I left the GOP because of how the party treats women of color. But I’ve never seen anything like this.
By Sophia Nelson @ Politico Magazine, Oct. 26
[....] I was inspired to join the party when I heard Jack Kemp give a speech on my college campus in 1988 about what it meant to be a true Republican. Kemp understood that if the GOP he loved did not begin to embrace people of color and offer devastated urban communities a way to wealth, opportunity and prosperity, it would fade to nothing, eventually losing its voters, and its soul.
Unfortunately, most of my time in the GOP was spent watching it move away from Kemp’s vision. I saw the party become more and more monolithically white, Southern, conservative and reactionary. I saw good African-Americans work faithfully in the party apparatus only to be blackballed, run out or passed over for promotions time and time again. Personally, I watched my good friends like Kellyanne Conway and Paul Ryan (who both started when I did) excel and be given opportunities to rise, while my career and others like me seemed to stall. And so I left and went into the private sector [.....]