by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Progressive ideals running into the reality of continual jacked-up impediments. But here's where we run into the "I want it now" Veruca Salts. Are they in government? Are they citizens? Or are they just everywhere? Leave no good idea unstoned.
The out-to-lunch Libertarian presidential candidate said Sunday he was glad “nobody got hurt” in a New York City bombing and Minnesota stabbing that left dozens of people injured. Sleepy brained Gary Johnson could be even dumber than Trump. Not an easy feat. Note the CNN host does not correct Johnson or inform him that people were wounded in both Minnesota and NYC.
This will be put in the "ignore" pile by most mainstream media, but it really shouldn't be. While all the fuss is about the Clinton Foundation and what foreign governments, etc. might expect in return for large donations, the far more dangerous question is how Trump's business ties might affect his policies if he becomes President.
I put this in the "necessary reading" category.
@joshtpm on Trump's birther BS: "Hillary Clinton didn't start birtherism. That's a flat out lie."
I really hope Obama responds.
Wherever she went in the camp, Stein met protesters who described hard lives on impoverished reservations. Many said they have so little that the prospect of spending the coming North Dakota winter in a tent here would not deter them, because it was much like the poorly heated, poorly provisioned winter they faced back home.
Stein, in contrast, was raised in comfort. Born in 1950, the third of four children, she spent her first 18 years in Highland Park, Ill., the granddaughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, the daughter of a lawyer and a stay-at-home mom (the term then was “housewife”), part of a generation that believed it could change the world.
2 Americas, 3 demographics. Hillary's been focused on the Adorables, and shunning the Deplorables, but where's the reacharound for the Plorables? Now that we have a name for them (nope, it's not the 5th TeleTubby), it's time to have a meet and greet, an accommodation, a No Plorable Left Behind moment. Kennedy set us to putting a man on the moon and launched the Peace Corps to save the world - can Hillary bring the Plorables back into the fold? Can we all be one big happy family? I'm willing to give it a go - where do we sign up?
Calling Karl Marx - what was that about controlling the levers of production? well sorry, someone else owns it before you even create it. TPP? it would extend that to the rest of the world. Just sayin'.
I hear Bernie is still pretty spry....jus' sayin' (shit, I am so fed up with her obsessive/compulsive ass, I'd welcome a Biden intervention....)
Clearly the press is not up to the task and the electorate is the loser here.
Public Disservice: The Media And Hillary Clinton
Stop the transgender rape at NCAA bathrooms! Not that any have ever happened! North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said "NCAA's action sends a message to every female athlete and female fan attending their events that their privacy and security in a bathroom, shower or locker room isn't worth the price of a ticket to a ballgame." He then lumps the NCAA and NBA IN WITH...HOLLYWOOD! "The line has now been drawn in the sand, first by Hollywood, now by the NBA and NCAA, either accept their 'progressive sexual agenda' or pay the price...." What happened to dissing Bruce Springsteen? I would trust The Boss over any huckster Republican ANY F***ing day on any question Mr. Lt Gov.
On Monday, Donald Trump said that Janet Yellen is keeping interest rates low so that the stock market won’t crash — and that she should be “ashamed of herself” for doing so.
Yes, we're back in 1980's thriller land. Hillary fell, and her replacement's a porn star.
Or maybe a Stepford wife - Bill swapped her out for a robot that knows how to make great martinis or Manhattans, depending on your pleasure.
If there's a year for crop circles, this is it.
As much as who can woo the disabled vote, with a figure like 1 in 6 of voters being disabled, there's an imbalance in who's likely to assist them after the election. Will they vote that way?
(prev version disappeared)
The NFL would much rather deal with protests about police violence than Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on the field - even if it's outrageous intentional flying leaps to to the head to damage a promising young black quarterback in the prime of his career. Of course linemen largely face worse, whatever color. Brady though would be untouchable - some things are just off limits.
The Obama administration halted vital work on a huge oil pipeline in North Dakota on Friday, handing a victory to tribal and environmental activists who have staged a growing protest portraying the $3.7 billion project as the successor to the vanquished Keystone XL.
And also, too:
Government asks for pause in construction of part of North Dakota pipeline amid protests
US government halts oil pipeline opposed by Native Americans
An arrest warrant has been issued in North Dakota for Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman. Goodman was charged with criminal trespassing, a misdemeanor offense. A team from Democracy Now! was in North Dakota last week to cover the Native American-led protests against the Dakota Access pipeline.
The images here are products of two disasters: one natural, one wholly not. Lieutenant Redpath kept his negatives from ground zero in his basement art studio. When Hurricane Sandy bore down on the Rockaways in 2012, he moved them to a higher shelf to be safe. Within hours, the water was up to the ceiling. “It all happened so fast,” he said. “You just grabbed whatever was in sight. Unfortunately, the negatives weren’t one of them.”
Otherworldly stunning.
Mark Cuban says to hit Trump where his ego hurts - that school daddy's millions paid for? Obviously skipped English class bunches. As John Goodman said in the Big Lebowski (over and over), "Shut the fuck up, Donnie"
ITT Tech died.
I made fun of their ads for years?
Hell this institution might have helped some folks, I really do not know.
But this notice just got to me in light of the Trump University crap.
Fat lot of good it does now, though I suppose they think it will (re)establish their legitimacy ... a page out of the NYT's playbook.
With stabilizing sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, climate forecasters announced Thursday that they have canceled the La Niña watch that had been in effect since April.
The diminished likelihood of a La Niña event starting this fall and lasting into the winter has ramifications far beyond the Pacific, including how the Atlantic hurricane season may evolve along with U.S. winter weather patterns.
Importantly, it also means there will not be a natural brake placed on the planet's increasing fever, fed by human-caused global warming.
A sheriff's department in North Dakota is investigating possible charges against the U.S. Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, for damaging equipment during protests on Tuesday over construction of an oil pipeline.
Stein was part of a group protesting the Dakota Access pipeline and spray-painted construction equipment, the Morton County Sheriff's Department said. Stein does not dispute the account.
On Morning Joe Johnson whiffed "What's Aleppo?". Then the NY fuckin' Times byline "reporter", Alan Rappaport showed his own ass by writing in such fashion as to require the following corrections subsequently:
Correction: September 8, 2016
An earlier version of this article misidentified the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It is Raqqa, in northern Syria, not Aleppo.
Correction: September 8, 2016
An earlier version of the above correction misidentified the Syrian capital as Aleppo. It is Damascus.