferation of the risky subprime mortgages that have brought the U.S. banking system to the brink of collapse.

    SarahPalinGrrrrl's picture

    DO IT FOR SARAH!!!!!!!!!

    HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!! so i'm gonna write something now that maybe u won't like Undecided but its REALLY IMPORTANT like the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER except for prom AND for pursuing your dream of being a supermodel-political-commenter like tyra Kiss except not black unless u are black but i'm white!!

    DF's picture

    Remember, Remember the Fourth of November

    About a month ago, I wrote about the importance of remembering the motivation behind the firing of U.S. Attorneys, which has come to be known as the U.S. Attorney scandal.  At the time I found the relative quiet about the scandal in the run-up to the election a little disturbing.  Thankfully, a few things have changed since then.



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