The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Pope Blood! Get your Pope Blood!

    In 2011, showcasing someone's blood is usually left to the likes of eccentric celebrities or psycopaths. But when it comes to religion, blood lust is not just a hobby, it's part and parcel of the whole thing. Which explains why Pope John Paul II's blood was on display at the Vatican.

    Donal's picture

    Why aren't we panicking at the pumps? Update: Or are we?

    In Peak Oil Elasticity, Tom Whipple wonders why $4.00 fuel hasn't made Americans cut back our driving all that much: 

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Dead Bin Laden Photos Surface

    In the wake of Osama Bin Laden's death, pictures of his corpse have become the most sought after photographs since Britney Spears sans panties.

    President Obama's arrogant, pussyfooting refusal to hand over the pictures to the deserving public has spawned a competition among the world's top news publications to obtain the photos.

    I'm pleased to announce that dagblog's crack paparazzi ninja-spy, William K. Wolfrum, with his trustee sidekick, his own ego, have succeeded where all others have failed. I hereby present to you the real dead Osama photos:

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Donald Trump gets Koch blocked

    Mark the day: April 29. It was the day Donald Trump officially became irrelevant to the GOP.

    Donal's picture

    Oil Crunch from ABC Down Under

    A Peak Oil special from Catalyst on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). 

    Michael Maiello's picture

    "Fight Your Way Out"

    I'm extremely impressed that it was the President's decision for the Pentagon to use more than 2 helipcopters for the Bin Laden mission, in case something happened to one of the vehicles.  "I don’t want you to plan for an option that doesn’t allow you to fight your way out,” he said.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Chrysler announces first profit since bailout - better than a bullet in the eye

    As America celebrates President Barack Obama's birth certificate as well as Osama bin Laden's new eye hole, one bit of news managed to get by that will likely have a bigger effect on the U.S. - Chrysler announced a profit:

    Chrysler has posted its first quarterly net profit since declaring bankruptcy almost two years ago, Reuters reports.  

    Donal's picture

    Wither the Middle Class

    Since this is "Ding dong, bin Laden is dead" day, I'll note that we still have the same problems with energy depletion and financial shenanigans and unemployment that we had yesterday. Perhaps killing OBL will gain Obama some slack with people spending $50 to fill their compact cars. But for how long?

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Will John McCain share his secret plan to get Osama bin Laden now?

    While running the worst campaign for President in the history of campaigns for President, John McCain made one thing very clear - He knew how to get Osama bin Laden. He just wouldn't tell anyone unless he was elected President.

    John McCain says in almost every stump speech that he knows how to capture Osama bin Laden and that he’d follow the al Qaeda leader to the “Gates of Hell.”

