The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: The Cheesiest and the Choicest


    My pal Jan started this yesterday on Facebook with a "Hooray!  Hooray!  It's Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day".  I'm shocked that I didn't know about GCSD.  I love those things!  But when Jan crabbed about her favorite sammich getting the recognition it so richly deserves for only one day, I wondered what I could do to make her feel better.

    Here it is!

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Ever Notice That The Birthers ...

    never talk about Biden becoming President?

    If you really didn't believe that Barack Obama was Consitutionally eligible for office, wouldn't that make Biden (who shared Obama's fat majority in the Electoral College) President? Yet that never comes up.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Wall Street And The Debt

    Looks like John Boehner has been paying visits to Wall Street bankers lately, trying to figure out how close the Congress can bring the government to hitting the debt ceiling before they all freak out and sell America to China.  Or, more likely, freak out and stop donating money to Republican candidates for national office.

    Ramona's picture

    The People's Budget: Yes Virginia, there are Decent Democrats

    The Republican budget will wreak havoc on hard-working Americans. They have proven, once again, their unwavering commitment to taking trillions of dollars from the pockets of the middle class and giving ever more generous windfalls to millionaires and large corporations. They want to throw seniors off Medicare. Their slash-and-burn tactics will throw hundreds of thousands of people out of work. They will eliminate health care for children and those with disabilities.
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Cut And Run?

    Krugman today captures the fear that's been gnawing at me all weekend about Obama.  I get that he's in a rough spot and I get that losing the House had serious consequences for our side of the debate.  I get that the President might have to give up $38 billion in spending that he didn't want to give up.

    But does he have to act like he's enjoying it?

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Blogger admits to having Masturbation problem

    MY OFFICE – Blogger William K. Wolfrum came out and admitted today what many had long suspected – that he has a masturbation problem.

    “Looking at it pragmatically, yes, I do have a problem,” said Wolfrum, unaware of the pun he was about to create. “When times get hard, I go to masturbation.”

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: Maine again. Gospel Teens, Homeless Artists, and all that's Rich

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: Maine again. Gospel Teens, Homeless Artists, and all that's Rich

    Oh, man! Maine's rookie Tea Party governor, Paul LePage can't get a break.  He's still getting all kinds of flack for taking down those nonessential murals showing nothing but the damned hoi polloi, but on top of that, he got word that 63% of the  mural was paid for by a Federal grant and the Feds aren't looking kindly on his hotshot actions.  Seems  he broke an essential clause in the contract that clearly stated he was supposed to notify people and give them a good reason for pulling those murals from those walls, and then those essential people would have to agree.   So if the Feds demand their money back at current market value, which would be higher now with all the attention, it's the taxpayers who would have to foot the bill.

    But once again, Big Business demands the action and the taxpayers get stuck.  Life just keeps imitating life.

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Will A Shutdown Happen Or Not?

    Yes, Because Democrats Stand Firm On Friday Morning's "Final Offer"
    43% (9 votes)
    Yes, Because Republicans Move Goalposts Again
    14% (3 votes)
    No, Because Democrats Cave On Planned Parenthood Issue
    14% (3 votes)
    No, Because Republicans Cave On Planned Parenthood Issue
    29% (6 votes)
    Total votes: 21
    Donal's picture

    Innovation Trough + update

    With new gizmos, drugs and financial instruments appearing all the time, it certainly seems like technical and scientific innovation continues fast and furious from the 20th century.

