The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Ramona's picture

    Bin Laden is Dead. Twitter scooped Everyone.

    It took me years to finally venture over to Twitter to see what all the fuss was about.  I was one of those who thought everything about it was silly, including and especially the name.  And what was with that 140 character limit?  Anything I wrote would be called a "Tweet".  Uugh.  No!

    Michael Maiello's picture

    Disturbed About Libya

    As already noted here at Dag, a NATO air strike killed Gadhafi's son and narrowly missed the dictator and his wife.  The way I see it, this isn't the war we were sold.  Weren't we told quite explicitly that Ghadhafi wasn't being personally targeted?

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Run, Donald, Run

    So, Barack Obama has given in to the birther lunatics -- or rather, to their enablers in the national press -- and released his long-form birth certificate. Which of course, won't stop the lunatic birthers. But it's not clear that Obama actually intends it to. This is in many ways a classic Obama move.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tell me about a good documentary

    I'm a documentary fan, and even with my other-worldly Internet research skills, I often come up dry when searching for a new documentary. Thus, I am creating this post where you, the reader, can tell me, the documentary watcher, what to watch.

    I'll give a list and some comments of some docs I've seen:

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father: I'm still in tears from this one.

    Ramona's picture

    FRIDAY FOLLIES: The Royal Wedding, of course.

    Thursday, April 28 10 PM:  Is anything else going on these days besides the Wedding of the Century, The marriage of Katherine ( Kate) Middleton and William (Will) Mountbatten-Windsor?  (This time the wedding of the century really is the wedding of the century--the century is young and until another big wedding comes along this is it.)

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Republicans' Medicare Blunder

    In town hall meetings being held across the country during Congress' two-week recess, American citizens are filling the ears of Republican legislators with objections to the party's budget plan, particularly proposed changes to Medicare that would replace direct coverage with subsidies for private insurance.

    Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pennsylvania, quoted in a New York Times article Tuesday, tried to play down the objections, but his explanation inadvertently exposed the flaw in his party's political strategy.

    Donal's picture

    Major Tornado Outbreak + Tuscaloosa Video

    Sheesh, they just broke into normal TV programming (Mythbusters) to advise us to seek shelter. A tornado in Baltimore? The worst seems to be around Alabama, but The Weather Channel says this could be the greatest outbreak of tornadoes in American history.

    [NOAA Alert text deleted]

    This climate change stuff is getting too real.

    2nd Update: On The Takeaway this morning, they said it was the worst outbreak of tornadoes in 40 years.

    Orlando's picture

    Malaysian Travel Journal: Cobra in the Kitchen

    Not my kitchen. If it had been my kitchen, I would have hightailed it right back to the city. As it is, I have been assured that, although a colleague found a "small" (4 to 5 foot) cobra in her kitchen, since I live on the third floor of a cement block building, snakes can't crawl up into my kitchen. Roaches, yes. Ants, definitely. Rats, possibly. Snakes, no. 

    So, I guess I can deal. But so ends my love affair with all things in the natural, jungle-y world. I still love the monkeys though!

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Obama releases long-form birth certificate: Birthers won't have any of it

    If President Barack Obama understood conspiracy theories, he wouldn't bother releasing a copy of his long-form birth certificate to placate Birthers. Because there's one thing you have to know about these types of conspiracies - facts just make them crazier and more loyal to the conspiracy.

    But Obama has sent out copies of his birth certificate already:

