by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Dear Dark Lord of the Sith, Dick Cheney;
How’s life out of politics going? Are you hanging out with your friends? You know, the ones from Haliburton who made millions of dollars off of the no bid contracts that you made sure they got in Iraq and Afghanistan. I bet war profiteering has done wonders for your social life, you must be the most popular guy around the country club – getting drinks bought for you and toasted at the social gala etc.
Some people would think that your willingness to corporatize the war making your old friends at Haliburton millions of dollars while American soldiers are being killed makes you a heartless bastard, but I don’t, I feel sorry for you. Because I know deep down inside you are just a scared little sissy who just wants a hug.
Dick, before you get offended, like most scared little sissys do, let me explain.
Iraq war profiteering aside, you’ve been making the rounds in the media declaring Obama is making America less safe by closing Guantanamo Bay and not pursuing the 1984-esque surveillance tactics that the Bush administration did. I don’t want to debate the validity of your claims; I don’t have the national security expertise to dissect these assertions, however, this attitude of keeping America safe and the Constitution and civil liberties be damned shows what a frightened little wuss you are.
I’m sorry to break this to you Trickier Dick, but America will never be safe. No matter how many draconian surveillance laws are enacted and no matter how much effort is put into national security, America will never be fully secure. Security is a fallacy and seeking it at any cost is foolish and indicative of a scaredy-cat.
There are too many targets for terrorists to attack. This is not to say that the government should not strive to protect the US; one of the basic responsibilities of government is to protect citizens from danger, but realize the task of making America 100% secure is futile and idiotic. Please, Dick, if you take nothing more away from this letter realize this: complete security is a logical impossibility.
With that being said, the question arises: What extent should the government go to to protect the populous? The answer to this question is indeed complex, but can found quite easily in the Constitution in the form of due process, the rule of law, and our civil liberties.
There is no other document that defines America more than the Constitution. The ideas contained therein are what makes America America: equality, justice, and most importantly, liberty. Because you are such a scared little wuss you helped pursue policies that attack these uniquely American ideas. You have done more to undermine the American way of life than many terrorists do by your deliberate attempt to quash liberty and justice.
Dick (figuratively and literally), you seem like a well educated guy. Do you remember the American patriot Patrick Henry? During the revolutionary era he famously remarked, “Give me liberty or give me death.” He didn’t just say that to be cute. He meant it. He would rather die than give up his liberty. Unlike you, he wasn’t afraid of the repercussions of living in a free society. He didn’t say, “Give me some liberty, but not too much, because I’m afraid of what will happen if I live in a country where the government’s big-brother-like security policies can’t protect me from the scary terrorists.” Patrick Henry realized that there is a price to pay for liberty, and sometimes that price is insecurity and consequently death.
You see, Dicky-boy, this country was founded on the idea that it is better die for the principles of equality, justice, and liberty than to live in a society that usurps the God given freedom bestowed upon its citizens. And yes, we are that serious about it. Death is preferable to allowing a petrified politician to take our freedom.
Darth Cheney, when you say Obama’s policies are making us less safe, I say “Thank goodness!” Because I would rather be less safe than less free. I’m sorry if you can’t wrap your frightened brain around that idea, but it’s the opinion of me, most other Americans, and certainly of our Founding Fathers.
So do me a favor, next time you feel like grandstanding about how dangerous it is to respect civil liberties and the Constitution have yourself a warm glass of shut-the-eff-up and shut the eff up. Stop being such a wuss.
Sincerely yours,
Larry S. Jankens
Dang it, Larry, the last thing I expect when I arrive at dagblog is a life size picture of Dick Cheney grinning at me. Talk about being scared - my hair uncurled!! I think it is more about the money than fear. The fear thing is just to whip the people in line. I wonder how many Americans know about the no bid cost plus contracts?
Anyway, nice letter. Can't wait for his reply.
by Bluesplashy on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 9:38pm
Nice letter, but a tad verbose. I've employed my red pen to mark it up a bit. After several rounds of editing, here's what I've got:
Dear Mr. Cheney:
Fuck you.
Sincerely, etc...
by Orlando on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 10:47pm
I had to shrink the photo. It was too scary. Now I'm going to have that nightmare again about getting shot full of pellets by Dick C with a big grin on his face.
by Michael Wolraich on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 11:24pm
I like this Jankens guy. You could learn a lot from him, Genghis.
Maybe he even holds tutorials. I'd recommend you take "Intelligent Argument Without Using Snark 101," and maybe leave "Manners 001" for later. Besides, Orlando's already got him locked up for Manners tutorials from here out the ying-yang. (See how we used "ying-yang" there? That was called, "Being polite while also avoiding that psychotic censoring bastard A-man. BTW. How long do you think Orlando's "Fuck you" is gonna hang out there? Personally, I was disturbed. That girl is a swear*r, Genghis. No way round it.)
Anyway, why doesn't Jankens change his middle initial? What's that all about? Why in the hell be LSJ when you could be LBJ? Or is the "S." just a short version of some complex American names like, ohhh, just guessing here, "Brad?" Or maybe "Biff?"
Did you see DF arguing on that other thread? That guy slammed him with a "per adventure." Personally, I have a rule around that sort of occasion. When the conversation falls to the level of that sort of "per adventure" gutter-talk, I step outside for a smoke. It gives me a chance to pause, reflect, reconsider my position. And if the guy I'm arguing with comes out and happens to ask me for a smoke, well, see, that's my chance to dose him with lighter fluid and set him on fire. Sometimes things work out nice that way. You might want to suggest it to DF. No offense to Hal, but he did use that '"per adventure" thing.
By the way. I DID like LBJ's line about how you can't be safe. There are obvious jokes here, but the fact I'm avoiding them should prove my sincerity. Although the one about "the truck-driver, and the girl from Indiana and the edible condom" pretty much springs spontaneously to mind, doesn't it?
In conclusion. Whenever I think of Cheney, I find I think of this song, from Symbol Guy. Something about the 426 orgasms in it.
by quinn esq on Sat, 04/25/2009 - 1:22am
Thanks for fixing the photo G.
by Bluesplashy on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 3:08am
by Larry Jankens on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 12:31am