The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Donal's picture

    Phoebe Snow has died

    I read once that the original Phoebe Snow was a media creation. Railroads were trying to show that diesels were much cleaner than coal, so they invented this ephemeral socialite named Phoebe Snow who could travel the rails wearing white, and emerge unsoiled by soot. The name carried to an Erie Lackawanna passenger train, and Phoebe Ann Laub borrowed it for the stage.

    Ramona's picture

    We're Michigan and Most of Us Don't Deserve This


     Michigan, our wonderful, beautiful jewel of a state--the only state in the union that looks like a mitten reaching up to grab a leaping rabbit, the only state surrounded on three sides by three different really Great Lakes, the only state that can lay claim to both Vernor's Ginger Ale and Sanders Hot Fudge Sauce, has been in the news a lot lately.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Want a U.S. Passport? Not so fast, tell us about your Mom and work history

    In the United States of America - where only 75 people have ever traveled abroad (note: possibly not a factual statement) - the State Department has decided to pepper new passport applicants with questions that are both increasingly private in nature and, well, just plain annoying.

    From Consumer Traveler:

    Donal's picture

    POM Wonderful, PA

    No one has convinced me whether it derives from the Native American name Allatoona, or the German name, Altona, but Altoona is a funny name. George Burns used to quip, "They loved that joke in Altoona!" and I think that proves that Altoona rivals Walla Walla, OshKosh and Burbank for guffaw potential. And it just got funnier. I walked into my daughter's house last weekend, and heard, "Welcome to POM Wonderful."

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: Earth Day, Beautiful Danger, Buseyisms, and Oh, by the Way. . .Jesus is coming

    Today is Earth Day.  Ever since 1970 we've been setting aside April 22 to celebrate the birth of the earth. (It also happens to be Lenin's birthday but I promise there is absolutely no connection.  I only mention it because some subversive with a tea cup is sure to bring it up, and I want to be able to say I got there first.)

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Codes of Silence

    There's sad news from Princeton where a lecturer who was apparently in danger of losing his job has taken his own life. That's a terrible thing.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Comment Systems Down Across The Web!

    Talking Points Memo reports that its commenting system has crashed due to a failure at  The failure of Amazon's cloud problem has hobbled Web sites all over the place leaving articles and events uncommented upon.

    At the White House, there was much rejoicing.
